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FlexLayout is a layout manager that arranges React components in multiple tab sets, these can be resized and moved.

FlexLayout Demo Screenshot

Screenshot of Caplin Liberator Explorer using FlexLayout

Run the Demo

Try it now using JSFiddle

FlexLayout's only dependency is React.


  • splitters
  • tabs
  • tab dragging and ordering
  • tabset dragging (move all the tabs in a tabset in one operation)
  • dock to tabset or edge of frame
  • maximize tabset (double click tabset header or use icon)
  • tab overflow (show menu when tabs overflow)
  • submodels, allow layouts inside layouts
  • tab renaming (double click tab text to rename)
  • themeing - light and dark
  • touch events - works on mobile devices (iPad, Android)
  • add tabs using drag, indirect drag, add to active tabset, add to tabset by id
  • preferred pixel size tabsets
  • headed tabsets
  • tab and tabset attributes: enableHeader, enableTabStrip, enableDock, enableDrop...
  • customizable tabs and tabset header rendering
  • esc cancels drag


  • minimize to edge
  • layout designer gui, drag and drop + set properties to design initial layout


FlexLayout is in the npm repository. Simply install React and FlexLayout from npm:

npm install react --save
npm install react-dom --save
npm install flexlayout-react --save

Import React and FlexLayout in your modules:

import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import FlexLayout from "flexlayout-react";

Include the light or dark style in your html:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/flexLayout-react/style/dark.css" />


The <Layout> component renders the tabsets and splitters, it takes the following props:

Prop Required/Optional Description
model required the layout model
factory required a factory function for creating React components
onAction optional function called whenever the layout generates an action to update the model (allows for intercepting actions before they are dispatched to the model, for example, asking the user to confirm a tab close)
onTabRender optional function called when rendering a tab, allows leading (icon) and content sections to be customized
onTabSetRender optional function called when rendering a tabset, allows header and buttons to be customized

The model is tree of Node objects that define the structure of the layout.

The factory is a function that takes a Node object and returns a React component that should be hosted by a tab in the layout.

The model can be created using the Model.fromJson(jsonObject) static method, and can be saved using the model.toJson() method.

this.state = {model: FlexLayout.Model.fromJson(json)};

render() {
	<Layout model={this.state.model} factory={factory}/>

Example Configuration:

var json = {
	global: {},
		"type": "row",
		"weight": 100,
		"children": [
				"type": "tabset",
				"weight": 50,
				"selected": 0,
				"children": [
						"type": "tab",
						"name": "FX",
				"type": "tabset",
				"weight": 50,
				"selected": 0,
				"children": [
						"type": "tab",
						"name": "FI",

Example Code

import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import FlexLayout from "flexlayout-react";

class Main extends React.Component {

    constructor(props) {
        this.state = {model: FlexLayout.Model.fromJson(json)};

    factory(node) {
        var component = node.getComponent();
        if (component === "button") {
            return <button>{node.getName()}</button>;

    render() {
        return (
            <FlexLayout.Layout model={this.state.model} factory={this.factory.bind(this)}/>

ReactDOM.render(<Main/>, document.getElementById("container"));

(See the examples for full source code)

The above code would render two tabsets horizontally each containing a single tab that hosts a button component. The tabs could be moved and resized by dragging and dropping. Additional grids could be added to the layout by sending actions to the model.

Try it now using JSFiddle

The model is built up using 3 types of 'node':

  • row - rows contains a list of tabsets and child rows, the top level row will render horizontally, child 'rows' will render in the opposite orientation to their parent.

  • tabset - tabsets contain a list of tabs and the index of the selected tab

  • tab - tabs specify the name of the component that they should host (that will be loaded via the factory) and the text of the actual tab.

Weights on rows and tabsets specify the relative weight of these nodes within the parent row, the actual values do not matter just their relative values (ie two tabsets of weights 30,70 would render the same if they had weights of 3,7).

By changing global or node attributes you can change the layout appearance and functionallity, for example:

Setting tabSetEnableTabStrip:false in the global options would change the layout into a multi-splitter (without tabs or drag and drop).

 global: {tabSetEnableTabStrip:false},

Global Config attributes

Attributes allowed in the 'global' element

Attribute Default Description
splitterSize 8
enableEdgeDock true
tabEnableClose true
tabEnableDrag true
tabEnableRename true
tabClassName null
tabIcon null
tabSetEnableClose true
tabSetEnableDrop true
tabSetEnableDrag true
tabSetEnableDivide true
tabSetEnableMaximize true
tabSetClassNameTabStrip null
tabSetClassNameHeader null
tabSetEnableTabStrip true
tabSetHeaderHeight 20
tabSetTabStripHeight 20

Row Attributes

Attributes allowed in nodes of type 'row'.

