No more GUI! Git CLI FTW! Much credit for this file goes to the incredible resource provided by Tower.
git pull --rebase
git add .
git commit -m "commit message"
git push
git init
- Create a new local repository
git help <command>
- Get help with a specific git command.
git status
- Lists every file that has changed since the last commit, and files currently staged for commit
git diff
- Lists every individual change to every file that has changed since the last commit. Add the '--staged' tag to show changes currently staged for committing.
git add .
- Add all current changes to the staging area, ready for the next commit.
git add -p <filename>
- Add some changes in <filename>
to the staging area, ready for the next commit.
git commit -a
- Commit all local changes in tracked files to the staging area, ready for the next commit.
git commit
- Commit previously staged changes.
git commit <filename> -m 'My commit message'
- Commits changes to the <filename>
- The
flag expects to be followed by a commit message surrounded by quotes.- Single quotes if you want to use quotation marks in your message, or double quotes if you want to use apostrophes in your message.
- If you want to commit everything in a sub directory,
git commit sub-dir -m 'message'
.- If you want to commit everything in the repo without staging it first (dangerous),
git commit -a -m 'message'
git commit --amend
- Change the last commit. Don‘t amend published commits!!
git log --oneline
- Show all commits, starting with newest. The oneline flag cleans the entries up a bit to display each commit on one line.
git log -p <file-name>
- Show changes over time for a specific file.
git blame <file-name>
- Display who changed what in <file-name>
git blame -L 10,20 <file-name>
- Will display who edited those specific lines of <file-name>
git checkout <branch-name>
- Allows you to switch between git branches, adding the -b
flag creates the branch you are switching to if it doesn't already exist. You can also specify specific commit hashes instead of branch names.
If you want to checkout a specific file you can git checkout <branch-name-or-commit> <file-path>
which is powerful as it allows you to selectively merge in files or rewind changes.
git branch
without any parameters will list all current branches. You can also use it to create a new branch with git branch <new-branch-name>
which will create a branch based on your current HEAD but not check it out (which is why git checkout -b <new-branch-name>
is so useful).
git checkout --track <remote-name>/<branch-name>
- Create a new tracking branch based on a remote branch.
git branch -d <branch-name>
- Delete a local branch.
git push origin --delete <branch-name>
- Delete a remote branch.
git tag <tag-name>
- Mark the current commit with a tag.
As evidenced by the popularity of remote repo hosting services (hello Github!), One of the most powerful features with git is the ability to track remote repositories.
git remote -v
- List all currently configured remotes. The -v
flag stands for verbose and allows you to see more information about the remote repos, like the url.
git remote show <remote-name>
- Show more information about a specific remote.
git remote add <remote> <url>
- Add new remote repository, named <remote>
and with a source url of <url>
git fetch <remote>
- Download all changes from <remote>
, but don‘t integrate into HEAD.
git fetch --dry-run -v
- --dry-run
Show what would be done, without making any changes. -v
Be verbose.
git pull <remote> <branch-name>
- Download changes and directly merge/integrate.
git push <remote> <branch-name>
- Publish local changes to the remote repo.
git branch -dr <remote-name>/<branch-name>
- Delete a branch on the remote repo.
git push --tags
- Publish any tags you've added.
Dealing with differences and changes between repos is the real power behind git.
git merge <branch-name>
- Merge <branch-name>
into your current HEAD.
git rebase <branch-name>
- Rebase your current HEAD onto <branch-name>
. Don‘t rebase published commits!!
git rebase --abort
- Aborts a rebase in progress.
git rebase --continue
- A rebase will pause when it detects a conflict and will wait for you to resolve it/them by choosing which side of the merge to keep. When you've resolved the conflicts, this command continues the rebase.
git mergetool
- Use your configured merge tool to solve conflicts.
git add <resolved-file>
- Use your editor to manually solve conflicts and (after resolving) mark file as resolved.
git rm <resolved-file>
We all make mistakes.
git reset --hard HEAD
- Discard all local changes in your working directory.
git checkout HEAD <file-name>
- Discard local changes in a specific file.
git revert <commit>
- Revert a commit (by producing a new commit with contrary changes).
git reset --hard <commit>
- Reset your HEAD pointer to a previous commit and discard all changes since then.
git reset <commit>
- Reset your HEAD pointer to a previous commit and preserve all changes as unstaged changes.
git reset --keep <commit>
- Reset your HEAD pointer to a previous commit and preserve uncommitted local changes.
git checkout -- `git ls-files -m`
- Reset modified files in a directory
rm -rf `git ls-files --other --exclude-standard`
- Remove untracked files (use caution)
git log -G "<search-string>" --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h %Creset%s %Cgreen(%cr) %Cblue[%cn - %ce]" --decorate
- Search commits for a string or code
The following snippet is handy if you're dealing with a monolithic repo with many branches and submodules:
git checkout <branch-name> && rm -rf `git ls-files --other --exclude-standard` && git submodule update --init --recursive
- Reset-checkout.. checks out branch, removes untracked files, and re-inits submodules