All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.0.1 (2020-06-03)
- BUG修改 (9cb598f)
- BUG修改 (89a15ef)
- topic (af1e602)
- topic (3ae09fc)
- topic (82d7899)
- topic (56538fc)
- uploader (6f43193)
- 海报修改 (912dd95)
- like, add header, pay mode (e3c13a8)
- liked (5e4a02a)
- topic num refresh (32884fe)
- 首页用户名 (dc39e6d)
- 首页用户名过长 (89945fa)
- topic (d8c5593)
- topic modular (34a2e24)
- add pages about site (905fde1)
- add binding mobile en and ch (18d4de6)
- add chatRecord data (8e8b5db)
- add comment (5988749)
- add load-more and pages component (28a4329)
- add pages and filter by time (34d28f0)
- add qui-uploader (4948eb5)
- add readme (60ce98d)
- add some interface (98c3c3b)
- add time2MinuteBefore() (82fe217)
- add time2MorningOrAfternoon (71eaa28)
- add upload img demo (d7e7b9e)
- login auth (b9cc4d8)
- theme css (c8b8e92)
- theme css (38a8782)
- topic modular (1b69188)
- 修改信息操作 (20eeabd)
- 修改信息操作 (8f618db)
- 修改手机号 (1f9469d)
- 修改手机号 (650c743)
- 修改手机号 (fe94b01)
- 修改用户信息操作 (b49a14f)
- 修改用户信息操作 (a3d05d3)
- 修改用户信息操作 (81780e0)
- 手机号修改 (3f077af)
- 样式细节优化 (94e1e04)
- 根据业务修改筛选组件 (4966416)
- 海报内容完善 (42d2cb1)
- 海报内容完善 (783188c)
- 海报分享 (a51403c)
- 海报分享 (13891ea)
- 添加关注和取消关注相关的接口和逻辑 (40063c3)
- 添加分页,修改接口 (feda39e)
- 添加页面跳转和我的部分接口 (471ad0a)
- 点赞 (cc68fd3)
- 点赞 (60b3acd)
- 生成海报冲突 (db6fbda)
- 首页 (27f99a3)
- 首页 (e97ae4d)
- 首页内容部分组件修改 (5f9a63d)
- 首页分享 (2fff8c9)
- 首页底部跳转修改,分页优化 (b961423)
- 首页接口数据 (1a0e2d1)
- 首页点赞 (9dd6176)
- 首页点赞信息 (ca3c372)
- 首页筛选 (8738f90)
- 首页筛选 (bf94c82)
- 首页筛选 (6e19b29)
- 首页评论跳转到详情页 (5d7b690)
- changeiphone: change iphone (792732a)
- add button component (53988b3)
- add cell-item and tabs components , add static pages about profile (379656f)
- add dialogList data (979defd)
- add en and zh of notice and manage page (0b0e070)
- add i18n varible (5e15bf1)
- add icon component (197300c)
- add like and topic pages (b983545)
- add liked data (4031221)
- add location to profile page (3bb141f)
- add manage index (7d8b0d9)
- add manage url (fe53a29)
- add manage/invite page (96bd6a0)
- add manage/member page (6f135c0)
- add manage/users page (1d5a2d2)
- add message page (7a922f0)
- add mode in image (22076df)
- add multiple-choice in qui-filter-component (9be4bb0)
- add new order type (d39348d)
- add notice type and fix notice page style (9a7961e)
- add other message page (cc06839)
- add pages about search (6b16b49)
- add pages about site (5e86bfd)
- add pay (65dee80)
- add post page (43d3288)
- add qui loading cover (6378845)
- add qui-filter-component (d777817)
- add qui-header qui-countent qui-footer (548216d)
- add qui-loading component (a897f24)
- add qui-page wrap (7c0b599)
- add qui-person-list qui-topic-content (136903f)
- add qui-tag component (3e5c8f0)
- add qui-toast component (9b57057)
- add related data (6ba7976)
- add related data format (610d3e8)
- add replied data (a85af82)
- add reset style to root file (72fb5e1)
- add rewarded data (4d8e15d)
- add rights about site manage (6d2cd70)
- add seeence (0f775cf)
- add share (e541fb3)
- add some common styles (7d011cd)
