#1. Merges the training and the test sets to create one data set. #2. Extracts only the measurements on the mean and standard deviation for each measurement. #3. Uses descriptive activity names to name the activities in the data set #4. Appropriately labels the data set with descriptive variable names. #5. From the data set in step 4, creates a second, independent tidy data set with the average of each variable for each activity and each subject.
The data from the following URL should be unzipped in this directory.
So the folder structure of the current directory should look something like /test (directory with all test data from the original zip file) /train (directory with all training data from the original zip file) activity_labels.txt features.txt features_info.txt README.txt run_analysis.R
- feature - Names of the features in the feature.txt file. The data is cleaned up to remove the feature number in the file
- data_train - Raw data from the training set X_train.txt containing all the features.
- activity_train - The activity number as per provided in the Y_train.txt
- data_test - Raw data from the test set X_test.txt containing all the features.
- activity_test - The activity number as per provided in the Y_test.txt
Transformation steps
Features names are applied first to the training and test data this will give us appropriate labels to the raw data
We apply label (activity_id) to the activity data as well
We merge the training and test data sets with its respective activity data using cbind
We merge two data sets (training, and test) using rbind
We grep the columns we are interested in i.e. mean, standard, activity id and store it in intermediate variable mean_std_measurements
We load the activity labels data
We merge the activity labels data with the data in the step 5.
We discard the activity_id column from the merged data
Now data is wide format, so we will make it long format so that we can group aggregage for each subject/activity combination. We will melt the data which will do the trick.
Now we will aggregate the data using dcast function, and providing mean as the aggregation function and subject/activity as the group
We output the data using write.table and we ask it not to write the row numbers. We use CSV format
the final_tidy_data_set will contain the aggregate mean data for each subject and activity.
worth noting that there are 30 subjects and 6 possible activities that should generate 180 rows of data. and that is exactly the case in the output file.
The tidy data set contains the following information Subject - the id of the subject from 1 - 30 Activity label - the label of the activity
The above two columns are followed by all mean and standard deviation readings for different measurements at X/Y/Z. The mean values have mean in the column name and standard deviations have std in the column name.