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  • A working Kubernetes cluster
  • kubectl and helm on the client system that you will use to install our Helm charts

Installing Plane

  1. Open Terminal or any other command-line app that has access to Kubernetes tools on your local system.

  2. Add Helm Repo

    helm repo add makeplane
  3. Set-up and customization

    • Quick set-up
      This is the fastest way to deploy Plane with default settings. This will create stateful deployments for Postgres, Rabbitmq, Redis, and Minio with a persistent volume claim using the default storage class. This also sets up the ingress routes for you using nginx ingress class.

      To customize this, see Custom ingress routes below.

      Continue to be on the same Terminal window as you have so far, copy the code below, and paste it on your Terminal screen.

        helm upgrade --install plane-app makeplane/plane-ce \
            --create-namespace \
            --namespace plane-ce \
            --set planeVersion=stable \
            --set ingress.appHost="" \
            --set ingress.minioHost="" \
            --set ingress.rabbitmqHost="" \
            --set ingress.ingressClass=nginx \
            --timeout 10m \
            --wait \

      This is the basic setup required for Plane-CE. You can customize the default values for namespace and appname as needed. Additional settings can be configured by referring to the Configuration Settings section.

      Using a Custom StorageClass

      To specify a custom StorageClass for Plane-CE components, add the following options to the above helm upgrade --install command:

      --set postgres.storageClass=<your-storageclass-name>
      --set redis.storageClass=<your-storageclass-name>
      --set minio.storageClass=<your-storageclass-name>
      --set rabbitmq.storageClass=<your-storageclass-name>
    • Advance set-up
      For more control over your set-up, run the script below to download the values.yaml file and and edit using any editor like Vim or Nano.

      helm  show values makeplane/plane-ce > values.yaml
      vi values.yaml

      See Available customizations for more details.

      After saving the values.yaml file, continue to be on the same Terminal window as on the previous steps, copy the code below, and paste it on your Terminal screen.

      helm upgrade --install plane-app makeplane/plane-ce \
          --create-namespace \
          --namespace plane-ce \
          -f values.yaml \
          --timeout 10m \
          --wait \

Configuration Settings Available

Plane Version

Setting Default Required Description
planeVersion stable Yes

Postgress DB Setup

Setting Default Required Description
postgres.local_setup true Plane uses postgres as the primary database to store all the transactional data. This database can be hosted within kubernetes as part of helm chart deployment or can be used as hosted service remotely (e.g. aws rds or similar services). Set this to true when you choose to setup stateful deployment of postgres. Mark it as false when using a remotely hosted database
postgres.image postgres:15.7-alpine Using this key, user must provide the docker image name to setup the stateful deployment of postgres. (must be set when postgres.local_setup=true)
postgres.pullPolicy IfNotPresent Using this key, user can set the pull policy for the stateful deployment of postgres. (must be set when postgres.local_setup=true)
postgres.servicePort 5432 This key sets the default port number to be used while setting up stateful deployment of postgres.
postgres.volumeSize 5Gi While setting up the stateful deployment, while creating the persistant volume, volume allocation size need to be provided. This key helps you set the volume allocation size. Unit of this value must be in Mi (megabyte) or Gi (gigabyte)
env.pgdb_username plane Database credentials are requried to access the hosted stateful deployment of postgres. Use this key to set the username for the stateful deployment.
env.pgdb_password plane Database credentials are requried to access the hosted stateful deployment of postgres. Use this key to set the password for the stateful deployment.
env.pgdb_name plane Database name to be used while setting up stateful deployment of Postgres
env.pgdb_remote_url Users can also decide to use the remote hosted database and link to Plane deployment. Ignoring all the above keys, set postgres.local_setup to false and set this key with remote connection url.
postgres.storageClass <k8s-default-storage-class> Creating the persitant volumes for the stateful deployments needs the storageClass name. Set the correct value as per your kubernetes cluster configuration.
postgres.assign_cluster_ip false Set it to true if you want to assign ClusterIP to the service

