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MainSEL API Reference

API Overview

This Document shows the main (external) API endpoints of MainSEL. Last update: 31.03.2022


Process Overview

  1. Setup for linkage
  2. Initialization (I)
  3. Linkage / Matching (L/M)
  4. Computation (C)
  5. Results / Status (S)

Steps 2. and 3. are interleaved.



  • ML: Mainzelliste
  • SEL: SecureEpilinker
  • LS: LinkageService
  • LID: Linkage ID

Global SEL Identifier

Each ML has a global ID, which consists of the character set [a-zA-Z0-9_] (i.e. alphanumeric plus '_'). This global ID is also registered at the LS for LID management. Under this ID the LS stores the Identifier Encryption Keys and each global ID is assigned to an API key.


The reference implementation uses a protocol based on HTTP BASIC authentication. The APIKey passed in the initialization phase is transmitted as an HTTP header in the following way:

Authorization: apiKey apiKey="<APIKey>"

Thus the specification follows rfc2617.

Modes of operation

MainSEL can operate in two modes:

  1. Record Linkage with LID generation/management. Sometimes just called "linkage". Requires a LS.
  2. Calculation of set intersection cardinality, i.e., sum of match bits. Sometimes called "matching". Does not require a LS.

User-Facing API Endpoints

Name Description Caller Callee API Endpoint at Callee
I.3 testRemote The connection to and configuration of a remote party is tested and the connection established ML / User SEL /test/<remote_id>
I.4 testLinkageService The connection to a LE is tested and established ML / User SEL /testLS/<remote_id>
- triggerLinkMN Initiate the record linkage between local ML and remote ML User ML /Communicator/linkMN/trigger/<remote_id>
- triggerMatchMN Initiate the matching of the local ML against the remote ML User ML /Communicator/matchMN/trigger/<remote_id>
- getMatchStatus The user queries the ML for the final matching result User ML /Communicator/matchMN/status/<remote_id>

Setup for Linkage ID Generation

MainSEL Registration

Each new MainSEL in the federation must register its global ID with the Linkage Service (LS). The LS then generates a secret key for this party for LID (re)encryption. For security reasons, this process must be deliberately performed locally by the LS administrator and is not exposed via a REST API.


Since the L.1 call assumes that LIDs already exist in the remote ML, they must initially be generated for the remote party.


The ML designated as remote sends a HTTP GET request to the linkage service address https://{linkage-service}:{ls-port}/freshIDs/<ML_id>?count=n to obtain n valid IDs, where n is the size of the entire ML database. A ML can only request valid IDs for itself.


For a successful request, "200 OK" is sent with the generated LIDs as a JSON object in the response body.

In case of a failed authentication "401 Unauthorized" is sent.

In case of an invalid request syntax "400 Bad Request" is sent.

If the LS is in an error state, it will respond with "500 Internal Server Error" or "503 Service Unavailable". In the latter case a recovery time is sent with the "Retry-After" header if possible.


// HTTP - GET Request http://<linkage-service>/freshIDs/<global-ML-id>?count=n
// Authentication via HTTP header
// Response: base64 encoded list of n new ids
'linkageIds': [

SEL Initialization (I)

A Mainzelliste (ML) must initialize its local SecureEpilinker (SEL) once. If SEL is restarted (update, system reboot, ...) this process must be repeated, since SEL deliberately does not persist states. Each ML/SEL pair must run through this process, it does not differ between local and remote system.

Name Description Caller Callee API Endpoint at Callee
I.1 initLocal ML configures local SEL to allow local communication ML SEL /initLocal
I.2 initRemote ML adds a remote party to local SEL ML SEL /initRemote/<remote_id>
I.3 testRemote The connection to and configuration of a remote party is tested and the connection established ML / User SEL /test/<remote_id>
I.4 testLinkageService The connection to a LE is tested and established ML / User SEL /testLS/<remote_id>

Step I.1: Local Initialization


To establish a connection between ML and SEL, the ML initializer sends a TLS-authenticated and secured HTTP PUT to https://{sel-host}:{sel-port}/initLocal.

