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README for API Installation

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Read about working with WeVoteServer

Installation Troubleshooting

NOTE: We are running Django version 1.8

NOTE: WeVoteServer is built for Python 3.4. It currently still works with Python version 2.7.6. (tests still have issues with Python 3.4, but everything else works)

Clone WeVoteServer from github

Create a place to put all of the code from Github:

$ mkdir /Users/<YOUR NAME HERE>/PythonProjects/

Retrieve “WeVoteServer” into that folder:

  1. Create a fork of wevote/WeVoteServer.git. You can do this from with the "Fork" button
    (upper right of screen)

  2. Change into your local WeVoteServer repository folder, and set up a remote for upstream:
    $ git remote add upstream [email protected]:wevote/WeVoteServer.git

Installing Python 3 on Mac (See below for Ubuntu)

Mac instructions (Based on this)

Install the latest Python 3.x from package: This allows you to run python3 and pip3. (Software gets installed into /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/bin/.)

$ pip3 install --user virtualenv
$ vim ~/.bash_profile

Add the following to .bash_profile, save and quit:

alias virtualenv3='~/Library/Python/3.5/bin/virtualenv'

Update the current Terminal window to use the alias you just saved:

$ source ~/.bash_profile

Create a place for the virtual environment to live on your hard drive. We recommend installing it outside of "PythonProjects" folder:

$ mkdir /Users/<YOUR NAME HERE>/PythonEnvironments/
$ cd /Users/<YOUR NAME HERE>/PythonEnvironments/
$ virtualenv3 WeVoteServer3.5

Now activate this new virtual environment for WeVoteServer:

$ cd /Users/<YOUR NAME HERE>/PythonProjects/WeVoteServer/
$ source /Users/<YOUR NAME HERE>/PythonEnvironments/WeVoteServer3.5/bin/activate
$ export PATH="/Applications/$PATH"

Installing Python 3 on Ubuntu

Taken from here:

Perhaps the most flexible way to install Django on your system is with the virtualenv tool. This tool allows you to create virtual Python environments where you can install any Python packages you want without affecting the rest of the system. This allows you to select Python packages on a per-project basis regardless of conflicts with other project's requirements.

We will begin by installing pip from the Ubuntu repositories. Refresh your local package index before starting:

sudo apt-get update

If you plan on using version 2 of Python, you can install pip by typing:

sudo apt-get install python-pip

If, instead, you plan on using version 3 of Python, you can install pip by typing:

sudo apt-get install python3-pip

Once pip is installed, you can use it to install the virtualenv package. If you installed the Python 2 pip, you can type:

sudo pip install virtualenv

If you installed the Python 3 version of pip, you should type this instead:

sudo pip3 install virtualenv

Now, whenever you start a new project, you can create a virtual environment for it. Start by creating and moving into a new project directory:

mkdir ~/newproject
cd ~/newproject

Now, create a virtual environment within the project directory by typing:

virtualenv newenv

Installing Python on Windows

Install the Python 3.4 from package: This allows you to run python3 and pip3. Note: Installing Python 3.6 ran into some issues with usaddress package from requirements.txt file.

$ pip3 install --user virtualenv
$ vim ~/.bash_profile

Add the following to .bash_profile, save and quit:

alias virtualenv3='<Python Installation Directory, default is C:\Python3.4>/Scripts/virtualenv.exe'

Update the current Terminal window to use the alias you just saved:

$ source ~/.bash_profile

Create a place for the virtual environment to live on your hard drive. We recommend installing it outside of "PythonProjects" folder:

$ mkdir /Users/<YOUR NAME HERE>/PythonEnvironments/
$ cd /Users/<YOUR NAME HERE>/PythonEnvironments/
$ virtualenv3 WeVoteServer3.5

Now activate this new virtual environment for WeVoteServer:

$ cd /Users/<YOUR NAME HERE>/PythonProjects/WeVoteServer/
$ source /Users/<YOUR NAME HERE>/PythonEnvironments/WeVoteServer3.5/bin/activate
$ export PATH="<Postgres Installation Path:default is C:\Program Files\Postgres>/<version-number>/bin:$PATH"

Installing Postgres

Install the latest version of Postgres for your machine (see instructions further down on this page as well):

MAC: Download and install the DMG from

OTHER: Go to

Install PGAdmin4. Go to

Then run these comments from your virtual environment for WeVoteServer:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python runserver

Having troubles? See Installation Troubleshooting

Running Linux?