Redis/Valkey Setup

Setting Default Required Description
redis.local_setup true Plane uses redis to cache the session authentication and other static data. This database can be hosted within kubernetes as part of helm chart deployment or can be used as hosted service remotely (e.g. aws rds or similar services). Set this to true when you choose to setup stateful deployment of redis. Mark it as false when using a remotely hosted database
redis.image valkey/valkey:7.2.5-alpine Using this key, user must provide the docker image name to setup the stateful deployment of redis. (must be set when redis.local_setup=true)
redis.pullPolicy IfNotPresent Using this key, user can set the pull policy for the stateful deployment of redis. (must be set when redis.local_setup=true)
redis.servicePort 6379 This key sets the default port number to be used while setting up stateful deployment of redis.
redis.volumeSize 1Gi While setting up the stateful deployment, while creating the persistant volume, volume allocation size need to be provided. This key helps you set the volume allocation size. Unit of this value must be in Mi (megabyte) or Gi (gigabyte)
env.remote_redis_url Users can also decide to use the remote hosted database and link to Plane deployment. Ignoring all the above keys, set redis.local_setup to false and set this key with remote connection url.
redis.storageClass <k8s-default-storage-class> Creating the persitant volumes for the stateful deployments needs the storageClass name. Set the correct value as per your kubernetes cluster configuration.
redis.assign_cluster_ip false Set it to true if you want to assign ClusterIP to the service

RabbitMQ Setup

Setting Default Required Description
rabbitmq.local_setup true Plane uses rabbitmq as message queuing system. This can be hosted within kubernetes as part of helm chart deployment or can be used as hosted service remotely (e.g. aws mq or similar services). Set this to true when you choose to setup stateful deployment of rabbitmq. Mark it as false when using a remotely hosted service
rabbitmq.image rabbitmq:3.13.6-management-alpine Using this key, user must provide the docker image name to setup the stateful deployment of rabbitmq. (must be set when rabbitmq.local_setup=true)
rabbitmq.pullPolicy IfNotPresent Using this key, user can set the pull policy for the stateful deployment of rabbitmq. (must be set when rabbitmq.local_setup=true)
rabbitmq.servicePort 5672 This key sets the default port number to be used while setting up stateful deployment of rabbitmq.
rabbitmq.managementPort 15672 This key sets the default management port number to be used while setting up stateful deployment of rabbitmq.
rabbitmq.volumeSize 100Mi While setting up the stateful deployment, while creating the persistant volume, volume allocation size need to be provided. This key helps you set the volume allocation size. Unit of this value must be in Mi (megabyte) or Gi (gigabyte)
rabbitmq.storageClass <k8s-default-storage-class> Creating the persitant volumes for the stateful deployments needs the storageClass name. Set the correct value as per your kubernetes cluster configuration.
rabbitmq.default_user plane Credentials are requried to access the hosted stateful deployment of rabbitmq. Use this key to set the username for the stateful deployment.
rabbitmq.default_password plane Credentials are requried to access the hosted stateful deployment of rabbitmq. Use this key to set the password for the stateful deployment.
rabbitmq.assign_cluster_ip false Set it to true if you want to assign ClusterIP to the service
rabbitmq.external_rabbitmq_url Users can also decide to use the remote hosted service and link to Plane deployment. Ignoring all the above keys, set rabbitmq.local_setup to false and set this key with remote connection url.

Doc Store (Minio/S3) Setup

Setting Default Required Description
minio.local_setup true Plane uses minio as the default file storage drive. This storage can be hosted within kubernetes as part of helm chart deployment or can be used as hosted service remotely (e.g. aws S3 or similar services). Set this to true when you choose to setup stateful deployment of postgres. Mark it as false when using a remotely hosted database
minio.image minio/minio:latest Using this key, user must provide the docker image name to setup the stateful deployment of minio. (must be set when minio.local_setup=true)
minio.image_mc minio/mc:latest Using this key, user must provide the docker image name to setup the job deployment of minio client. (must be set when services.minio.local_setup=true)
minio.pullPolicy IfNotPresent Using this key, user can set the pull policy for the stateful deployment of minio. (must be set when minio.local_setup=true)
minio.volumeSize 5Gi While setting up the stateful deployment, while creating the persistant volume, volume allocation size need to be provided. This key helps you set the volume allocation size. Unit of this value must be in Mi (megabyte) or Gi (gigabyte)
minio.root_user admin Storage credentials are requried to access the hosted stateful deployment of minio. Use this key to set the username for the stateful deployment.
minio.root_password password Storage credentials are requried to access the hosted stateful deployment of minio. Use this key to set the password for the stateful deployment.
minio.env.minio_endpoint_ssl false (Optional) Env to enforce HTTPS when connecting to minio uploads bucket
env.docstore_bucket uploads Yes Storage bucket name is required as part of configuration. This is where files will be uploaded irrespective of if you are using Minio or external S3 (or compatible) storage service
env.doc_upload_size_limit 5242880 Yes Document Upload Size Limit (default to 5Mb)
env.aws_access_key External S3 (or compatible) storage service provides access key for the application to connect and do the necessary upload/download operations. To be provided when minio.local_setup=false
env.aws_secret_access_key External S3 (or compatible) storage service provides secret access key for the application to connect and do the necessary upload/download operations. To be provided when minio.local_setup=false
env.aws_region External S3 (or compatible) storage service providers creates any buckets in user selected region. This is also shared with the user as region for the application to connect and do the necessary upload/download operations. To be provided when minio.local_setup=false
env.aws_s3_endpoint_url External S3 (or compatible) storage service providers shares a endpoint_url for the integration purpose for the application to connect and do the necessary upload/download operations. To be provided when minio.local_setup=false
minio.storageClass <k8s-default-storage-class> Creating the persitant volumes for the stateful deployments needs the storageClass name. Set the correct value as per your kubernetes cluster configuration.
minio.assign_cluster_ip false Set it to true if you want to assign ClusterIP to the service

