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GET /products
- Server initializes db connection (using secrets)
- Server listens to port
- Server default route --> 404
- Server default error handler --> 500
- Product model can select many from db
- Product model converts db result to array
- Product list view serializes array to JSON
- Server controller for route
- empty array result is not an error
- on applicative error --> 500
- queries db throught model
- serializes response body throught view
- returns response body --> 200
- Server route for GET /products
POST /products
- Product model can validate fields
- invalid --> 422
- Product model can insert to db
- Product model can select one from db
- Product model converts db result to obj
- Product view serializes obj to JSON
- Server route for POST /products
- Server controller for route
- on applicative error --> 500
- inserts into db throught model
- duplicate error --> 409
- missing fk error --> 409
- serializes response body throught view
- returns response body --> 201
- Product model can validate fields
GET /products/{id}
- Param middleware: validate id (later addition)
- Param middleware: pre fetch product (later addition)
- Server controller for route
empty result is an error --> 404(later edit)- no pre fetched product --> 404 (later edit)
- on applicative error --> 500
query db throught model(later removal)- serializes response body throught view
- return response body --> 200
- Server route for GET /products/{id}
PATCH /products/{id}
- Product model can validate changes
- invalid --> 422
- Product model can update in db
- Server controller for route
- no pre fetched product --> 404
- on applicative error --> 500
- update db throught model
- serializes response body throught view
- return response body --> 200
- Server route for PATCH /products/{id}
- Product model can validate changes
DELETE /products/{id}
- Product model can update as removed in db
- Server controller for route
- on applicative error --> 500
- update db throught model: deleted flag
- return response --> 204
- Server route for DELETE /products/{id}
Integrated docker+compose serve/deploy
Branch & version appropriately