- add some icons (8084f03)
- add some icons (7e7ed49)
- add static (43ddedf)
- add system data (197b671)
- add topic modular (a56d2a1)
- add upload avatar (45799c3)
- add vuex pay js (a9b354f)
- adjust message style (81743ef)
- BUG修改 (6994633)
- BUG修改 (e47a9f2)
- BUG修改 (41db903)
- BUG修改 (080ae9e)
- change comment field (d0069ff)
- change icons (d6eca1f)
- change reset css (56fafa0)
- comment (a37af91)
- delete ababdoned code (d3eaf31)
- delete global font-icon (debb694)
- delete page refresh (8e7f7dc)
- delete some notes about _jv (5ec3016)
- delete total (61143a9)
- fix css bem (1b97fd0)
- fix error in permission (4d1602e)
- fix icons according to qui-icon component (51da10e)
- fix like count (561523e)
- fix new field (54ea4bf)
- fix pages and load more (b2fd384)
- fix problems in page likes (666083a)
- fix qui-content theme-content (50ae75c)
- fix some problems (7391066)
- fix some problems (b4c778e)
- fix some styles (e097743)
- hide icon (dfec92b)
- home (12ee994)
- home (a0c8cc9)
- home (f41c520)
- home page message (8f8d432)
- login auth component (8bd687b)
- page (004c4ac)
- post (76fe30e)
- post (70d7a69)
- post (46576a2)
- post (fa75f89)
- post (bbfc726)
- post (e08e36d)
- qui pay (cefbf2a)
- qui-header/qui-content (a208c64)
- qui-pay冲突 (e3e55bf)
- reststate-vuex add included data operate add fix dispatch problem (5c241ef)
- share icon size (187da2e)
- switch dark mode (c1f5ad5)
- topic (6ceadeb)
- topic (b755580)
- topic (0e0be82)
- topic (1c585a4)
- topic modular (4b67016)
- topic modular (83156b5)
- topic modular (4662c95)
- topic modular (c144dcd)
- topic modular (0e9129d)
- topic modular (c6c7c1f)
- topic modular (baf2f47)
- topic modular (8127430)
- topic modular (63ed72d)
- topic modular (656fbb9)
- topic modular (c677dc2)
- topic modular (326921d)
- topic modular (759f6d4)
- topic modular (b4d4f20)
- topic modular (c4f29ac)
- topic modular (693a4ed)
- topic modular (c7fefd4)
- topic modular (5da2a65)
- topic modular (efcd054)
- topic modular (d0db995)
- topic modular (c42af92)
- topic modular (7c01ef9)
- topic modular (682f26b)
- topic modular (a5faeb9)
- topic modular (fb69c42)
- topic modular (3f9700c)
- topic modular (f525b64)
- topic modular (9694cf1)
- topic modular (feae394)
- topic modular (79952dc)
- topic modular (5265343)
- topic modular (1a0ee04)
- topic modular (b2c22d0)
- topic modular (9614e9d)
- topic modular (5c621ef)
- topic modular (840b985)
- topic modular (02808b7)
- topic modular (44c408e)
- topic modular (4240387)
- topic modular (ad422fa)
- topic modular (4aede61)
- topic modular (3d9ad86)
- topic modular (a657112)
- topic modular (6e5c52d)
- topic modular (27f979e)
- topic modular (2c8a247)
- topic modular (a05d40f)
- topic modular (c5c055a)
- topic modular (bb9fc39)
- topic modular (37a67ec)
- topic modular (f084959)
- topic modular (5cd3829)
- topic modular (dee9496)
- topic modular (2b9f051)
- topic modular (19664d0)
- topic modular (f85672a)
- topic modular (56be4db)
- topic modular (f61daeb)
- topic modular (fadc7d6)