Web Deployment

Setting Default Required Description
web.replicas 1 Yes Kubernetes helps you with scaling up/down the deployments. You can run 1 or more pods for each deployment. This key helps you setting up number of replicas you want to run for this deployment. It must be >=1
web.memoryLimit 1000Mi Every deployment in kubernetes can be set to use maximum memory they are allowed to use. This key sets the memory limit for this deployment to use.
web.cpuLimit 500m Every deployment in kubernetes can be set to use maximum cpu they are allowed to use. This key sets the cpu limit for this deployment to use.
web.image makeplane/plane-frontend This deployment needs a preconfigured docker image to function. Docker image name is provided by the owner and must not be changed for this deployment
web.pullPolicy Always Using this key, user can set the pull policy for the deployment of web.
web.assign_cluster_ip false Set it to true if you want to assign ClusterIP to the service

Space Deployment

Setting Default Required Description
space.replicas 1 Yes Kubernetes helps you with scaling up/down the deployments. You can run 1 or more pods for each deployment. This key helps you setting up number of replicas you want to run for this deployment. It must be >=1
space.memoryLimit 1000Mi Every deployment in kubernetes can be set to use maximum memory they are allowed to use. This key sets the memory limit for this deployment to use.
space.cpuLimit 500m Every deployment in kubernetes can be set to use maximum cpu they are allowed to use. This key sets the cpu limit for this deployment to use.
space.image makeplane/plane-space This deployment needs a preconfigured docker image to function. Docker image name is provided by the owner and must not be changed for this deployment
space.pullPolicy Always Using this key, user can set the pull policy for the deployment of space.
space.assign_cluster_ip false Set it to true if you want to assign ClusterIP to the service

Admin Deployment

Setting Default Required Description
admin.replicas 1 Yes Kubernetes helps you with scaling up/down the deployments. You can run 1 or more pods for each deployment. This key helps you setting up number of replicas you want to run for this deployment. It must be >=1
admin.memoryLimit 1000Mi Every deployment in kubernetes can be set to use maximum memory they are allowed to use. This key sets the memory limit for this deployment to use.
admin.cpuLimit 500m Every deployment in kubernetes can be set to use maximum cpu they are allowed to use. This key sets the cpu limit for this deployment to use.
admin.image makeplane/plane-admin This deployment needs a preconfigured docker image to function. Docker image name is provided by the owner and must not be changed for this deployment
admin.pullPolicy Always Using this key, user can set the pull policy for the deployment of admin.
admin.assign_cluster_ip false Set it to true if you want to assign ClusterIP to the service

Live Service Deployment

Setting Default Required Description
live.replicas 1 Yes Kubernetes helps you with scaling up/down the deployments. You can run 1 or more pods for each deployment. This key helps you setting up number of replicas you want to run for this deployment. It must be >=1
live.memoryLimit 1000Mi Every deployment in kubernetes can be set to use maximum memory they are allowed to use. This key sets the memory limit for this deployment to use.
live.cpuLimit 500m Every deployment in kubernetes can be set to use maximum cpu they are allowed to use. This key sets the cpu limit for this deployment to use.
live.image makeplane/plane-live This deployment needs a preconfigured docker image to function. Docker image name is provided by the owner and must not be changed for this deployment
live.pullPolicy Always Using this key, user can set the pull policy for the deployment of live.
env.live_sentry_dsn (optional) Live service deployment comes with some of the preconfigured integration. Sentry is one among those. Here user can set the Sentry provided DSN for this integration.
env.live_sentry_environment (optional) Live service deployment comes with some of the preconfigured integration. Sentry is one among those. Here user can set the Sentry environment name (as configured in Sentry) for this integration.
env.live_sentry_traces_sample_rate (optional) Live service deployment comes with some of the preconfigured integration. Sentry is one among those. Here user can set the Sentry trace sample rate (as configured in Sentry) for this integration.
live.assign_cluster_ip false Set it to true if you want to assign ClusterIP to the service