Since the local API key is not configured until this step, this call is unauthenticated.

The following data is transferred:

  1. global identifier of the main cell list ("localId")
  2. information about the local authentication
  3. information about the data service providing the patient data (in the reference implementation the main cell list).
  4. URL
  5. Other fields dependent on the data service such as caching information, pagesizes, etc.
  6. linkage configuration
  7. algorithm type
    • "epilink"
  8. score from which an entry is identified as a hit
  9. score below which an entry is treated as a non-hit.
  10. existing Exchange Groups
    1. fields of the groups are identified by field names
  11. information about the used fields
    1. field name
    2. frequency (cf. MainSEL publication)
    3. error rate (cf. MainSEL publication)
    4. comparison type
      • "dice" for scoring on dice coefficients.
      • "binary" for comparison on exact matches
    5. data type of fieldv.
      • "bitmask"
      • "integer"
      • "number
      • "string"
    6. bit length of the field

The authentication information is passed as an object with an authentication type and the type appropriate information:

  1. type
    • apiKey
  2. shared key

The field type specification, following the JSON Schema - Draft 4 standard, distinguishes between "integer", which is an integer value, and "number", which can be an integer or a floating point number. The decimal separator is a dot.

Fields of type "bitmask" are sent base64 encoded. The comparison type "dice" is only valid for the data type "bitmask". The comparison type "binary" is not valid for fields of the "bitmask" data type.

Note: The default bitlengths are as follows:

  1. for Integer the bit length is ceil( log2( maximum allowed value) ),
  2. for doubles the bit length is 64 bit according to IEEE,
  3. for strings the bit length is (maximum number of characters) * 8 and
  4. bitmasks have the Bloom filter length of 500 bit.


If the connection is successfully established, SEL responds "204 No Content".

If a local configuration already exists, it is updated and "200 OK" is transmitted with the body "Updated connection".

If the request is not valid, "400 Bad Request" is transmitted.

If SEL is in an error state, it will respond with "500 Internal Server Error" or "503 Service Unavailable". In the latter case a recovery time is sent in the "Retry-After" header if possible.


// HTTP - PUT from Mainzelliste to
  "localId": "TUD",
  "localAuthentication": {
    "authType": "apiKey",
    "sharedKey": "123abc"
  "dataService": {
    "url": ""
  "algorithm": {
    "algoType": "epilink",
    "threshold_match": 0.9,
    "threshold_non_match": 0.7,
    "exchangeGroups": [[
    "fields": [{
      "name": "firstname",
      "frequency": 0.000235,
      "errorRate": 0.01,
      "comparator": "dice",
      "fieldType": "bitmask",
      "bitlength": 500
      "name": "lastname","frequency": 0.0000271,
      "errorRate": 0.008,
      "comparator": "dice",
      "fieldType": "bitmask",
      "bitlength": 500
      "name": "birthname",
      "frequency": 0.0000271,
      "errorRate": 0.008,
      "comparator": "dice",
      "fieldType": "bitmask",
      "bitlength": 500
      "name": "birthday",
      "frequency": 0.0333,
      "errorRate": 0.005,
      "comparator": "binary",
      "fieldType": "number",
      "bitlength": 5
      "name": "birthmonth",
      "frequency": 0.0833,
      "errorRate": 0.002,
      "comparator": "binary",
      "fieldType": "integer",
      "bitlength": 4
      "name": "birthyear",
      "frequency": 0.0286,
      "errorRate": 0.004,
      "comparator": "binary",
      "fieldType": "integer",
      "bitlength": 12
      "name": "zipcode",
      "frequency": 0.01,
      "errorRate": 0.04,
      "comparator": "binary",
      "fieldType": "integer",
      "bitlength": 17
      "name": "city",
      "frequency": 0.01,
      "errorRate": 0.04,
      "comparator": "dice",
      "fieldType": "bitmask",
      "bitlength": 500
// HTTP Reply 204 No Content

Step I.2: Remote Initialization


To establish a connection between the main cell list and secureEpiLink for a pair relationship, the initializer of the main cell list sends a TLS authenticated and secured HTTP PUT to https://{sel-host}:{sel-port}/init/{remote_id}."remote_id" is the unique identifier of the remote peer. The identifier "local" is reserved for local initialization.