- topic modular (97f7944)
- topic modular (7f4b911)
- topic modular (b0816c1)
- topic modular (8d63929)
- topic modular (c084a73)
- topic modular (892eef5)
- topic modular (8ef9145)
- topic modular (722fcbf)
- topic modular (c3de3f0)
- topic modular (d29e999)
- topic modular (56356bd)
- topic modular (9f7abaa)
- topic modular (ed36b49)
- topic modular (72bc9e8)
- topic modular (0cf1907)
- topic modular (792f52c)
- topic modular (cd8d41f)
- topic modular (b13563b)
- topic modular (2a558d2)
- topic modular (fa75928)
- topic modular (c901aee)
- topic modular (895955d)
- topic modular (92961fc)
- topic modular (1dce6ef)
- topic modular (4ab6faa)
- topic modular (08c2c70)
- topic modular (d38ddce)
- topic modular (b08ea2e)
- topic modular (b9c87a5)
- topic modular (044bd31)
- topic modular (9ddad46)
- topic modular (dd41c79)
- topic modular (9cdaf28)
- topic modular (374fd1c)
- topic modular (18a153d)
- topic modular (4a1fd26)
- topic modular (9ea4fec)
- topic modular (270385f)
- topic modular (e43a7f3)
- topic modular (6b301fe)
- topic modular (d15e2d0)
- topic modular (003acfa)
- topic modular (80f9a8b)
- topic modular (d42a107)
- topic modular (f483a35)
- topic modular (11dbfac)
- topic modular (f9fbe2c)
- topic modular (c5b54e8)
- topic modular (6c9b567)
- topic modular (7f18245)
- topic modular (fde43da)
- topic modular (4f72540)
- topic modular (b6bb920)
- toppic modular (477f200)
- u-tabs (68e3c8c)
- u-tabs (772e93d)
- u-tabs (cb1a319)
- uni-nav-tab (5e505eb)
- update qui-icon (0b6ad8f)
- upload (6c8a963)
- 上传组件添加成功和错误回调,抛出接口相关信息和特殊处理 (b62df59)
- 个人主页优化滚动区域,兼容小屏幕 (fa9f4d5)
- 个人主页优化滚动区域,兼容小屏幕 (1acbba5)
- 个人主页优化滚动区域,兼容小屏幕 (bf1609d)
- 个人主页关注的取消关注不删除数据 (0b07f64)
- 个人主页私信和关注图标修改适应暗黑 (c1680e0)
- 付费模式不显示微信分享 (397a930)
- 代码优化 (fb7f738)
- 优化 (ea1ec83)
- 优化个人主页部分逻辑 (fcde52e)
- 优化分页 (020e7e1)
- 信息提示 (72880f2)
- 修复代码 (1821893)
- 修改个人主页中文 (611b1b0)
- 修改个人主页语言包 (9689a04)
- 修改主题点赞收藏和首页统一 (66f5110)
- 修改图片裁剪 (86e21bf)
- 修改报错无法转译null and undefined ,删除多余的分享弹框样式 (ea8a338)
- 修改提交 (458c2bd)
- 修改用户信息完善 (082d559)
- 修改组件引入方式为自动查找 (04ad21d)
- 修改组件说明文件,修改钱包相关页面自适应 (74cb8f2)
- 修改跳转为绝对路径,当前用户id (f3bb845)
- 修改页面bug修复 (bb76b65)
- 修改页面完善 (7c2ab54)
- 分享公用样式 (4441ca2)
- 分享抽屉样式放入公共样式里/底部切换 (97b742e)
- 分支图标颜色支持暗黑模式 (90a697e)
- 分页优化 (2fdaa12)
- 分页优化 (47c5522)
- 同步首页组件修改 (1e6219b)
- 头部分享 (a10782a)
- 完善信息提示页面逻辑 (d3344fa)
- 我的和个中心模块语言包添加中英,qui-page添加,登陆添加 (a723cd1)
- 我的资料部分的跳转和判断添加 (0c60737)
- 搜索主题右侧箭头添加 (8a67ca8)
- 搜索优化 (a25b562)
- 搜索部分语言包添加,样式修改支持暗黑模式 (507775f)
- 新增图标 (f9e2aa6)
- 显示内容的空白区域都可点击进入详情页 (342a9c1)
- 根据新的数据结构优化角色显示 (54db763)
- 海报修改 (ffdae69)
- 海报修改 (7a7ea19)
- 海报修改 (8382066)
- 海报修改 (fff62a6)
- 海报修改 (3e56a7d)
- 海报修改 (4916533)
- 海报修改 (800dc82)
- 海报修改 (4cf755d)
- 海报修改 (98c147b)
- 海报修改 (6042edf)
- 海报修改 (8497879)
- 海报分享 (ac4ac1b)
- 添加信息提示页面(逻辑待完善) (80315e0)
- 添加修改 (b1f15f9)
- 添加圈子 部分双语言 (470e9d3)
- 添加本地图片 (4680c10)
- 添加私信跳转 (0450869)
- 添加移除收藏和无数据组件 (75a9b88)
- 添加跳转 (7461a4a)
- 添加错误提示 (dde251c)
- 添加首页头部组件,内容组件,底部组件,发帖分享弹窗组件 (759bf88)
- 用户信息修改完善 (4c595fb)
- 粉丝关注页面逻辑优化,图片链接改为本地链接 (a0da3a9)
- 编辑主题功能完成 (48662db)
