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URL Health Check

Ping given URL (with curl) for a post-deploy check. With redirect and retrying capabilities
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URL health check action

A cURL-based post-deploy health check with build-in redirect & retry. An quick & easy way to verify a deployment.

  - name: Check the deployed service URL
    uses: jtalk/url-health-check-action@v4
      # Check the following URLs one by one sequentially
      # Follow redirects, or just report success on 3xx status codes
      follow-redirect: false # Optional, defaults to "false"
      # Fail this action after this many failed attempts
      max-attempts: 3 # Optional, defaults to 1
      # Delay between retries
      retry-delay: 5s # Optional, only applicable to max-attempts > 1
      # Retry all errors, including 404. This option might trigger curl upgrade.
      retry-all: false # Optional, defaults to "false"
      # String representation of cookie attached to health check request.
      # Format: `Name=Value`
      cookie: "token=asdf1234" # Optional, default is empty
      # Basic auth login password pair.
      # Format: `login:password`
      basic-auth: "login:password" # Optional, default is empty

The action will fail if any of the URLs reports either 4xx or 5xx status codes.

URL Health Check is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Ping given URL (with curl) for a post-deploy check. With redirect and retrying capabilities

URL Health Check is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.