All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
1.1.0 (2025-03-13)
- upgrades required go version from go1.18 to go 1.22 (22ec699)
1.0.9 (2024-12-17)
- changelog cleanup (1c16092)
- Modified how number values are derived, allowing values to be cast as the various types.
- Panicing when type is asserted to be what it isn't.
- Adds support for serialization and deserialization untyped nodes.
- Fixes serilaization of
values in collections of Objects.
- Fixes some special character escaping when serializing strings to JSON. Previous incorrect escaping could lead to deserialization errors if old serialized data is read again.
- Fixes parsing time parsing without timezone information.
- Fixes serialization of composed types for scalar values.
- Safely serialize null values in collections of Objects, Enums or primitives.
- Fixes bug where slices backing data from
could be overwritten before they were used but afterJsonSerializationWriter.Close()
was called.
- GA Release.
- Use buffer pool for
- Improve
serialization performance.
- Improve error messaging for serialization error.
- Add Unmarshal and Marshal helpers.
- Validates json content before parsing.
- Fixes bug that returned
as value for nested maps whenGetRawValue
is called.
- Fixes bug that returned
as value for collections whenGetRawValue
is called.
- Added support for backing store.
- Fix: Bug on GetRawValue results to invalid memory address when server responds with a
on the request body field.
- Fixed method name for write any value.
- Implement additional serialization method
and parse methodGetRawValue
- Added support for composed types serialization.
- Upgrades abstractions and yaml dependencies.
- Fixed bug where string literals of
would result in generating an invalid JSON.
- Fixed a bug where a backslash in a string would result in an invalid payload.
- Fixed a bug where new lines in string values would not be escaped generating invalid JSON.
- Upgrades abstractions and yaml dependencies.
- Updated supported types for Additional Data, unsupported types now throwing an error instead of ignoring.
- Changed logic that trims excessive commas to be called only once on serialization.
- Updated reference to abstractions to support enum responses.
- Upgraded abstractions version.
- Serialization writer close method now clears the internal array and can be used to reset the writer.
- Fixed an issue where quotes in string values would not be escaped. #11
- Fixed an issue where int64 and byte values would get a double key. #12, #13
- Upgraded abstractions to 0.4.0.
- Upgraded to go 18.
- Fixed a bug where dates, date only, time only and duration would not serialize properly.
- Breaking: simplifies the field deserializers.
- Initial tagged release of the library.