If you are installing on a Linux environment, we recommend the following steps within your virtual environment. If you are installing on a Mac or Windows machine, you can skip these steps.


sudo apt-get install python-psycopg2 
sudo apt-get install python-dev
pip install psycopg2 


pip install django-toolbelt
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt

Setup - Install the Postgres database

METHOD 1 (Mac)

For Mac, download and install the DMG from

Run this on your command line:

export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/

Start up the command line for postgres (there is an 'open psql' button/navigation item if you installed postgresapp. Run these commands:

create role postgres;
alter role postgres with login;

METHOD 2 (Windows)

Install Postgres and pgAdmin 4 from Choose the first option, Interactive installer by EnterpriseDB

After installing Postgres, edit requirements.txt file under WeVoteServer directory with following changes: psycopg2==2.6 change to psycopg2==2.6.2 py3dns==3.1.0 change to py3dns==3.1.1.a0

Save the changes and execute below commands: $ pip install -r requirements.txt $ python runserver

Setup - pgAdmin 4

In Windows, pgAdmin 4 is installed along with Postgres. From the Start Menu, search for pgAdmin 4 application and click to open it.

In pgadmin add a server - WeVoteServer

PGAdmin 4 issues: pgAdmin 4 will ask for password when you open it post installation or when you try to add a new server. Windows installation of Postgres does not ask to setup user "postgres". A workaround for this issue is mentioned on this link: Editing the file file \data\pg_hba.conf temporarily is recommended.

METHOD 3 (linux Ubuntu)

Follow these instructions

Setup - Install pgAdmin 4

We recommend installing pgAdmin 4 as a WYSIWYG database administration tool. NOTE: You may need to turn off the restriction in "Security & Privacy" on "unidentified developers" to allow this tool to be installed. See:

In pgadmin add a server. You can use your sign in name as the server name.

Setup - Environment Variables Configuration - config/environment_variables.json


Copy "config/environment_variables-template.json" to "config/environment_variables.json". You will configure many variables for your local environment in this file.

New variables needed by WeVoteServer will be added to "environment_variables-template.json" from time to time, so please check for updates by comparing your local version with the template file.


Create a file on your computer to match the one expected in the environment_variables.json file:

sudo mkdir /var/log/wevote/
sudo touch /var/log/wevote/wevoteserver.log
sudo chmod -R 0777 /var/log/wevote/

As configured in github, only errors get written to the log. Logging has five levels: CRITICAL, ERROR, INFO, WARN, DEBUG. It works as a hierarchy (i.e. INFO picks up all messages logged as INFO, ERROR and CRITICAL), and when logging we specify the level assigned to each message. You can change this to info items by changing this:


Set up GeoIP

Install the C library

Start by changing directories into your WeVoteServer folder:

$ cd /Users/<YOUR NAME HERE>/PythonProjects/WeVoteServer/
$ git clone
$ cd geoip-api-c
$ ./bootstrap

If you have problems with ./bootstrap command, try this. On OS X 10.10.5 I got an error (autoreconf: command not found), and had to do this first. For directions on installing "brew" see

$ brew install automake
$ brew install libtool

If you had to install "brew", try this again.

$ ./bootstrap
$ ./configure
$ make

In the "make check" step, you may see some errors like "make[2]: * [install-libLTLIBRARIES] Error 1". These errors won't prevent geoip from working.

$ make check
$ make install
$ cd ..

Windows installation

In Windows, on trying to execute bootstrap command, you may get error such as "autoreconf not found" You will need to install a Unix/POSIX environment on Windows like Cygwin, Msys or Mingw. Mingw does not have POSIX compatibility support for sockets. Note: The compilation of geo-ip C library did not go through for me. Ran into POSIX socket related compilation issues when I tried to use mingw library.

