Django Test CI
ActionsA Django CI Github Action which runs your tests with a postgres database.
NOTE: You can use the DB service of your choice for your django app, using this action won't restrict you to postgres
The relative path of the directory containing your settings file. This is used to integrate the DB with your app.
This value is required
Enable/Disable Parallel Tests. Default is false.
Path of the file containing the dependancies, default is requirements.txt
Path of the the file containing additional environment variables.
are automatically set, if your django app depends on any other environment variable, set them in this file or set them like this
name: Django CI
- API_KEY: "dummy_api_key"
WARNING: Don't store sensitive data, use random dummy data only
If you have to use sensitive data, store them as a repository secret and include them in the workflow file.
- name: Django CI
super_secret: ${{ secrets.SuperSecret }}
uses: actions/checkout@v2
name: Django CI
uses: UKnowWhoIm/[email protected]
settings-dir-path: "testproject"
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