- 钱包页面主题添加标题拼接和截取,跳转,添加语言包 (fb68dd6)
- 面完善修改 (d77e7ac)
- 页面BUGx修复 (c2ac2e3)
- 页面串接,navigation去掉hover态 (9432a89)
- 页面修改完善 (e6baaa8)
- 页面修改完善 (0dbd398)
- 页面完善修改 (823c81e)
- 页面完善修改 (61a82d0)
- 页面完善修改 (c5dd6b4)
- 页面完善修改 (44dce5c)
- 页面完善修改 (0df2bba)
- 页面完善修改 (4d0836c)
- 页面完善修改 (328a2db)
- 页面完善修改 (8045bfc)
- 页面完善修改 (465da77)
- 页面完善修改 (36a4bec)
- 页面完善修改 (c9fa06e)
- 页面完善修改 (548e418)
- 页面完善修改 (61b7ac0)
- 页面完善修改 (18eb671)
- 页面完善修改 (0c6600a)
- 页面完善修改 (8b24757)
- 页面完善修改 (edfdd1b)
- 页面完善修改 (f92a4a6)
- 页面完善修改 (a6efc34)
- 页面完善修改 (da7f0de)
- 页面完善修改 (ddf5894)
- 页面完善修改 (efe0bfd)
- 页面完善修改 (d540d23)
- 页面完善修改 (af52357)
- 页面完善修改 (5065939)
- 页面完善修改 (012b222)
- 页面完善修改 (b25e79b)
- 页面完善修改 (67a6d9e)
- 首页 (4af2501)
- 首页 (9c4d659)
- 首页 (2d0e06e)
- 首页 (f4341bc)
- 首页分享 (c1df4ad)
- 首页加载/筛选/导航 (e3ab222)
- 首页导航更换组件 (96820c6)
- 首页底部导航 (5aee133)
- 首页底部导航 (b5a9b2b)
- 首页数据请求 (f315244)
- 首页组件 (00cf741)
- 首页组件 (9f60498)
- 首页置顶内容 (5a51df1)
- 首页语言包 (0b326e2)
- QuiAvatarCell: update qui-avatar-cell features (1ef01a2)
- add orderlist type (32ac8ac)
- add annotation (3bd545e)
- add box shadow (b4f35c9)
- add changeTab (e642515)
- add icon-close (fe7d1dc)
- add index thread (2ef2a18)
- add lock.json (0df0262)
- add login pop (233fd25)
- add loginId and fix style (925465b)
- add mixin (d2d6dc7)
- add orderlist type and delete redundant en (b3b8304)
- add post && delete notification request (1358c46)
- add post list render (4c32cde)
- add site/index page and delete nouse qui-cell (3357c55)
- add timestamp2day function (e9cf398)
- add unreadNum data (6c1631f)
- adjust chat style (47b1607)
- adjust chatRecord height (0387e88)
- adjust chatRecord style (14e644d)
- adjust chatRecord style (4e2b793)
- adjust chatRecord style (60a238a)
- adjust component style (eb90a1b)
- adjust dialog style (e6c097a)
- adjust dialogList style (d6fb644)
- adjust dialogList style and add chat style (4bec719)
- adjust dialogList style and adjust time data (b04dd72)
- adjust emoji style and chatRecord emoji (e18bfc3)
- adjust liked style and message style (56684bb)
- adjust message style (563aa0e)
- adjust NavBar (f4e0849)
- adjust related and replied style (eeb160f)
- adjust rewarded style (d73be96)
- adjust system pages (3f5b7c9)
- auth topic (48f3e90)
- avatar path (53c71a2)
- bug of notice page (4b21cb3)
- categories (562cfa2)
- change function name (0f5d342)
- checked status (3407161)
- clear notification module state before get (4ce7006)
- clear this.checkAvatar (4695ac6)
- close popup event problem (f09ee44)
- comment (592760a)
- const , auth logo, permission i18n (d47b54b)
- const let (e475dd1)
- cursor problem (0a4dbc8)
- dark and light mode (a9751ad)
- dark color (f19e47d)
- dark mode (e985da4)
- dark mode (61a8444)
- dark mode (64b9221)
- dark mode (4e96f92)
- dark mode (197ae07)
- dark mode (42d711f)
- dark scss var (be3d91d)
- dark style (e8a84d1)
- dark style (ab57e29)
- dark style (769bb3d)
- dark theme (895ceef)
- delete bug click area (f8c3708)
- delete debugger (e46a2c6)
- delete fresh (ad4d501)
- delete invite url and refresh (55c3e1e)
