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Git Commit Data w/ Message

Action to expose git commit data
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Git Commit Data action

Actions Status Public workflows that use this action. Licence

This action expose git commit data.

Exposed environment variables

- name: Expose git commit data
  uses: jcputney/git-commit-data-action@v2

- name: Print git commit data
  run: |
    echo "Get author info"
    echo " - ${{ env.GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR }}"
    echo " - ${{ env.GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_NAME }}"
    echo " - ${{ env.GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL }}"
    echo "Get committer info"
    echo " - ${{ env.GIT_COMMIT_COMMITTER }}"
    echo " - ${{ env.GIT_COMMIT_COMMITTER_NAME }}"
    echo " - ${{ env.GIT_COMMIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL }}"
    echo "Get commit info"
    echo " - ${{ env.GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE }}"

Git Commit Data w/ Message is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Action to expose git commit data

Git Commit Data w/ Message is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.