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CLAMS: Clustering for API Mining of Snippets

CLAMS is an approach for mining API source code snippets that lies between snippet and sequence mining methods, which ensures lower complexity and thus could apply more readily to other languages.

This is an implementation of the API miner from our paper:

  title={Summarizing Software API Usage Examples using Clustering Techniques},
  author={Nikolaos Katirtzis and Themistoklis Diamantopoulos and Charles Sutton},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering}

Structure of the project This is the main function of the project.

/apisummariser: Contains all the implementation files. The project is augmented with docstrings. Running pydoc -p <PORT> will reveal the documentation.

/data: Contains the dataset+examples and results for clams and other systems being used for the evaluation.

/libs: Contains any third-party libraries used in the implementation (excluding any Python libraries).

/results: The results of the system will be stored here.

requirements.txt: These are the dependencies on third-party Python libraries.

Installation Instructions

Cd to the project's directory:

cd clams

Install Java 8:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer

Install/Configure Anaconda 2:

bash -b -p ~/anaconda

//replace <username with your username before running the following command>
echo 'export PATH="/home/<username>/anaconda/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc 
source .bashrc
conda update conda
conda config --add channels conda-forge

Install Artistic Style formatter:

mkdir libs/astyle
sudo apt-get install astyle
ln -s /usr/bin/astyle ./libs/astyle/astyle

Install srcML (remove -64 for 32 bit OS):

mkdir libs/srcml
sudo dpkg -i srcML-Ubuntu14.04-64.deb
rm srcML-Ubuntu14.04-64.deb
ln -s /usr/bin/srcml ./libs/srcml/srcml

Install python dependencies using conda and requirements.txt:

conda install --file requirements.txt

How to run the application

You can run the application using the following command:


The results will be stored in the results directory.


This code is released under the Apache 2.0 license. Other licenses are available on request.