The following data is transferred:

  1. connection profile
    1. remote URL
    2. remote authentication
  2. linkage service information
    1. URL
    2. authentication information
  3. matchingAllowed flag -- is the calculation of the set intersection cardinality allowed? Default: false

The authentication information is passed as an object with an authentication type and the type appropriate information:

1. type
   * apiKey
2. shared key


If the connection is successfully created, SEL responds "204 No Content".

If a connection with the given ID already exists, it is updated and "200 OK" is sent with the body "Updated connection".

In case of a failed authentication "401 Unauthorized" is sent.

In case of an invalid request syntax "400 Bad Request" is sent.

If SEL is in an error state, it will respond with "500 Internal Server Error" or "503 Service Unavailable". In the latter case a recovery time is sent with the "Retry-After" header if possible.


// HTTP - PUT from Mainzelliste to<remote-id>
  "connectionProfile": {
    "url": "",
      "authentication": {
        "authType": "apiKey",
        "sharedKey": "xkcd123"
    "linkageService": {
      "url": "",
      "authentication": {
        "authType": "apiKey",
        "sharedKey": "bcd234"
    "matchingAllowed": true // may be omitted, defaults to 'false'.
// HTTP Reply 204 No Content

Step I.3: testRemote


The user sends a HTTP GET to https://{sel-host}:{sel-port}/test/<remote_id>.


If a connection is successfully tested and established, "200 OK" is sent with the body "Remotes Connected".

In case of an invalid request syntax "400 Bad Request" is sent.

If SEL is in an error state, it will respond with "500 Internal Server Error" or "503 Service Unavailable". In the latter case a recovery time is sent with the "Retry-After" header if possible.

Step I.4: testLinkageService


The user sends a HTTP GET to https://{sel-host}:{sel-port}/test/<remote_id>.


If a connection is successfully tested and established, "200 OK" is sent with the body "Linkage Service connected".

In case of an invalid request syntax "400 Bad Request" is sent.

If SEL is in an error state, it will respond with "500 Internal Server Error" or "503 Service Unavailable". In the latter case a recovery time is sent with the "Retry-After" header if possible.

Record Linkage (L)

This process links (a) local record(s) against the remote database. This process can occur any number of times in succession once process I (initialization) has been successfully executed.

Name Description Caller Callee API Endpoint at Callee
L.1a linkRecord The ML creates a record linkage job by providing a single record and the result callback address ML SEL /linkRecord/<remote_id>
L.1b linkRecords The ML creates a record linkage job by providing multiple records and the result callback address ML SEL /linkRecords/<remote_id>
L.2 sendLinkageResult Both SELs send their XOR shares to the linkage service. The resulting LID(s) are in the response local+remote SEL LS /linkageResult
L.3 linkCallback SEL sends the LID received in L.6 to the given callback address SEL ML <callback_url>

Step L.1a: linkRecord


To request SEL to perform a (single record) record linkage with "remote_id", the communicator of the ML sends a TLS authenticated and secured HTTP POST to https://{sel-host}:{sel-port}/linkRecord/{remote_id}.

This call is not idempotent, multiple identical calls generate multiple linkage requests.

The following data is transferred:

  1. callback information
    1. Callback URL
  2. data fields

Empty fields are encoded as "null", e.g. for JSON as the null data type.


If successful, SEL replies "202 Accepted". In the "Location" header field, the position of the status query of the linkage job is transmitted (cf. Status Monitoring).

If the transmitted fields do not match the configuration initialized in process I, "401 Unauthorized" is transmitted.

If the request is made before the initialization has been performed, "400 Bad Request" is replied.