API Deployment

Setting Default Required Description
api.replicas 1 Yes Kubernetes helps you with scaling up/down the deployments. You can run 1 or more pods for each deployment. This key helps you setting up number of replicas you want to run for this deployment. It must be >=1
api.memoryLimit 1000Mi Every deployment in kubernetes can be set to use maximum memory they are allowed to use. This key sets the memory limit for this deployment to use.
api.cpuLimit 500m Every deployment in kubernetes can be set to use maximum cpu they are allowed to use. This key sets the cpu limit for this deployment to use.
api.image makeplane/plane-backend This deployment needs a preconfigured docker image to function. Docker image name is provided by the owner and must not be changed for this deployment
api.pullPolicy Always Using this key, user can set the pull policy for the deployment of api.
env.sentry_dsn (optional) API service deployment comes with some of the preconfigured integration. Sentry is one among those. Here user can set the Sentry provided DSN for this integration.
env.sentry_environment (optional) API service deployment comes with some of the preconfigured integration. Sentry is one among those. Here user can set the Sentry environment name (as configured in Sentry) for this integration.
env.api_key_rate_limit 60/minute (optional) User can set the maximum number of requests the API can handle in a given time frame.
api.assign_cluster_ip false Set it to true if you want to assign ClusterIP to the service

Worker Deployment

Setting Default Required Description
worker.replicas 1 Yes Kubernetes helps you with scaling up/down the deployments. You can run 1 or more pods for each deployment. This key helps you setting up number of replicas you want to run for this deployment. It must be >=1
worker.memoryLimit 1000Mi Every deployment in kubernetes can be set to use maximum memory they are allowed to use. This key sets the memory limit for this deployment to use.
worker.cpuLimit 500m Every deployment in kubernetes can be set to use maximum cpu they are allowed to use. This key sets the cpu limit for this deployment to use.
worker.image makeplane/plane-backend This deployment needs a preconfigured docker image to function. Docker image name is provided by the owner and must not be changed for this deployment

Beat-Worker deployment

Setting Default Required Description
beatworker.replicas 1 Yes Kubernetes helps you with scaling up/down the deployments. You can run 1 or more pods for each deployment. This key helps you setting up number of replicas you want to run for this deployment. It must be >=1
beatworker.memoryLimit 1000Mi Every deployment in kubernetes can be set to use maximum memory they are allowed to use. This key sets the memory limit for this deployment to use.
beatworker.cpuLimit 500m Every deployment in kubernetes can be set to use maximum cpu they are allowed to use. This key sets the cpu limit for this deployment to use.
beatworker.image makeplane/plane-backend This deployment needs a preconfigured docker image to function. Docker image name is provided by the owner and must not be changed for this deployment

