2014-03-17 Miguel Martin [email protected]
- Added
- Added
- Added Movement example
- Added Collision example (thanks to johnmarinelli)
- Various bug fixes (thanks to jabza helping with these)
- Fixed Entity::Id's being re-cycled incorrectly.
- Fixed issue where re-activating Entities caused them to be re-added to their Systems.
- Added the ability for an empty Entity handle to check its validity without asserting.
- Removing Component caused crashes
2013-08-04 Miguel Martin [email protected]
- Changed how Entities are stored
- Added unit tests
- Added CMake support
- Removed virtual process/update method in System classes, as not all systems require to be updated in a particular way
- Added C++11 support where necessary, e.g. for ComponentFilter
- Library requires C++11 now - may change in the future
- Added Rendering example
- Added Animation example
2013-03-25 Miguel Martin [email protected]
- Refractory ac::es to anax namespace
- Removed examples (placing them in another repository)
- Renamed Scene to World
- Removed managers, and observer classes
- Reorganised library and renamed some files in library
- Changed logo
2013-01-13 Miguel Martin [email protected]
- Patch number increased to 3
- No more macros!
- Updated README
- Added LISENSE.txt
- Added BUGS
- Added ROADMAP.md
- Updated copyright text
- Removed static functions in ComponentFilter
- Added deltaTime variable in Scene
- Added Movement example
- Fixed destruction of Components when calling Entity::kill() or Scene::kill(EntityPtr)
- Initial version of the library