If SEL is in an error state, it will respond with "500 Internal Server Error" or "503 Service Unavailable". In the latter case a recovery time is sent with the "Retry-After" header if possible.


// HTTP POST from Mainzelliste to https://{sel-host}:{sel-port}:8081/linkRecord/dkfz
  "callback": {
    "url": "",
  "fields": {
    "firstname": "I07A1YM4aKNXlQ...", // base64 encoded 500-bit bloom filter
    "lastname": "5f3dPPzqJvw=...",
    "birthname": null,
    "birthday": 24,
    "birthmonth": 12,
    "birthyear": 1864,
    "zipcode": 65432,
    "city": "EFXma8cPVEA=..."
// HTTP Reply 202 Accepted, Content-Location: /jobs/0012345823

Step L.1b: linkRecords


To request SEL to perform a (multiple records) record linkage with "remote_id", the communicator of the ML sends a TLS authenticated and secured HTTP POST to https://{sel-host}:{sel-port}/linkRecords/{remote_id}.

This call is not idempotent, multiple identical calls generate multiple linkage requests.

The following data is transferred:

  1. callback information
    1. Callback URL
  2. records
    1. data fields
  3. number of records

Empty fields are encoded as "null", e.g. for JSON as the null data type.


If successful, SEL replies "202 Accepted". In the "Location" header field, the position of the status query of the linkage job is transmitted (cf. Status Monitoring).

If the transmitted fields do not match the configuration initialized in process I, "401 Unauthorized" is transmitted.

If the request is made before the initialization has been performed, "400 Bad Request" is replied.

If SEL is in an error state, it will respond with "500 Internal Server Error" or "503 Service Unavailable". In the latter case a recovery time is sent with the "Retry-After" header if possible.


// HTTP POST from Mainzelliste to https://{sel-host}:{sel-port}:8081/linkRecords/dkfz
  "callback": {
    "url": "",
    "toDate": 1232345512,
    "records": [{
      "fields": {
        "firstname": "I07A1YM4aKNXlQ...", // base64 encoded 500-bit bloom filter
        "lastname": "5f3dPPzqJvw=...",
        "birthname": null,
        "birthday": 24,
        "birthmonth": 12,
        "birthyear": 1864,
        "zipcode": 65432,
        "city": "EFXma8cPVEA=..."
    {"fields": {
                 "firstname": "I07A1YM4aKNXlQ...", // base64 encoded 500-bit bloom filter
                 "lastname": "5f3dPPzqJvw=...",
                 "birthname": null,
                 "birthday": 24,
                 "birthmonth": 12,
                 "birthyear": 1864,
                 "zipcode": 65432,
                 "city": "EFXma8cPVEA=..."
// HTTP Reply 202 Accepted, Content-Location: /jobs/0012345823

Step L.2: sendLinkageResult


Both SELs send a HTTP POST request to the configured LS address. The reference implementation uses the address https://{LS-host}:{LS-port}/linkageResult/<local_id>/<remote_id>. The Request contains a JSON object with the following properties:

  1. role
    • server
    • client
  2. result
    1. match bit share
    2. tentative match bit share
    3. bestIndex share
  3. encrypted LIDs, if role == server


The LS responds to the client with a JSON object containing one or more linkage IDs results. Optionally, the LS may include a warning field or, in case of a failed calculation, an error description.


// HTTP POST of both SEL to LS<local-id>/<remote-id>
  "role": "server" // or "client"
    "result": {
      "match": 0, // XOR share of match bit
        "tentativeMatch": 1, // XOR share of tentative match bit
        "bestIndex" : 4 // XOR share of best match index
    "ids": ["FooBar=", ...] // only if role == server

LS reply to client:

  "result": [
  {"linkageId": "FooBar=" // base64 encoded linkage id, encrypted with key for local ML},
  {"linkageId": "FooBar=" // base64 encoded linkage id, encrypted with key for local ML},
  "warning": "The following problem occurred during computation: ....",
  "error": "Linkage server timeout" // Only if no result was generated

Step L.3: linkCallback

The local SEL forwards the record linkage result as a JSON object in a HTTP POST request. The JSON object adheres to the following form:

// HTTP POST to callback from linkRecord, e.g., "
// Header: apiKey
  "result": {
    "linkageId": "FooBar=" // base64 encoded linkage id, encrypted with key for local ML
    "warning": "The following problem occurred during computation: ....",
    "error": "Linkage server timeout" // Only if no result was generated

The "warning" and "error" properties are optional. The "error" property may only be included if no result was computed.

