Embark on an exciting journey through a world where protecting your village is the ultimate goal. With over 100 quests to guide you along the way, you're in for an unforgettable adventure.
- Complete the questline.
- Get married and/or tame an anime friend.
- Win the hearts of the villagers by completing quests (see village lord).
- Minecraft Comes Alive (MCA): Establish a rapport with the villagers.
- Touhou Maids: Loyal friends who can help with chores.
- ToroQuest Revamped: Befriend the village lord by completing quests.
- Refined Storage: Your storage solution for everything.
- Large Ore Deposits: Enhanced mining experience.
- Aroma1997’s Dimensional World: Explore a mining dimension.
- EnderIO/Solar Flux Reborn/Flux: Advanced tech and energy systems.