Ingress and SSL Setup

Setting Default Required Description
ingress.enabled true Ingress setup in kubernetes is a common practice to expose application to the intended audience. Set it to false if you are using external ingress providers like Cloudflare
ingress.appHost Yes The fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) in the format sudomain.domain.tld or domain.tld that the license is bound to. It is also attached to your ingress host to access Plane.
ingress.minioHost Based on above configuration, if you want to expose the minio web console to set of users, use this key to set the host mapping or leave it as EMPTY to not expose interface.
ingress.rabbitmqHost Based on above configuration, if you want to expose the rabbitmq web console to set of users, use this key to set the host mapping or leave it as EMPTY to not expose interface.
ingress.ingressClass nginx Yes Kubernetes cluster setup comes with various options of ingressClass. Based on your setup, set this value to the right one (eg. nginx, traefik, etc). Leave it to default in case you are using external ingress provider.
ingress.ingress_annotations { "": "5m" } Ingress controllers comes with various configuration options which can be passed as annotations. Setting this value lets you change the default value to user required.
ssl.createIssuer false Kubernets cluster setup supports creating issuer type resource. After deployment, this is step towards creating secure access to the ingress url. Issuer is required for you generate SSL certifiate. Kubernetes can be configured to use any of the certificate authority to generate SSL (depending on CertManager configuration). Set it to true to create the issuer. Applicable only when ingress.enabled=true
ssl.issuer http CertManager configuration allows user to create issuers using http or any of the other DNS Providers like cloudflare, digitalocean, etc. As of now Plane supports http, cloudflare, digitalocean
ssl.token To create issuers using DNS challenge, set the issuer api token of dns provider like cloudflareordigitalocean`(not required for http)
ssl.server Issuer creation configuration need the certificate generation authority server url. Default URL is the Let's Encrypt server [email protected] Certificate generation authority needs a valid email id before generating certificate. Required when ssl.createIssuer=true
ssl.generateCerts false After creating the issuers, user can still not create the certificate untill sure of configuration. Setting this to true will try to generate SSL certificate and associate with ingress. Applicable only when ingress.enabled=true and ssl.createIssuer=true

Common Environment Settings

Setting Default Required Description
env.secret_key 60gp0byfz2dvffa45cxl20p1scy9xbpf6d8c5y0geejgkyp1b5 Yes This must a random string which is used for hashing/encrypting the sensitive data within the application. Once set, changing this might impact the already hashed/encrypted data
env.default_cluster_domain cluster.local Yes Set this value as configured in your kubernetes cluster. cluster.local is usally the default in most cases.

External Secrets Config

To configure the external secrets for your application, you need to define specific environment variables for each secret category. Below is a list of the required secrets and their respective environment variables.

Secret Name Env Var Name Required Description Example Value
rabbitmq_existingSecret RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER Required if rabbitmq.local_setup=true The default RabbitMQ user plane
RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS Required if rabbitmq.local_setup=true The default RabbitMQ password plane
pgdb_existingSecret POSTGRES_PASSWORD Required if postgres.local_setup=true Password for PostgreSQL database plane
POSTGRES_DB Required if postgres.local_setup=true Name of the PostgreSQL database plane
POSTGRES_USER Required if postgres.local_setup=true PostgreSQL user plane
doc_store_existingSecret USE_MINIO Yes Flag to enable MinIO as the storage backend 1
MINIO_ROOT_USER Yes MinIO root user admin
MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD Yes MinIO root password password
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID Yes AWS Access Key ID your_aws_key
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY Yes AWS Secret Access Key your_aws_secret
AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME Yes AWS S3 Bucket Name your_bucket_name
AWS_S3_ENDPOINT_URL Yes Endpoint URL for AWS S3 or MinIO http://plane-minio.plane-ns.svc.cluster.local:9000
AWS_REGION Optional AWS region where your S3 bucket is located your_aws_region
FILE_SIZE_LIMIT Yes Limit for file uploads in your system 5MB
app_env_existingSecret SECRET_KEY Yes Random secret key 60gp0byfz2dvffa45cxl20p1scy9xbpf6d8c5y0geejgkyp1b5
REDIS_URL Yes Redis URL redis://plane-redis.plane-ns.svc.cluster.local:6379/
DATABASE_URL Yes PostgreSQL connection URL k8s service example: postgresql://plane:[email protected]:5432/plane

external service example: postgresql://username:password@your-db-host:5432/plane
AMQP_URL Yes RabbitMQ connection URL k8s service example: amqp://plane:[email protected]:5672/

external service example: amqp://username:password@your-rabbitmq-host:5672/
live_env_existingSecret REDIS_URL Yes Redis URL redis://plane-redis.plane-ns.svc.cluster.local:6379/

Custom Ingress Routes

If you are planning to use 3rd party ingress providers, here is the available route configuration

Host Path Service Required / http://plane-app-web.plane:3000 Yes /spaces/* http://plane-app-space.plane:3000 Yes /god-mode/* http://plane-app-admin.plane:3000 Yes /live/* http://plane-app-live.plane:3000 Yes /api/* http://plane-app-api.plane:8000 Yes /auth/* http://plane-app-api.plane:8000 Yes /uploads/* http://plane-app-minio.plane:9000 Yes (Only if using local setup) / http://plane-app-minio.plane:9090 (Optional) if using local setup, this will enable minio console access / http://plane-app-rabbitmq.plane:15672 (Optional) if using local setup, this will enable management console access