There are two primary methods for generating the hit-rate curve, and a single plotting utility for doing so. The functions live in blue_conduit_spatial.evaluation. First, generate_hit_rate_curve
will create a hit rate curve ordering by the prediction probability. If generating the hit rate curve by partition (i.e. group by the partition and then investigate partitions with more expected lead first), this can be done by generate_hit_rate_curve_by_partition
. These are equivalent when threshold_init=1.0
, threshold_increment=1e-6
(or some other arb. small number), and min_digs=0
. That will visit partitions exactly in the order of the highest probability (though will be substantially slower).
from blue_conduit_spatial.utilities import load_datasets, load_predictions, select_data
from blue_conduit_spatial.evaluation import generate_hit_rate_curve, generate_hit_rate_curve_by_partition, plot_hit_rate_curve, dig_stats, dig_savings
data_dir = '../data'
load_dir = f'{data_dir}/Processed'
pred_dir = f'{data_dir}/Predictions'
pid_lat_lon_path = f'{load_dir}/pid.gpkg'
# Load data for all hexagons resolutions, train sizes and splits
Xdata, Ydata, location, train_pid, test_pid, partitions_builder = load_datasets(load_dir)
train_pred_all_bl, test_pred_all_bl = load_predictions(pred_dir, probs_prefix='baseline')
train_pred_all_diff, test_pred_all_diff = load_predictions(pred_dir, probs_prefix='diffusion')
# Filter the data for one selection of hyperparameters (hexagons resolutions, train sizes and splits)
n_hexagons = 47
train_size = 0.1
split = 0
args = {
'Xdata': Xdata,
'Ydata': Ydata,
'location': location,
'train_pid': train_idx,
'test_pid': test_idx,
'train_size': train_size,
'split': split,
'return_pid': False,
'generate_hexagons': False
# Data selection arguments
args_bl, args_diff = args.copy(), args.copy()
# Set data selection arguments for Baseline model
args_bl['train_pred_all'] = train_pred_all_bl
args_bl['test_pred_all'] = test_pred_all_bl
# Set data selection arguments for Diffusion model
args_diff['train_pred_all'] = train_pred_all_diff
args_diff['test_pred_all'] = test_pred_all_diff
# Select data per model
data_bl = select_data(**args_bl)
data_diff = select_data(**args_diff)
# Get city map hexagons
hexagons = partitions_builder.Partition(partition_type='hexagon', num_cells_across=n_hexagons)
parcel_gdf = hexagons.parcel_gdf
test_index = data_bl['test_index']
y_test = data_bl['Ytest']
plot_args = {
'plot_probs': False,
'labels':['BlueConduit Baseline', 'Random Beta(1,1)'],
'y_true': y_test,
'y_pred': [data_bl['test_pred'], np.random.beta(1, 1, size=len(y_test))],
'title_suffix': 'Test set'
In the plot below, we demonstrate the differences in performance for the Blue Conduit baseline, for a single split / resolution / set of hyperparameters. Note that most splits / resolutions show qualitatively similar results. Increasing initial threshold improves performance over initial homes. Decreasing increment has similar parameter. Decreasing minimum num. homes improves relative performance over second half of homes.
This library provides a CostsHandler
class for calculating costs curves for multiple strategies. Each cost curve plot depicts the costs or savings of removing x lead pipes within the test set for a specific ts
(train size) and res
(hexagon_resolution) scenario. Costs were calculated following BlueConduit's previous work. That is, every lead pipe removal cost is estimated at $5,000 and every non-lead digging at $3,000. This plot can alternatively be set to depict the costs/savings of removing p share lead pipes with a norm_x
argument. Savings are calculated with respect to the Blueconduit's baseline model. Each strategy costs/savings curve is calculated as an average within all test splits for a given train size and hexagon_resolution. Finally, they are smoothed out with a LOWESS (Locally Weighted Scatterplot Smoothing) technique to improve interpretability; the original curve is in light shadow, and the smooth curve is plotted on top of that.