Attribute Default Description
type row
weight 100
width null preferred pixel width
height null preferred pixel height
children required a list of row and tabset nodes

Tab Attributes

Attributes allowed in nodes of type 'tab'.

Inherited defaults will take their value from the associated global attributes (see above).

Attribute Default Description
type tab
name required
component required
config null a place to hold json config for the hosted component
id auto generated
enableClose inherited
enableDrag inherited
enableRename inherited
className inherited
icon inherited

Tab nodes have a getExtraData() method that initially returns an empty object, this is the place to add extra data to a tab node that will not be saved.

TabSet Attributes

Attributes allowed in nodes of type 'tabset'.

Inherited defaults will take their value from the associated global attributes (see above).

Note: tabsets can be dynamically created as tabs are moved and deleted when all their tabs are removed (unless enableClose is false).

Attribute Default Description
type tabset
weight 100
width null preferred pixel width
height null preferred pixel height
name null named tabsets will show a header bar above the tabs
selected 0
maximized false
id auto generated
children required a list of tab nodes
enableClose inherited
enableDrop inherited
enableDrag inherited
enableDivide inherited
enableMaximize inherited
classNameTabStrip inherited
classNameHeader inherited
enableTabStrip inherited
headerHeight inherited
tabStripHeight inherited

Model Actions

The Model accepts a set of actions via its doAction() method.



The above example would increase the size of the splitters, tabset headers and tabs, this could be used to make adjusting the layout easier on a small device.

Action Creator Description
Actions.addNode(newNodeJson, toNodeId, location, index) add a new tab node to the given tabset node
Actions.moveNode(fromNodeId, toNodeId, location, index) move a tab node from its current location to the new node and location
Actions.deleteTab(tabNodeId) delete the given tab
Actions.selectTab(tabNodeId) select the given tab
Actions.setActiveTabset(tabsetNodeId) set the tabset as the active tabset
Actions.adjustSplit(splitterNodeId, value) adjust the size of the given splitter
Actions.maximizeToggle(tabsetNodeId) toggles whether the given tabset node is maximized
Actions.updateModelAttributes(attributes) updates the global attributes
Actions.updateNodeAttributes(nodeId, attributes) updates the attributes of the given node

for example:

model.doAction(Actions.addNode({type:"tab", component:"grid", name:"a grid", id:"5"}, "1", DropLocation.CENTER, 0));

This would add a new grid component to the center of tabset with id "1" and at the 0'th tab position (use value -1 to add to the end of the tabs). Note: you can get the id of a node using the method node.getId(), if an id wasn't assigned when the node was created then one will be created for you of the form # (e.g. #1, #2 ...).

##Layout Component Methods to Create New Tabs

Methods on the Layout Component for adding tabs, the tabs are specified by their layout json.


this.refs.layout.addTabToTabSet("NAVIGATION", {type:"tab", component:"grid", name:"a grid"});

This would add a new grid component to the tabset with id "NAVIGATION".

Layout Method Description
addTabToTabSet(tabsetId, json) adds a new tab to the tabset with the given Id
addTabToActiveTabSet(json) adds a new tab to the active tabset
addTabWithDragAndDrop(dragText, json, onDrop) adds a new tab by dragging a marker to the required location, the drag starts immediately
addTabWithDragAndDropIndirect(dragText, json, onDrop) adds a new tab by dragging a marker to the required location, the marker is shown and must be clicked on to start dragging

Tab Node Events

You can handle events on nodes by adding a listener, this would typically be done lazily in the factory method when the node is first used.


    factory(node) {
        var component = node.getComponent();
        else if (component === "sub") {
            var model = node.getExtraData().model;
            if (model == null) { // lazy loading of sub layout and attachment of save listener
                // convert JSON layout stored in config to a layout model and save it in the extra data
                node.getExtraData().model = FlexLayout.Model.fromJson(node.getConfig().model);
                model = node.getExtraData().model;
                // save submodel back to JSON on save event
                node.setEventListener("save", function(p) {
                        node.getConfig().model = node.getExtraData().model.toJson();
Event parameters Description
resize called when tab is resized during layout, called before it is rendered with the new size
close called when a tab is closed
visibility called when the visibility of a tab changes
save called before a tabnode is serialized to json, use to save node config by adding data to the object returned by node.getConfig()