- HTTP request/response cycle
- Backend rendering
- Templates + Layouts + Partials
- Cookies + Session + Auth
- CommonJS Modules
- NPM Packages
- MVC Pattern
- Document DBs + Data modelling
let and const
- MDN let
- MDN const
- MDN temporal dead zone
- block scoped
- no leaking vars from for loops, including the the iterator var(s)
- shadowing now also happens with blocks
- const
- value can't change
const num = 42; num++ // ERROR
- if object can be mofiied (just no reassigned)
const person = {name: 'Joe'}; person.name = 'Joan'; // OK
const person = {name: 'Joe'}; person = {name: 'Joan'}; // ERROR
- same for arrays (remeber: arrays are objects) or any other object
const names = ['Joe']; names.push('Joan') // OK
const names = ['Joe']; names = []; // ERROR
arrow functions
- MDN Arrow Functions
- have no context
- no more self = this;
- arrow functions everywhere, especially as callbacks
- single line arrow functions (no brackets, implicit return)
const addNumbers = (n1, n2) => n1 + n2;
- multi line, require return statement
const addRandom = (num) => { const random = Math.random(); return num + random; }
- returning an object from single line arrow function: use ()
const makePerson = (name, age) => ({name: name, age: age});
- MDN Classes
- methods
- inheritance with
class Foo extends Bar
spread syntax
- MDN Spread Syntax
- spread operator ...arr
- inserting elements into an array
var parts = ['shoulders', 'knees'];
var lyrics = ['head', ...parts, 'and', 'toes'];
- concatenating
arr1 = [...arr1, ...arr2];
- copy an array
arr1 = [...arr2];
- object shortcuts (implicit value)
- template (and multiline) strings
- default values for function parameters
- array method examples
- string method examples
- instead of
do((err, result) => {});
do().then(result => { ... handle result ... }).catch(err => { ... handle error ... })
- instead of
promise as a variable
const promiseToDoSomething = doSomething()
- can be passed around
- can be stored, useful for accessing unresolved/cached results with only one (async) syntax
late binding
- binding after the promise has been resolved/rejected still possible
- then/catch will still be invoked
multiple binding
promiseToDoSomething.then(result => { ...do things... })
promiseToDoSomething.then(result => { ...do more things... })
chaining results
- return value of
callback is given as argument to the chained.then()
callback do1().then(resultOfDo1 => do2(resultOfDo1)).then(resultOfDo2 => { ... })
- return value of
synchronizing parallel work
- given array of promises
- wait for all to resolve
Promise.all(promises).then(results => { /* array with resolve values of all promises, in same order */ })
- wait for the first to resolve
Promise.race(promises).then(result => { /* result is the resolve value of the first promise to resolve */ })
DRY error handling
do1().then(result1 => do2()).then(result2 => do3()).catch(err => /* { err is from do1(), do2() OR do3() */ });
creating a function that returns a promise
const doSomething = function () { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // call resolve(value) when you have the result // call reject(error) or throw new Error('error') }); };
creating pre-resolved/pre-rejected promises
const resolved = Promise.resolve(value);
const rejected = Promise.reject(error);
- LU
- refactoring
- short lines
- small functions
- use arrow functions
- variables and functions
- use const always
- use let when const not possible
- don't use var anymore
- OO
- small classes
- small methods _ this._privateData
- _doPricateThing()
- Promises
- always use when available
- always catch
runtime environment for running javascript in the backend (v8 engine)
app can be an http server (runs "forever")
runs javascript, same as browser (but no window, no DOM)
start apps with "node app.js"
node callbacks convection (err, result) => { ... }
has some built-in modules like
- every js file is a module
- every file has it's own scope (no global scope)
- npm packages are also modules
- for our files:
- in
, to define what it exportsmodule.exports = ...
