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- I prefer leaner dependency trees.
- I prefer simpler application structure with less abstraction.
- I prefer a modular application where swapping a service or library only requires changing a middleware.
- I prefer to work with containers to control the environment.
Keep production dependencies as few as possible.
- Exceptions: Build, test and scaffold developement dependencies may be more numerous.
Documentation in code.
- Names should be as explicit as possible.
- Functions, classes and methods should be documented in the code when deemed useful.
- Tests should contribute to documenting behaviors and patterns.
Separate concerns
- Design should be based on patterns that separate concerns (~mvc).
Use proper HTTP codes for responses.
- Avoid
200 — {"error":"true"}
- Avoid
Follow standardized formatting rules.
Single source/version of truth.
High test coverage.
Generic principles to apply whenever possible
- DRY - don't repeat yourself
- YAGNI - you are not going to need it
- KISS - keep it stupid simple
- SOLID - 5 principles for OOP
- Single Responsibility Principle
- Open/Closed Principle
- Liskov Substitution Principle
- Interface Segregation Principle
- Dependency Inversion Principle