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Blue Conduit Baseline

To fit the Blue Conduit baseline XGBoost models, we can run the following command. This requires the directory structure above, in particular having run or downloaded the predictions directory.

  • Navigate to blue_conduit_spatial/modeling
  • Execute python

Taken together, these commands will generate the pred_probs_train.npz and pred_probs_test.npz files. These correspond exactly to the indices described in train_index.npz and test_index.npz.


The ServiceLineDiffusion class provides an API similar to the sk-learn modeling API that fits diffusion for a user-specified number of iterations to a graph. This is the class structure used to reproduce the diffusion results which are the core of this project.

class ServiceLineDiffusion

Base class of diffusion process. Maintains all necessary components (e.g. which points are in train and which are in test, current predictions, etc.). Must be instantiated with graph and test set predictions to use. For more information on use of class, please see DiffusionModel notebook.

Arguments Type Status Description
graph np.array Required $(N, N)$ array holding the distances between each parcel.
train_indices np.array Required Sequence of indices in graph corresponding to the training set.
test_indices np.array Required Sequence of indices in graph corresponding to the test set.
Ytrain np.array Required True lead values for the train set.
Ytest np.array Required True lead values for the test set.
Ytrain_pred np.array Required Baseline predictions for train set; if using e.g. a non-model, could be set to 0.5 * np.ones(Ytrain.shape[0]) or some other prior, e.g. np.random.normal(0.5, scale=0.2, size=Ytrain.shape[0]).
Ytest_pred np.array Required Similar to Ytrain_pred but corresponding to test set.
lam float Optional; 0.5. Lambda ($\lambda$) parameter governs self-weight in update step; higher $\lambda$ corresponds to more weight on self.
lat_long_df pd.DataFrame Optional; None If plotting, this will be used to localize points on the graph. Not necessary if not intending to plot.
  • fit(n_iter=1, neighbor_fn=None, neighbor_params=None, distance_function=None, verbose=False):

    Fits the diffusion model by running n_iter update steps on graph.

    Arguments Type Status Description
    n_iter int Optional; 1 Number of iterations (or update steps) to perform across graph.
    neighbor_fn func Optional; graph_Kneighbors A function to determine the nearest neighbors. If None, will use internal graph_Kneighbors, which wraps KNearestNeighbors from sklearn. Could update to be custom-wrapped version of Radial Nearest Neighbors or some other kernel function to determine neighbors.
    neighbor_params dict Optional; {'graph': self.graph, 'K': 5} Dictionary of parameters to pass to the neighbor function. If none, will pass self.graph and K = 5. Note: must pass self.graph or some other method to externally determine neighbors.
    distance_function func Optional; diffusion_distance_weights Function used to determine distance for weighted average update steps. If None, will use $1 / distance$ provided in the graph.
    verbose bool Optional; False If True, will report the log-loss after each step; useful for debugging results.
  • predict_proba(X, mode=None):

    Returns probabilities after lead values.

    Because this is a non-standard "model" and does not truly take a new X value, it uses the shape of X to determine whether to return the training or test predictions.

    Arguments Type Status Description
    X array-like Required Array of training or test points, used only for its shape.
    mode str Required One of None, 'train', 'test'. If none, will make decision based on X shape.
  • diffusion_step(lead_vals)

    Takes a single diffusion step across the whole graph

    Arguments Type Status Description
    lead_vals np.array Required Array of current lead values to take update step across.
  • _update_node(node_val, node_idx, weighted_avg_neighbor_lead, lam=0.5)

    Defines update step for a single node. Can be overwritten, must return between [0,1].

    Note that overriding this method will produce the desired results for a kernel other than the weighted average by distance methodology.

    Arguments Type Status Description
    node_val float Required Current predicted probability for a given node.
    node_idx np.array[int] Required Index of integers corresponding to the graph indexes of a particular parcel's neighbors.
    weighted_avg_neighbor_lead np.array Required Array containing all current weighted average lead calculations.
    lam float Optional; 0.5 Share of weight to place on self vs. weighted average neighbors.
  • graph_Kneighbors(graph, K)

    Gets the nearest neighbors for each node in the graph.

    Note: This replaces 0 with 1e7 because sklearn NearestNeighbors treats 0 as a valid (close) distance. Since this is a non-connection in our graph, then want it to be a very small weight.

    Arguments Type Status Description
    graph np.array Required (N, N) array of all current nodes / values are distances
    K int Required Number of neighbors
  • diffusion_distance_weight(distances)

    Returns an arbitrary float distance as the inverse for weighting. Also adjusts 0 to be 1 such that a distance of zero maps to a weight of 1.

  • sqrt_distances(distances)

    Calculates distance weights as the square root of the distances.

    Will tend to place more equal weight on further away neighbors since e.g. $\frac{1}{2 + 1} = 0.33$ and $\frac{1}{3 + 1} = 0.25$ are more spaced than $\frac{1}{\sqrt{2} + 1} = 0.41$ and $\frac{1}{\sqrt{3} + 1} = 0.36$.