This is a recruitment task for DevOps position which tests:
- Understanding of Linux firewalls
- Ability to research and design new solutions
- Automation using a scripting/programming language
- Knowledge of Consul catalog filtering
Infrastructure which consists of a set of fleets:
These fleets are all running Linux, are scaled up and down, and include one or more hosts. All hosts are part of an internal VPN(WireGuard) using
Assume that Consul is in place available on all hosts at localhost:8500
with all metadata about hosts:
curl -sSf --get 'localhost:8500/v1/catalog/service/wireguard' \
--data-urlencode filter="NodeMeta.env==metrics and NodeMeta.stage==prod" \
| jq '.[] | { Node, NodeMeta, ServiceMeta }'
"ID": "b27a1a90-dff4-4ff8-9fe8-cc3b573a85b7",
"Node": "",
"Datacenter": "eu-dc1",
"NodeMeta": { "env": "metrics", "stage": "prod" },
"ServiceID": "wireguard",
"ServiceName": "wireguard",
"ServiceAddress": "",
"ServicePort": 51820
"ID": "03deab88-ddd4-46ca-a38a-e75a4635c3a3",
"Node": "",
"Datacenter": "eu-dc1",
"NodeMeta": { "env": "metrics", "stage": "prod" },
"ServiceName": "wireguard",
"ServiceAddress": "",
"ServicePort": 51820
The Catalog also includes information about data centers(/v1/catalog/datacenters
The fleets require a firewall which allows different fleets access to different ports on the hosts:
- Logstashrsyslog
port onlogs.*
, required access from ALL hosts.9100
- Node exporter on ALL hosts, required access bymetrics.*
- MySQL exporter onapp.*
hosts, required access bymetrics.*
- MySQL database onapp.*
, requires access bybackups.*
Design and implement an automated way of updating firewall rules based on Consul catalog data. Note that *
is a wildcard, not a regex.
You are free to use any firewall implementation(ex.: iptables
), tool to interact with the firewall, and scripting or programming language you are familiar with. The goal is to asses your problem solving, not knowledge of a specific technology. It is recommended to submit the task result as a Git repository. The resulting script would be run periodically on each host to keep the firewall rules up-to-date.
Example Consul catalog data is available here.
A partial solution is fine too, as long as you document what you think is missing or needs improvement.