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f8905e9 · Jul 11, 2023


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124 lines (82 loc) · 7.71 KB

Example Application



The device can measure temperature and sign measurements, and the host can post these measurements together with the timestamp and signature on-chain.

Project Description

The project consists of two parts: a host application and device firmware. After the firmware is flashed to the device, the device can be connected to a PC with the host application via USB to perform necessary communication. The firmware provides sensor data upon request and uses Embedano SDK methods under the hood for keys derivation and signing. The firmware does not assemble transactions; it only provides sensor data together with required signatures and keys. Transaction assembly and submission happen on the host.

Device - embedded devices connected to Host via USB. Device is flashed with firmware which is built with Embedano SDK, enabling the device to derive keys and sign data.

Host - device (e.g., PC or laptop) that sends requests to embedded devices connected via USB using the host application.

Script address - the address of the script which is used as on-chain storage or registry for the data collected by Host from the Device.

Device address - enterprise address derived from the mnemonic phrase for the specified derivation path. This address is used to pay the minimum required Ada and balance transactions to the Script address. Mnemonics and derivation paths are set by the Host during requests to Device.


  • Device address should have some Ada, so Host can balance transactions properly.
  • cardano-cli of version 1.35.4 with access to appropriate node socket should be available in PATH on the Host - communications with cardano node (UTXO queries or submission) are performed with cardano-cli under the hood.


Submitting Data to Chain

  • Host initiates Device with the mnemonic phrase that will be used by Embedano SDK for keys derivation and signing.
  • Host requests temperature sensor readings from Device, providing the timestamp of the operation (current time), and data required for keys derivation and signing (password and derivation path).
  • Device returns temperature data, timestamp, and concatenated bytes of both signed with private key.
  • Host requests a public key from Device with the same signing credentials as in the previous request to build Device address.
  • Host queries Device address for available UTXOs and uses those and temperature data to build and balance the transaction - temperature data received from Device added to script output's Datum.
  • Host calculates the transaction hash - transaction ID, and sends a request to Device to sign this ID.
  • After receiving the signed transaction ID from Device, Host adds signed data to the witness set of balanced transaction, making the transaction signed.
  • Host submits the signed transaction.

Checking Data on Chain

  • Host initiates Device with the mnemonic phrase that will be used by Embedano SDK for keys derivation and signing.
  • Host queries Script address to get all available UTXOs (we assume that only UTXOs with temperature measurements are there).
  • Host requests a public key from Device with the signing credentials that should correspond to the data stored on-chain (password and derivation path for key).
  • For each UTXO from Script address, Host parses temperature data, timestamp, and signed data from UTXO Datum. Then performs bytes concatenation for temperature data and timestamp, making verification data. Using the public key acquired from Device, verification data, and signed data, Host checks that temperature data and timestamp were indeed signed by the public key acquired from Device.

Running the demo

The easiest way to run the demo is to use Nix, as the repository provides a ready-to-go Nix setup. The following instructions use Nix with flake.

From the root of the project, enter the Nix shell:

nix develop

To flash firmware onto the device, some prior setup is required. The specifics of the setup will depend on your hardware and software. To see an example for the NRF52 Development Kit board and WSL2 Debian, check out the live demo.

Current setup uses this cargo config and this script.gdb to run gdb and flash firmware when cargo run is executed.

Starting USB device

To flash firmware, from the root of the repo switch to the device directory

cd examples/nrf52-demo/embedano-device

Make sure device is connected to the gdb server and script.gdb has correct IP set through "target extended-remote ..." command. Then run cargo run.

If everything goes well, script.gdb should load firmware and start main loop. A new USB device should appear in the system, and the client application should be able to communicate with it through the newly opened serial port.

Running host client application

In the second terminal cd to main stream example directory:

cd examples/nrf52-demo

This directory contains script serves as a shortcut to run the client application. You will need to pass device serial and mode of operation as arguments.

To submit transaction containing sensor readings from the device:

./ "/dev/ttyACM0" submit

To verify sensor readings stored on chain:

./ "/dev/ttyACM0" verify

The application then will start selected scenario according to selected mode of operation. To get more information about modes please check out rust docs for demo-client or live demo videos.


Transactions and data from live demo on CardanoScan