Note that the CostsHandler
does not fit any models but instead expects their predictions for all strategies, hexagon resolutions, and train sizes to be precomputed in a pred_dir
folder path. Further, if savings are calculated, it requires to know the name of the baseline model within the pred_dir
. Finally, if the metric is set to plot the savings
curve then the baseline strategy is depicted as a straight line at x=0
as the baseline has no relative savings with respect to itself.
from blue_conduit_spatial.utilities import load_datasets
from blue_conduit_spatial.evaluation import CostsHandler
data_dir = '../../data'
load_dir = f'{data_dir}/Processed'
pred_dir = f'{data_dir}/Predictions'
Xdata, Ydata, location, train_pid, test_pid, partitions_builder = load_datasets(load_dir)
models_costs = ['baseline', 'diffusion', 'stacking', 'GP_spatiotemporal']
costs_handler = CostsHandler(Ydata, train_pid, test_pid, partitions_builder, pred_dir, models_costs, bl_prefix='baseline')
costs_handler.plot_costs(res=22, ts=0.1, norm_x=True, metric='savings')
costs_handler.plot_costs(res=22, ts=0.1, norm_x=False, metric='savings')
costs_handler.plot_costs(res=22, ts=0.1, norm_x=True, metric='cost')
Note: Most evaluation functions are written to approximate the sklearn
API for metrics. That is, the general formula will be metric(y_true, y_pred)
though some metrics require additional parameters to be passed.
hit_rate(y_true, y_pred, threshold=0.5)
Returns the hit rate if using a particular probabilistic threshold. Equivalent to the precision on the positive (read: lead) class.
Argument Type Status Description y_true
required Ground truth labels. Should be binary. y_pred
required Prediction probabilities or class labels threshold
optional; default = 0.5 Float threshold for considering a prediction to be 'dangerous' -
generate_hit_rate_curve(y_true, y_pred)
Generates cumulative hit rate curve on a sample by sample basis for entire set. Note: this assumes that data passed is ordered consistently between
. That is, for a given indexi
, the parcel ID for the parcel aty_true[i]
should be the same asy_pred[i]
.Argument Type Status Description y_true
required Ground truth labels. Should be binary. y_pred
required Prediction probabilities or class labels Return Type Description hit_rates
Cumulative hit rates for ordered test set predicted_probabilities
Predicted probabilities for ordered test set -
generate_hit_rate_curve_by_partition(parcel_df, pid_list, y_true, y_pred, threshold_init, threshold_increment=0.1, min_digs=1, min_digs_increment=1, gen_dig_metadata=False)
Generates a hit rate curve where parcels are investigated partition.
Made to be inter-operable with the
partitioning. Agnostic to shape of the partition, but must pass a parcel DataFrame which contains a parcel ID. Can replicate initial analyses by passing an ordered DataFrame withpartition_ID = 'PRECINCT'
.Argument Type Status Description parcel_df
required Ordered DataFrame passing reference to pid
-likerequired Array-like list of indices in the i.e. test set (as used to divide train/test data). y_true
required Ground truth labels. Should be binary. y_pred
required Prediction probabilities or class labels threshold_init
required Initial threshold for decision-making. threshold_increment
optional; default = 0.1 Float to decrease threshold by at each iteration / sweep min_digs
optional; default = 1 Minimum number of digs required in a partition to visit. min_digs_increment
optional; default = 1 Minimum digs to increment at each sweep gen_dig_metadata
optional; default = False
Returns the IDs of the digging order as well as the partition IDs when True
Return Type Description hit_rates
Cumulative hit rates for ordered test set predicted_probabilities
Predicted probabilities for ordered test set dig_metadata
If gen_dig_metadata
is False, None. Else a DataFrame containing dig order, ID, and partition ID. -
roc_auc_score(y_true, y_pred)
Returns the ROC-AUC Score for some y_true and y_test.
Argument Type Status Description y_true
required Ground truth labels. Should be binary. y_pred
required Prediction probabilities or class labels Return Type Description roc_auc_score
ROC-AUC score for the dataset -
generate_calibration_curve(y_true, y_pred, n_bins, **kwargs)
Mask (with error handling) for sk-learn calibration curve.
Argument Type Status Description y_true
required Ground truth labels. Should be binary. y_pred
required Prediction probabilities or class labels n_bins
optional; default = 10 Number of bins to discretize for calibration curve. Return Type Description true_curve
Bucket mean true positives pred_curve
Bucket mean predicted positives -
CostsHandler.__init__(Ydata, train_pid, test_pid, partitions_builder, pred_dir, models_prefix, compute_savings=True, bl_prefix='baseline')
Instantiating a new CostsHandler object for computing costs of hit rate curves simultaneosuly for multiple strategies and its corresponding savings plots. It requires the outputs from the
function from theutilities
module.Argument Type Status Description Ydata
pd.DataFrame required Output from load_datasets
dict required Output from load_datasets
dict required Output from load_datasets
gizmo.spatial_partitions.partitions.PartitionsBuilder required Output from load_datasets
str required Path to the predictions folder models_prefix
list required Strategies/models names string list following their prefix names in pred_dir
str optional Whether to include savings compared to the baseline in the costs computation bl_prefix
str optional Baseline prefix within the models_prefix
list. Required ifcompute_svaings
is set to True -
CostsHandler.compute_costs(ts_list, res_list)
Compute cost curves for all strategies associated to the
object for all train sizes and hexagon resolutions ints_list
correspondingly.Argument Type Status Description ts_list
list required List or iterable of train sizes floats. res_list
list required List or iterable of hexagon resolutions integers. Return Type Description costs
Returns a nested costs dictionary indexed by (1)train size, (2)resolution and (3) strategy
plot_hit_rate_curve(y_true, y_pred, plot_probs=False, labels=None, max_perf=False, order_by_prob=False, figsize=(10,6), savefig=False, figname=None, figdir=None, mode='all', parcel_df=None, pid_list=None, threshold_init=None, title_suffix=None, min_hit_rate=0.0, custom_cmap=None, **kwargs)
Generates plot of hit rate curve with highly flexible set of options.