- delete last border and wxShare style (826c3f9)
- delete notice and refresh (6cbed85)
- delete reply and invite page bug (85c1e60)
- delete tip (3970d37)
- delete url tip (721df6d)
- demo page data return problem (00385f2)
- file name (2948f56)
- fix @人员重复显示问题 (bae736e)
- fix avatar (5206793)
- fix cancel search (539e2da)
- fix chat function (673c42f)
- fix circle page style (9f61953)
- fix dialog data req (eea99d6)
- fix dialogList component (27d319f)
- fix height (b0b024e)
- fix jv (9bd40a5)
- fix jv (57eb0d9)
- fix manage function bug (43ddf48)
- fix manage index page style (5d3b05f)
- fix manage/index page (999cb3e)
- fix manage/invite page style and add request (0e13745)
- fix manage/invite request (b3008e7)
- fix manage/users page style (e960fe1)
- fix mange pages style (0b89236)
- fix NavBar problem (01231b2)
- fix no data (b6c384b)
- fix no run problem (4d93608)
- fix notice bug (5a09bec)
- fix notice index page style (36f3029)
- fix notice problem (8e73f1b)
- fix notice/index page middle part problem (dbc7f64)
- fix notification page (96800e8)
- fix pageSize (ffee481)
- fix post btn loading and focus (873d971)
- fix post bug (889567a)
- fix post bug class (3751829)
- fix post bug:11312 (ff47e5f)
- fix post 金额两位数 (5758a6d)
- fix post.vue and qui-uploader.vue style (9db990e)
- fix refresh data when back to prev page (987a02c)
- fix search (4a96dea)
- fix signature style (8a6c656)
- fix site/index page style (b6a7117)
- fix style (d1bb650)
- fix style (575e4c5)
- fix test userId (b0dcdaf)
- fix themes and add tags (04ca3ff)
- fix user avatar (a0ae4f3)
- fix 添加暗黑模式、添加回退 (27e163e)
- format code (ae3facc)
- generate url bug (b551f47)
- get and delete inviteList request (d806143)
- get currentLoginId (13708a1)
- home (46c7216)
- home (5031ab8)
- home (8798b75)
- home/index (a1bf67b)
- icon font http to https,barWidth to data (a1230cf)
- include to array (8dadd2e)
- invite page bug (aaa7457)
- invite page bug (1dd8663)
- json-api module data sort (a271d69)
- json-api vuex (ac6b816)
- jsonapi status (7a9cc01)
- jsonapi vue set (9f7d572)
- jump2Page (c0e38f3)
- jump2pages/topic/index bug (0b9ca36)
- jumpUserPage (29aff4e)
- jumpUserPage (43b8cd6)
- liked data (7aa0552)
- liked data (66c3b6f)
- liked users (683dc5c)
- load-more and border bug (9381ae2)
- loading (8d91f72)
- loading (dcf494b)
- loading (a170162)
- login code (df40dc1)
- manage/invite page bug (b36c2b4)
- manage/invite page problem (e95ed7b)
- manage/invite page problem (c4ca1b9)
- manage/invite page style (a6a70be)
- manage/member page bug (8001c7e)
- manage/users page bug (db921d3)
- manage/users page bug (0a35dbf)
- manage/users page bug (78e7a98)
- manage/users style (3ca8965)
- merge file (791e147)
- message page (9456baa)
- message page add margin (b06c895)
- message route (7d39559)
- message, rewardArr (2f94d44)
- mixinx (7f08871)
- modify time data and modify component (bcb1dfd)
- msglist avatar (564fed2)
- msglist bug (d8f0209)
- msglist height (3abfb49)
- msglist input maxlength (5b32cd6)
