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Feature Example - virtual field

This project demonstrates how to add virtual fields to a Keystone list It builds on the Blog starter project.


To run this project, clone the Keystone repository locally then navigate to this directory and run:

yarn dev

This will start the Admin UI at localhost:3000. You can use the Admin UI to create items in your database.

You can also access a GraphQL Playground at localhost:3000/api/graphql, which allows you to directly run GraphQL queries and mutations.


This project demonstrates how to use virtual fields. It uses the graphql export from @keystone-next/keystone to define the GraphQL schema used by the virtual fields.


The isPublished field shows how to use the virtual field to return some derived data.

isPublished: virtual({
  field: graphql.field({
    type: graphql.Boolean,
    resolve(item: any) {
      return item.status === 'published';


The counts field shows how to return a GraphQL object rather than a scalar from a virtual field.

counts: virtual({
  field: graphql.field({
    type: graphql.object<{ content: string }>()({
      name: 'PostCounts',
      fields: {
        words: graphql.field({
          type: graphql.Int,
          resolve({ content }) {
            return content.split(' ').length;
        sentences: graphql.field({
          type: graphql.Int,
          resolve({ content }) {
            return content.split('.').length;
        paragraphs: graphql.field({
          type: graphql.Int,
          resolve({ content }) {
            return content.split('\n\n').length;
    resolve(item: any) {
      return { content: item.content || '' };
  graphQLReturnFragment: '{ words sentences paragraphs }',


The excerpt field shows how to add GraphQL arguments to a virtual field.

excerpt: virtual({
  field: graphql.field({
    type: graphql.String,
    args: {
      length: graphql.arg({ type: graphql.nonNull(graphql.Int), defaultValue: 200 }),
    resolve(item, { length }) {
      if (!item.content) {
        return null;
      return (item.content as string).slice(0, length - 3) + '...';


The relatedPosts field shows how to use the GraphQL types defined by a Keystone list.

relatedPosts: virtual({
  field: lists =>
      type: graphql.list(graphql.nonNull(lists.Post.types.output)),
      resolve(item, args, context) {
        // this could have some logic to get posts that are actually related to this one somehow
        // this is a just a naive "get the three latest posts that aren't this one"
        return context.db.lists.Post.findMany({
          take: 3,
          where: { id_not:, status: 'published' },
          orderBy: [{ publishDate: 'desc' }],
  graphQLReturnFragment: '{ title }',