If multiple records were linked (cf. L.1b), the "result" property is an array of LID objects:

// HTTP POST to callback from linkRecords, e.g., "
// Header: apiKey
  "result": [
    {"linkageId": "FooBar="}, // base64 encoded linkage id, encrypted with key for local ML
    {"linkageId": "FooBar="}, // base64 encoded linkage id, encrypted with key for local ML
    "warning": "The following problem occurred during computation: ....",
    "error": "Linkage server timeout" // Only if no result was generated

Record "Matching", Patient Intersection Cardinality (M)

This process calculates the set intersection cardinality of one (set of) records and the remote database. This process can occur any number of times in succession once process I (initialization) has been successfully executed.

Name Description Caller Callee API Endpoint at Callee
M.1a matchRecord The ML creates a matching job by providing a single record and the result callback address ML SEL /matchRecord/<remote_id>
M.1b matchRecords The ML creates a matching job by providing multiple records and the result callback address ML SEL /matchRecords/<remote_id>
M.2 matchCallback SEL sends the set intersection cardinality calculated before to the given callback address SEL ML <callback_url>

Step M.1a: matchRecord


To request SEL to perform a (single record) matching with "remote_id", the communicator of the ML sends a TLS authenticated and secured HTTP POST to https://{sel-host}:{sel-port}/linkRecord/{remote_id}.

This call is not idempotent, multiple identical calls generate multiple matching requests.

The following data is transferred:

  1. callback information
    1. Callback URL
  2. data fields

Empty fields are encoded as "null", e.g. for JSON as the null data type.


If successful, SEL replies "202 Accepted". In the "Location" header field, the position of the status query of the matching job is transmitted (cf. Status Monitoring).

If the transmitted fields do not match the configuration initialized in process I, "401 Unauthorized" is transmitted.

If the request is made before the initialization has been performed, "400 Bad Request" is replied.

If SEL is in an error state, it will respond with "500 Internal Server Error" or "503 Service Unavailable". In the latter case a recovery time is sent with the "Retry-After" header if possible.


// HTTP POST from Mainzelliste to https://{sel-host}:{sel-port}:8081/matchRecord/dkfz
  "callback": {
    "url": "",
  "fields": {
    "firstname": "I07A1YM4aKNXlQ...", // base64 encoded 500-bit bloom filter
    "lastname": "5f3dPPzqJvw=...",
    "birthname": null,
    "birthday": 24,
    "birthmonth": 12,
    "birthyear": 1864,
    "zipcode": 65432,
    "city": "EFXma8cPVEA=..."
// HTTP Reply 202 Accepted, Content-Location: /jobs/0012345823

Step M.1b: matchRecords


To request SEL to perform a (multiple records) matching with "remote_id", the communicator of the ML sends a TLS authenticated and secured HTTP POST to https://{sel-host}:{sel-port}/matchRecords/{remote_id}.

This call is not idempotent, multiple identical calls generate multiple matching requests.

The following data is transferred:

  1. callback information
    1. Callback URL
  2. records
    1. data fields
  3. number of records

Empty fields are encoded as "null", e.g. for JSON as the null data type.


If successful, SEL replies "202 Accepted". In the "Location" header field, the position of the status query of the matching job is transmitted (cf. Status Monitoring).

If the transmitted fields do not match the configuration initialized in process I, "401 Unauthorized" is transmitted.

If the request is made before the initialization has been performed, "400 Bad Request" is replied.

