What follows is some custom formatting used by the website.
A formatted version of this file appears on the website.
microbit playground uses kramdown
as its markdown parser. This uses {:.}
to specify classes to attach to a block.
For Example:
markdown in:
{:.ui .dividing .header}
### A beautiful header
HTML out:
<h3 class="ui dividing header">A beautiful header</h3>
Most of semantic ui is exposed but please go easy on it!
### Header Three
Site hierarchy begins here.
#### Header Four
Welcome to use this
##### Header Five
Try to avoid!
It is possible to use a dividing header using the custom markdown of Kramdown:
{:.ui .dividing .header}
### Pretty Header
- This is
- a
- list
- number one
- number two
- number three
{:.ui .basic .collapsing .table}
| Header Cell 1 | Header Cell 2 |
| Accelerometer | `0x1D` |
| Hello | `0x0E` |
{:.ui .collapsing .table}
| Header Cell 1 | Header Cell 2 |
| Accelerometer | `0x1D` |
| Hello | `0x0E` |
Inline code is formatted with backticks.
Sections of code can be formatted with triple backticks:
This is example of
using backticks
in markdown.
Code can be highlighted and made pretty. It supports any language used by Rouge
{% highlight ruby %}
def say(words)
puts words
say("ruby code.")
{% endhighlight %}

{:.ui .image .fluid}

A fluid image takes up the width of the container.
{:.ui .image .medium .right .floated}

{:.ui .image .small .left .floated}

These are used to show the same information side by side.
<!-- Top tabs -->
<div class="ui top attached tabular menu">
<a class="item active" data-tab="first">Tab One</a>
<a class="item" data-tab="second">Tab Two</a>
<!-- Content of tab one (data-tab="first") -->
<div class="ui bottom attached tab segment active" data-tab="first" markdown="1">
This is the content of Tab 1. Mardown is forced __on__.
<!-- Content of tab two (data-tab="second") -->
<div class="ui bottom attached tab segment" data-tab="second" markdown="1">
This is the content of Tab2. I really should make this easier!