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tldr brew.

Using homebrew you can install and manage packages of different services and modules. You can start and stop a service directly from brew and use the service efficiently.

List all packages installed using brew

brew list

The above command will list down all the packages installed via brew on your system.

List down all services running using brew

brew services list

This command will list all services started using brew.

Install a Package using brew

brew install <package_name>

To install a package using homebrew we can use the above command. You need to add the package name after brew install command to install a new package.

Uninstall or remove a package in Homebrew

brew uninstall <package_name>

Like installation command, you can use uninstall in place of install to completely remove a package from homebrew.

brew uninstall --force <package_name>

The --force or -f flag is used to remove package even if it has dependencies.

Remove unused brew dependencies and delete outdated downloads

brew autoremove

Uninstall formulae that were only installed as a dependency of another formula and are now no longer needed.

Upgrade a package using Homebrew

brew upgrade <package_name>

To upgrade a package to its latest version in Homebrew, you can use above command. I will upgrade the package.

Link/Unlink a package in Homebrew

# To unlink a package
brew unlink <package_name>

# To link a package
brew link <package_name>

To unlink a package you can run command brew unlink <package_name>. This will not remove the package from your system but if you want to use the package, you will need to link them using brew link <package_name> commad.

Change to specific version of a package

brew switch <package_name> 2.1.5

If you are using multiple versions of a package in Homebrew, you can switch to specific version using above command.

Check version of a package in Homebrew

brew list --versions <package_name>

To check the versions of a package installed via Homebrew, you can use the command brew list --versions <package_name>. It will print the version in the terminal window.

Remove old version of a package

brew cleanup <package_name>

If you want to remove the old versions of a package, you can use the above command in the terminal with brew installed.

brew cleanup
brew cleanup --prune=all

A command that frees up space on your Mac by removing old versions of formulae and small kegs of data. It also deletes old downloads from the Homebrew download-cache.

Open home page of a package in browser

brew home <package_name>

To open the homepage of a package in the browser, you can use the brew home command. For example, if you want to open the homepage of Git package installed via homebrew, you can use the command - brew home git.

Update Homebrew

brew update

To update the Homebrew version on your local system you can use the above command. The command will install components and modules that are required to update the Homebrew version.

Update all packages installed via Homebrew

brew upgrade

The command can be used to upgrade all the packages and modules installed via Homebrew.

brew outdated

The command will show the list of Homebrew packages that are not updated to its latest version.

Check any issue occurred in brew or packages

brew doctor

If you are facing any error in Homebrew or its packages then you can run the above command. It will find the issues and show you the list of issues in the terminal.

Learn more about the command

brew help
brew help install