If SEL is in an error state, it will respond with "500 Internal Server Error" or "503 Service Unavailable". In the latter case a recovery time is sent with the "Retry-After" header if possible.


// HTTP POST from Mainzelliste to https://{sel-host}:{sel-port}:8081/matchRecords/dkfz
  "callback": {
    "url": "",
    "toDate": 1232345512,
    "records": [{
      "fields": {
        "firstname": "I07A1YM4aKNXlQ...", // base64 encoded 500-bit bloom filter
        "lastname": "5f3dPPzqJvw=...",
        "birthname": null,
        "birthday": 24,
        "birthmonth": 12,
        "birthyear": 1864,
        "zipcode": 65432,
        "city": "EFXma8cPVEA=..."
    {"fields": {
                 "firstname": "I07A1YM4aKNXlQ...", // base64 encoded 500-bit bloom filter
                 "lastname": "5f3dPPzqJvw=...",
                 "birthname": null,
                 "birthday": 24,
                 "birthmonth": 12,
                 "birthyear": 1864,
                 "zipcode": 65432,
                 "city": "EFXma8cPVEA=..."
// HTTP Reply 202 Accepted, Content-Location: /jobs/0012345823

Step M.2: matchCallback

The local SEL transfers the matching result as a JSON object in a HTTP POST request. The JSON object adheres to the following form:

// HTTP POST to callback from matchRecord, e.g., "<counter>"
// Header: apiKey
  "result": {
    "matches": 7,
    "tentativeMatches": 10
  "warning": "The following problem occurred during computation: ....",
  "error": "Remote party unreachable." // Only if no result was computed

The "warning" and "error" properties are optional. The "error" property may only be included if no result was computed.

Computation (C)

Some signaling is necessary to perform the chosen computation. These calls are interleaved with the L or M process calls.

Name Description Caller Callee API Endpoint at Callee
C.1 initMPC Signal remote SEL to prepare calculation local SEL remote SEL /initMPC
C.2 getAllRecords Request all records from remote ML remoteSEL remote ML /getAllRecords/<local_id>

Step C.1: initMPC

The local SEL signals the remote SEL that it wants to perform a record linkage/matching. Subsequently, the remote SEL retrieves the database of its ML.

Step C.2: getAllRecords

The remote SEL requires the entire set of records. For that, it requests those data form the remote ML. Note, that at the moment no caching is implemented.


Since we want to preserve the navigability, all data except the ApiKey is passed along via the URL. The remote SEL performs a HTTP GET request to https://{ML-host}:{ML-port}/getAllRecords/<requester-id>.


In case of failed authentication "401 Unauthorized" is replied.

In case of a malformed request "400 Bad Request" is replied.

A successful reply transmits a JSON object containing the records, according to the following example. Empty fields are encoded as "null", e.g. for JSON as the null data type. Note, for matching mode no ID field is required in the records array.


// HTTP Get from remote SEL to
    "localId": "DKFZ",
    "remoteId": "TUD",
      "id": "12345",
      "id": "23231",

Status Monitoring (S)

This process can run in parallel to processes L and M and enables the current processing status of one or all matching/linkage requests to be queried.

Name Description Caller Callee API Endpoint at Callee
S.1 jobStatus ML or user sends the job ID to SEL and receives a processing status back ML / User SEL /jobs/<job_id>
S.2 statusList ML or user receives the status of all jobs ML / User SEL /jobs/list

Step S.1: jobStatus


The ML or user sends a HTTP GET request to the local SEL under the resource /jobs/<job-id>.


The ML receives the job status as a string in the response body. Possible states are:

  • HOLD
  • DONE

If no job with the given ID exists, the response body is empty.

Step S.2: statusList


The ML or user sends a HTTP GET request to the local SEL under the resource /jobs/list.


The ML receives all job status as a JSON object in the response body. The JSON object has the form:

  "<job-id>": "<status>",

Possible states are:

  • HOLD
  • DONE

If no job exists, the JSON is empty.