“ cannot open..."

On Amazon Linux (Fedora), if you get a “ cannot open shared object No such file or directory” error when you run WeVoteServer:

$ sudo vi /etc/

Add on a new line:


Then run:

$ sudo ldconfig

Run the command that downloads the GeoLite database from the WeVoteServer root folder (Where this README lives)

$ ./ update_geoip_data

On Amazon Web Services - NOT for local install

Buy the latest database ("GEO-133 GeoIP Legacy City with DMA/Area Codes") at

Find and copy the GZIP download link from this page which will look like:

Transfer it to the live API server:

$ cd /home/wevote/WeVoteServer/geoip/import_data/
$ mv geoip_download\?edition_id\=133\&date\=20160202 GeoIP-133_DATE_HERE.tar.gz
$ chmod 0777 GeoIP-133_DATE_HERE.tar.gz
$ tar zxvf GeoIP-133_DATE_HERE.tar.gz
$ cp GeoIP-133_20160202/GeoIPCity.dat .
$ chmod 0777 *.*

Setup - Database Creation

If you would like to match the local database settings from the "config/environment_variables.json" file, (Search for "DATABASES"):

$ createdb WeVoteServerDB

Populate your database with the latest database tables:

$ python makemigrations
$ python migrate

Create the initial database:

$ python syncdb

When prompted for a super user, enter your email address and a simple password. This admin account is only used in development.

If you are not prompted to create a superuser, run the following command:

python createsuperuser

Test that WeVoteServer is running

Start up the webserver:

$ cd /Users/<YOUR NAME HERE>/PythonProjects/WeVoteServer/
$ source /Users/<YOUR NAME HERE>/PythonEnvironments/WeVoteServer3.4/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python runserver

Having troubles? See Installation Troubleshooting

Grant yourself Admin rights

Find admin tools here:


Now you will need to authenticate as an admin. For now, this will require that you log in with your Twitter account. Please contact [email protected] for configuration settings you can add to your local config/environment_variables.json file.

Click "Sign in with Twitter" and use your Twitter credentials to Sign-In. 

After you have signed in, you will see an error message in red that states "You must sign in with account that has Verified Volunteer rights to see that page." Just below the error message, there will be a field "we_vote_id" with a text string like "wv01voter1234" next to it, note the we_vote_id number.

Give yourself Admin rights via PGAdmin

Open pgAdmin 4 and navigate to:

Server Groups > Servers > WeVoteServerDB 

Double click on WeVoteServerDB (there may be a red x thru it). It will prompt you for a password; leave it blank and click OK. You may see an additional warning screen about saving passwords, if so, click ok. Once you are connected, navigate to:

WeVoteServerDB > Schemas > public > Tables > voter_voter

Then, right click, and in the menu that appears, select:

View Data > View Top 100 rows

In the new window that opens, scroll down and find the we_vote_id number, noted above. Scroll to the right to locate the box "is_admin" click on it once, and a box will appear, click it and change it to TRUE. Then, go back to your browser, and click on:

Back to Admin Home

Give yourself Admin rights via command line

Run this command from your Postgres command line. Replace WE_VOTE_ID_HERE with the actual we_vote_id found above:

UPDATE voter_voter SET is_admin=true WHERE we_vote_id='WE_VOTE_ID_HERE';

Test your access

Now, you should be able to access the admin tools.

Find documentation for all of the APIs here:


Sample data

Sample data is provided. Go here:


Find the "Sync Data with Master We Vote Servers" link, and click it: http://localhost:8000/admin/sync_dashboard/

Choose 1) an upcoming election from the drop down, and 2) your local state, and then run all scripts from top to bottom.

Google Civic

In order to retrieve fresh ballot data, you will need to sign up for a Google Civic API key:

Vote Smart

We also have a paid subscription with Vote Smart. You can sign up for a Vote Smart developer key, or reach out to [email protected] to discuss using our organizational account.

  • Copy your Vote Smart key and paste it into config/environment_variables.json as the value for VOTE_SMART_API_KEY


Instructions coming soon.

Working with WeVoteServer day-to-day

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