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BMC AMI DevX Data Studio

Execute specs using the TED_CLI
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BMC AMI DevX Data Studio

The Data Studio action allows your GitHub Actions workflow to trigger automation to speed data extraction, privatization and loading using existing DevX Data Studio specifications defined within Workbench for Eclipse.

Table of Contents


  • You can host your own runners and customize the environment used to run jobs in your GitHub Actions workflows, Click here.
  • User need to setup BMC AMI DevX workbench CLI into local system.
  • User has to setup the MF password in github repository with the following steps
    • "Github Repository" -> Settings-> Secrets-> Actions-> New repository secret


  • Triggers the workflow to execute the provided test scenario on any pipeline where the BMC AMI DevX Data Studio Auto Run is added.
  • Steps to use the extension
    • Install the BMC AMI DevX workbench CLI into local system, Click here.
    • CLI path - Go to the local drive of a system and check the .bat file location i.e C:\Users\Public\Compuware\TopazCLI\TedCLI.bat
    • Repository – File-AID Ex Repository where specification are stored
    • Specification List – File-AID EX Specification Name & Type seperated by space
    • Execution Context - Context property file where all communication, exection host etc. details mentioned
    • Target Host - Provide the name of the VM in which the self-hosted runner is deployed.
    • HCI UserID - Provide you user id which can connect to MF
    • Password - Configure you MF password in "Github Repository" -> Settings-> Secrets-> Actions-> New repository secret


Input name Required Description
CLI Execution path Required CLI execution path is the location where it is installed locally, provide path till .bat folder
Repository Required File-AID Ex Repository where specification are stored
Specification List Required File-AID EX Specification Name & Type seperated by space
Execution Context Required Context property file where all communication, exection host etc. details mentioned
HCI UserID Required Provide your Mainframe User ID
Target Host Required VM name where self-hosted runners is deployed
Password Required "Github Repository" -> Settings-> Secrets-> Actions-> New repository secret


Output will saved in Output folder created under Test Location Path in your local system.


To enable debug logging in your GitHub actions workflow, see the guide here.

License summary

This code is made available under the BMC license, Click here.

Product Assistance

BMC provides assistance for customers with its documentation, the BMC Support Center web site, and telephone customer support.

BMC Support Center

You can access online information for BMC products via our Support Center site at Support Center provides access to critical information about your BMC products. You can review frequently asked questions, read or download documentation, access product fixes, or e-mail your questions or comments. The first time you access Support Center, you must register and obtain a password. Registration is free.

Contacting Customer Support

At BMC, we strive to make our products and documentation the best in the industry. Feedback from our customers helps us maintain our quality standards. If you need support services, please obtain the following information before calling BMC's 24-hour telephone support:

  • The Github pipeline job output that contains any error messages or pertinent information.

  • The name, release number, and build number of your product. This information is displayed in the installed extensions page. Apply filter: BMC in order to display all of the installed BMC extension.

  • Environment information, such as the operating system and release on which the Workbench CLI is installed.

You can contact BMC in one of the following ways:


You can report issues via BMC Support Center:

Note: Please report all high-priority issues by phone.

Corporate Web Site

To access BMC site on the Web, go to The BMC site provides a variety of product and support information.

BMC AMI DevX Data Studio is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Execute specs using the TED_CLI

BMC AMI DevX Data Studio is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.