Since the type of data is highly relational (the guild has information, there are links between different data types), we will use a relational database.
We will use a MySQL/MariaDB database and use sqlx to talk with the database.
With the use of sqlx::migrate! and SQL migration scripts that are ordered according to sqlx::migrate::MigrationSource. This will make migrations easier and force the database that the Bot works with to use the latest schema.
While writing the migration scripts, one needs to be careful to not delete any data in case tables or columns are dropped or similar.
The bot shouldn't make the database query himself. Instead, there will be a interface build so that the bot only talk with normal Rust types and the Interface handles the translation between SQL and Rust.
Here is the information saved in the Database:
- guilds
- kick Information
- warn / Kick deadline (days)
- time of check
- list of safeRoles
- enabled
- singular channels (per guild)
- debug channel
- bot chat channel
- help chat channel
- logger pipe channel
- study group channel category
- subject channel category
- singular roles (per guild)
- studenty role
- tmp student role
- moderator role
- newsletter role
- nsfw role
- study role separator role
- subject role separator role
- friend role
- alumni role
- alumni role separator role
- alumni roles
- role
- study groups
- color
- active
- name
- semester study groups
- text chat
- role
- subjects
- text chat
- role
- study group - subject links
- default
- tmpc join channels
- Name Pattern
- persist
- tmpc channels
- voice chat
- text chat
- owner
- persist
- token
- keep
- deleteAt
- token messages
The Design is made on and the sql file is here
table Guild {
guild_id int [pk]
ghost_warn_deadline int [not null]
ghost_kick_deadline int [not null]
ghost_time_to_check TIME [not null]
ghost_enabled bool [not null]
debug_channel int [not null]
bot_channel int [not null]
help_channel int [not null]
logger_pipe_channel int
study_group_category int [not null]
subject_group_category int [not null]
studenty_role int [not null]
tmp_studenty_role int [null]
moderator_role int [not null]
newsletter_role int [not null]
nsfw_role int [not null]
study_role_separator_role int [not null]
subject_role_separator_role int [not null]
friend_role int [not null]
tmpc_keep_time TIME [not null]
alumni_role int [not null]
alumni_role_separator_role int [not null]
table Alumni_roles {
role int [pk]
guild_id int [pk, ref: > Guild.guild_id, not null]
table Study_groups {
id int [pk, increment]
guild_id int [pk, ref: > Guild.guild_id, not null]
name tinytext [not null]
color int [not null]
active bool [not null, default: True]
indexes {
(guild_id, name) [unique]
table Semester_study_groups {
role int [pk]
study_group_id int [pk, ref: >, not null]
semester int [not null]
text_channel int [unique, not null]
indexes {
(study_group_id, semester) [unique]
table Subject {
role int [pk]
guild_id int [pk, ref: > Guild.guild_id, not null]
name tinytext [not null]
text_channel int [unique, not null]
indexes {
(guild_id, name) [unique]
table Study_subject_link {
study_group_role int [pk, ref: > Semester_study_groups.role]
subject_role int [pk, ref: > Subject.role]
guild_id int [pk, ref: > Subject.guild_id]
table Tmpc_join_channel {
voice_channel int [pk]
guild_id int [pk, ref: > Guild.guild_id]
persist bool [not null]
table Tmpc {
voice_channel int [pk]
text_channel int [not null]
guild_id int [pk, ref: > Guild.guild_id, not null]
owner int [not null]
persist bool [not null]
token int [not null]
keep bool [not null, default: False]
deleteAt DATETIME [null]
indexes {
(text_channel, guild_id) [unique]
table Token_message {
tmpc_voice_channel int [pk, ref: > Tmpc.voice_channel]
message int [pk]