- in another file use relative path to require it
const mymodule = require('./folder/mymodule')
- in
- for npm packages:
- const express = require('express')
- http://npmjs.org
- npm init (new projects only)
- npm install (after cloning existing project)
- npm install --save package-name
- npm install --save-dev package-name
- npm install -g package-name (may require sudo)
- package.json (every node project needs one)
- always add "node_modules" to .gitignore
- "scripts" are shortcuts
- "dependencies" are the packages the project needs to be executed
- "devDependencies" are the packages the developers need to work on the project
"scripts": {
"start": "node app.js",
"start-dev": "nodemon --inspect app.js"
- npm install -g nodemon
- nodemon --inspect app.js
- in package.json scripts
- "start": "nodemon app.js"
- "start-dev": "nodemon --inspect app.js"
- LU
- request + response = request/response cycle
- request = headers + body (optional)
- response = status + headers + body (optional)
- cookies
- httponly
- secure
- url
- fragment is never sent to the server
- method: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE and others
- status codes:
- 2xx - success (e.g. 200 OK, 204 No Content)
- 3xx - redirection (e.g. 301 moved permanently)
- used with response header
Location: http://....
indicating where it moved too
- used with response header
- 4xx - user error (e.g.: 404 not found, 401 not authorized)
- 5xx - server error (e.g.: 500 internal error, 504 timeout)
- http server framework
- pipeline of middlewares, followed by routes
- docs
- npm install -g express-generator
- express my-project --view=hbs --git
- add start-dev to package.json scripts
- add launcher.json
- add .eslintrc.json (eslint --init)
- git init
- add .gitignore with node_modules
- add our error handling snippets to app.js
router.get('/foo/bar/baz', (req, res, next) => { .... });
- authorize, validate, perform actions, render/redirect
- GET routes: render or redirect
- POST routes: always redirect
- req
- GET/POSTreq.path
- key/values of all headers sent from browserreq.body
key/values of all data from POST bodyreq.params
key/values of path placeholders (/product/:productId/reviews/:reviewId
key/values of query string (/products/search?page=2&sort=price
- res
- set the status ccode of the responseres.send('<h1>some text</h1>')
- just responde with a stringres.redirect('/some/path')
- send a 302 response with a location (start with/
to make it an absolute path)res.render('template-name', data)
- if data contains.events
, you can use{{#each events}}
in the templateres.json(data)
- send JSON data, will also set the headerContent-type: application/json
res.set('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
- set custom headers
- next
- call
to serve a 404 - call
to serve a 500 and log the error
- call
- use expression session (see snippet)
- 2x routes for login (get & post)
- 2x routes for signup (get & post)
- use post for logout
- signup:
req.session.currentUser = newUser
- login:
req.session.currentUser = user
- logout:
delete req.session.currentUser
- user in views:
req.locals.user = req.session.currentUser
- config (see snippet)
- serialize
- deserialize
- use(new Strategy)
- app.use(...);
- app.use(...);
- req.login(newUser)
- req.logout()
- if (!req.user) { ... }
- if (!req.isAuthenticated()) { ... }
- order matters, middlewares before routes, 404 at the end
- separate your routes by prefix (e.g. '/auth', '/beers', ...)
- POST routes
- check for authorization (e.g.
if (req.session.currentUser) ...
- always validate the POST body (e.g.
if (!req.body.username) ....
- always
- check for authorization (e.g.
- GET routes
- check for authorization (e.g.
if (req.session.currentUser) ...
- when loading items by id, check if DB returns a doc, and if it doesn't
return next()
to send to 404 middleware - use a
const data
object to send tores.render('template', data)
- check for authorization (e.g.
- always
- document database (as opposedd to relational database)
- stores data as documents, schema free, but relationships still exist
- data modelling
- query operators
- update operators
- $ mongo
- show dbs
- use database-name
- db.help()
- db.createCollection("animals")
- show collections
- db.animals.help()
- db.animals.find().pretty()
- db.animals.insert({})
- read operations
- mongoimport --db database-name --collection collection-name --file fileName
- npm install --save mongoose
- object document mapper
- bring schemas into our use of mongodb
- see example schemas in
- types: String, Number, Date, Boolean, Array, Mixed, Objectid