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ES1995 – The Missing JS Polyfill

ES1995 is a polyfill for super-modern Javascript that you can write today.

What people said about ES1995

Brendan Eich:

“I did JS in 10 days. If I had one more day, ES1995 would be there from the start.”

Alan Kay:

“[…][…] The Web in comparison [to the Internet] is a joke. The Web was done by amateurs. […] JS is pile of bricks with limestone on top. […] To be precise, in case of ES1995, a change in perspective is worth negative 80 IQ points. […][…] […]”

Sebastian Mackenzie:

“If we had ES1995, Rome would be build in a day. Maybe less.”

Joe Armstrong:

“Discovered that I can speak tweets by pressing the microphone button and it gets it right most of the time this is amazing and saves a lot of time.

One thing puzzles me.

How did they fit the stenographer inside the phone?”

Alan Turing:

TC39 can only see a short distance ahead, but they can see plenty there that needs to be done.”

Elon Musk:

“If JS was like this from the start, humans would dominate the whole galaxy and we would have quantum-resistant Bitcoin with instant transactions running on Neuralink. **nodding** ”

Steve Ballmer:



“I was looking for a replacement for Perl and JS with ES1995 looks pretty slick!”


Fancy FizzBuzz

Number.range(1, 101)
      // 15 === Number.leastCommonMultiple(3, 5)
      [(n) => n.multipleOf(15), () => "FizzBuzz"],
      [(n) => n.multipleOf(5), () => "Buzz"],
      [(n) => n.multipleOf(3), () => "Fizz"],
      [Function.true, Function.identity]
  .join(", ")

Functional Objects

const count = Function.from({
  state: 0,
  [Symbol.callable]() {
    this.state += 1;
    return this.state;


Number decomposition

const n = -23.47;
const [s, i, f] = [n.sign(), n.integerPart(), n.fractionalPart()];
const m = s * (i + f);

console.assert(n === m);

Array manipulation – Texas Hold'em

const suits = "♠♥♦♣".split("");
const ranks = [...Number.range(2, 11), ..."JQKA".split("")];

let deck = Array.cartesianProduct(suits, ranks).map((card) => card.join(""));

// Fisher-Yates + random cut
deck = deck.shuffle().rotate(Number.random(0, deck.length));

const players = ["Douglas Crockford", "Marc Andreessen", "John-David Dalton"];

let playersCards;
[playersCards, deck] = deck.splitAt(2 * players.length);
playersCards =;
const hands = Object.fromEntries(;

let flop, turn, river;

[flop, deck] = deck.drop(1).splitAt(3);
[turn, deck] = deck.drop(1).splitAt(1);
[river, deck] = deck.drop(1).splitAt(1);

const game = {
  community: { flop, turn, river }


Merge Sort

const mergeSort = (L) =>
  L.length <= 1
    ? L
    : L.splitAt(L.length / 2)
        .pipe((L) => merge(...L));

const merge = Function.conditional([
  [(A, B) => A.empty() || B.empty(), (A, B) => A.concat(B)],
  [([a], [b]) => a < b, ([a, ...A], B) => [a, ...merge(A, B)]],
  [Function.true, (A, B) => merge(B, A)] // ba-dum-ts


Fuzzy string match

const names = [

const searchTerm = "cle";

  .map((name) => name.removeDiacritics().toLowerCase())
  // Sørensen–Dice coefficient: 0.0 – 1.0
  .map((safeName) => searchTerm.similarityTo(safeName))
  .sorted(([a], [b]) => b - a)
// [0.4444444444444444, "Clémence"]
// [0.36363636363636365, "Clémentine"]
// [0, "Timothée"]

Fun fun fun

const fetchArticle = (id) => {
  // get the latest hot shit from Hacker News
const fetchArticleOnlyOnce = fetchArticle.memoize();
const onResizeWindow = () => {
  // recalculate expensive layout
const smartOnResizeWindow = onResizeWindow.debounce(150);
const onClick = () => {
const rateLimitedOnClick = onClick.throttle(1000);
const add = (a, b) => a + b;
const add10 = add.partial(10);

Array Indexing

const squares = Number.range(10).map((i) => i ** 2);
const squareAtFirst =;

const oddIndices = Number.range(1, 10, 2);
const squaresAtOddIndices =;

Checkout src/es1995.js for other funky stuff.