Category | Description | Directory |
AdWare, adv | All about advertising: This includes sites offering banners and banner creation as well as sites delivering banners to be shown in webpages. Advertising companies are listed, too. Everything related with ads. It is domain that server ads and sell ads / adware |
Directory |
"Bait Site" | An attempt to generate a list of sites that's uses baits like youtube to harvest peoples organs | Directory |
CryptoMiner / Coin-blocker | bitCoin miners | Directory |
"DNS Server" | A mix of unwanted DNS servers that as example harvest domains, redirects queries into malicious domains | Directory |
Drugs | Sites offering drugs or explain how to make drugs (legal and non legal). Covers tobacco as well as viagra and similar substances. | Directory |
Gambling | Sites offering the possibility to win money. Poker, Casino, Bingo and other chance games as well as betting sites. Differs from -> hobby/games in the aspect of winning or loosing money or being lured to do so. | Directory |
IP::BlackListing / IP Network blocking | A bit special category as it is in reverse. An IP/CIDR in notation is format where < Reason > |
Directory |
Malicious / malware | malicious domain-ip- urls hosting malicious software, scripts, code etc. | Directory |
Movies / streaming | Sites offering cinema programs, information about movies and actors. Sites for downloading video clips/movies (as long it is legal) are included as well. | Directory |
News | Fake- + News Rather self explained, the biggest challenge is the BIAS of those who ads records to this cat. | Directory |
Phishing | See phishing | Directory |
Pirated Domains / Sharked | Domains that is held hostage to be sold at overprices | Directory |
Politics | Sites of political parties, political organisations and associations; sites with political discussions. | Directory |
Pornography (Adult 18+) (porno-sites) | "NSFW::Gore" / "NSFW::Porn" / "NSFW::Snuff" / "NSFW::Strict" Sites about all kinds of sexual content ranging from bare bosoms to hardcore porn and S/M. You can read more details in the specific README: Porn Records | Directory |
Redirector / Url Shortener | Sites that actively help to bypass url filters by accepting urls via web form and play a proxying and redirecting role. Domains that can be used to shorten long URLs. The original (long) URL will be accessed after the the short URL has been requested from the shortener. This distinguishes this category from redirector where the original URL is never accessed directly. |
Directory |
Religion | Sites with religious content: all kind of churches, sects, religious interpretations and so on. | Directory |
Scamming | scamming | Directory |
Spyware | Sites that tries to actively try to install software (or lure the user in doing so) in order to spy the surfing behaviour (or worse). This category includes trojan and phishing sites. The calling home site where the collecting information is sent are listed, too. | Directory |
Suspected | Domains and URLs that looks suspicious and on a watch list. False Positives should be expected. Grey-listed / testing the effect off blacklisting | Directory |
Tracking domains | Site keeping an eye on where you surf and what you do in a passive. Covers web bugs, counters and other tracking mechanism in web pages that do not interfere with the local computer yet collecting information about the surfing person for later analysis. Sites actively spying out the surfer by installing software or calling home sites are not covered with tracker but with -> spyware. | Directory |
Typo_Squatting | typo squatting | Directory |
Weapons | Sites offering all kinds of weapons or accessories for weapons: Firearms, knifes, swords, bows,... . Armory shops are included as well as sites holding general information about arms (manufacturing, usage). | Directory |
WhiteList | whitelist | Directory |
Public released Work in this folder, and it's subfolder, are released LICENCE under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International, this does not apply to any higher folder in this hierarchy.