Important Design Choices:
of models: Can pass multiple models as a list toy_pred
and concurrent number of labels as list tolabels
.- Investigation 'mode': Can investigate plots with
mode == 'all'
which will dig parcels with highest P(lead). Ifmode == 'partition'
curve will be done by partition & sweeps. Controlled viathreshold_init
parameter. - Plot prediction probability?: Can plot only hit rate curve or also prediction probability alongside for each model as dotted line.
- Draw a line with maximum possible performance: this mode (controlled via)
allows user to locate a line where the 'kink' would occur with perfect (i.e. all lead then all non-lead) behavior. - Order by probability: Rather than draw in space,
can be used to draw the hit rate curves in prob. space rather than sample space. - Show x-axis as the sample # or the % of test set.
Argument Type Status Description y_true
required Ground truth outcomes for dangerous/not dangerous y_pred
required Either a list of model prediction probabilities or a single model outcomes plot_probs
optional; True Boolean for whether to include prediction probabilities in model labels
optional; None Labels to include if y_pred
is a listmax_perf
optional; False Indicates whether to plot the 'maximum performance' or the kink in the curve where a perfect model would decrease performance. figsize
optional; (10,6) Follows matplotlib
fig size convention of (h, w)savefig
optional; False Boolean indicating whether to save figure figname
optional; None Figure filepath / file title (not nec. title of plot) figdir
optional; None Directory to save figure. mode
optional; "all" One of "all" or "partition". Controls whether parcels are investigated in unrestricted way or partition-by-partition, ordering by the highest priority partitions. parcel_df
optional; None Required in "partition" mode. Will guide the partitions that each parcel belongs to for aggregating partition investigation decisions. pid_list
array-like optional; None Required in "partition" mode. Guides list of which PIDs in parcel_df
are actually in the test set.threshold_init
optional; None Required in "partition" mode. Sets the initial threshold for digging. Typically considered to be 0.9 in baseline of generate_hit_rate_curve_by_partition
optional; None Suffix to be included in plot title. min_hit_rate
optional; 0.0 Min hit rate to show, translates to lower x-limit if not showing entire x-axis custom_cmap
optional; None Customizable matplotlib
; must be a list and will otherwise select the 'Dark2' palette.show_as_pct
optional; False Option to show all plots as a percent of the test set. -
plot_calibration_curve(y_true, y_pred, n_bins, labels=None, figsize=(10,6), savefig=False, figname=None, figdir=None, **kwargs)
Plots probability calibration curve for various number of model results
Argument Type Status Description y_true
required Ground truth outcomes for dangerous/not dangerous y_pred
required Either a list of model prediction probabilities or a single model outcomes n_bins
optional; 10 Number of bins to discretize for each model labels
optional; None Labels to include if y_pred
is a listfigsize
optional; (10,6) Follows matplotlib
fig size convention of (h, w)savefig
optional; False Boolean indicating whether to save figure figname
optional; None Figure filepath / file title (not nec. title of plot) figdir
optional; None Directory to save figure. -
CostsHandler.plot_savings(res, ts, savefig=False, norm_x=True, zoom_perc=0.9, plot_dir=None, metric='savings')
Plots savings of each strategy in
object for a given hexagon resolution and train size scenario.Argument Type Status Description res
required Hexagon resolution scenario. ts
required Train size scenario. savefig
optional; False Whether to save the figure. If so, a plot_dir
is requirednorm_x
optional; True Whether to label the x axis as number of lead pipres or share of lead pipes zoom_perc
optional; 0.9 Whether to cutoff the x axis to the first zoom_perc
% of lead pipes to improve readability.plot_dir
optional; Required if savefig
is set toTrue
optional; 'savings' Required if savefig
is set toTrue