- msglist page light mode (e5492d7)
- msglist triangle (f0f4335)
- my页面和notice页面样式渗透不进去的问题 (4aa981a)
- my页面和notice页面样式渗透不进去的问题 (2685e58)
- name space (626cff3)
- navBar theme mode (ab79811)
- navBar theme mode (8f763a9)
- navigateTo notice (da611e6)
- navTitle (cfdafe4)
- notice avatar jumpUserPage (875e3e1)
- notice bug (1b37aa8)
- notice bug (c262803)
- notice dark and light color (cd75d9d)
- notice jump other page bug (2a3a9ce)
- notice order bug (a58a4fa)
- notice page bug (a5fef75)
- notice page bug (fa7aab8)
- notice page problem (fd7bf8f)
- notice page style (5a6cec5)
- order-type (1b31df0)
- page-home适应黑色主题 (506d391)
- pageSize is 20 (c408b7e)
- path data (319b44f)
- pay and invite page (cf8544a)
- periodvalidity (c2e7fe3)
- post data (c779028)
- post 修改默认字数、修改提示错误提示类型 (626d557)
- pullDown no effect (7e0c396)
- qui-content (7563930)
- qui-content (f273e29)
- qui-content (aab60d9)
- qui-content (c45ad9b)
- qui-content (a3a59b2)
- qui-content (f589af6)
- qui-footer (62bb2df)
- qui-footer (a266d21)
- qui-footer (be9caa3)
- qui-footer底部跳转页面会闪两次的问题 (1e41eb7)
- qui-home (6c60961)
- red-circle (0f24718)
- red-circle (516459b)
- refresh data (ef59dcd)
- relationships data (cdd88a6)
- runi-stat (b34a160)
- send and receive emoji (3d85ef9)
- send msg don't get allChatRecord request (fa55e67)
- send twice request problem (5b310bc)
- share (337c967)
- share (cb2758d)
- share (2ab0686)
- share bug (69a22f0)
- share title and 20 pageSize (cc9c4f2)
- show dialogList page (9d326fb)
- show emoji (79b6e7a)
- site index page bug (9fe912e)
- site index page bug (e39ec19)
- site info (3efbf90)
- site member style (03615b3)
- site_mode (edf6c53)
- site_mode undefined problem (121d537)
- site/index dark mode (db685b2)
- site/index page bug (d657faf)
- site/index page style (d50c5eb)
- site/index problem (36a49b1)
- some undefined prop (0bce2c2)
- style (bcf1857)
- style (2a58090)
- tab bar (ca8b0a0)
- thread_user_groups name bug (89e2dbc)
- unReadNum is undefined (29ef804)
- unReadNum red-circle (4964f4d)
- update chatRecord style (4ec47ec)
- user avatar (4374187)
- user forum data (07db82b)
- users page bug (e58c629)
- video (2ec8355)
- video (83139d4)
- width (e0730df)
- xiugai (dc32f57)
- zh and en (64a2eb5)
- zh and en bug,comment page bug (f98b185)
- 付费跳转 (1f2efa6)
- 优化表情请求接口数据 (b6805d7)
- 修复@人员数据多次拼接人员bug,修复关注人员和站点成员选中数据格式不一致问题 (22c8428)
- 修复es-lint提示的变量名问题 (3fe818a)
- 修复qui-content点击删除图标跳转到详情页面的问题 (d1fd367)
- 修复分类选中 (e5f682d)
- 修复我的收藏页点赞问题 (7a32ef9)
- 修复边框闪动问题 (081c0ea)
- 修改发布页bug (2c6d6f0)
- 修改点赞 (50c7ff8)
- 修改点赞 (86cbc18)
- 修改订单页面跳转主题,标题拼接 (52058f4)
- 分类 (5d73931)
- 删除组件的qui-page (71a20d3)
- 删除组件的qui-page (36dc9d0)
- 删除组件的qui-page (b9c71e2)
- 去掉topic page的onLoad中的同步代码,会严重阻塞渲染。 (65eff17)
- 去除边框的过渡效果,修复圈子管理显示隐藏的边框闪烁问题 (e63974c)
- 同步修改视频相关问题 (915d260)
- 图片上传样式浮层还可以点击问题 (dfa06e8)
- 导航栏吸顶 (dea41a8)
- 平滑顶部导航显示与隐藏 (5cfd997)
- 底部切换 (88c3332)
- 底部切换 (d6db026)
- 底部导航优化 (fb80f75)
- 微信昵称与实名对齐 (4d49f22)
- 我的消息顶部bar主题变更 (a2fb417)
- 改变navbar高度的计算方式,提高性能 (55377cb)
- 改变navTop的计算方式,不再依赖mounted事件 (67b230b)
- 数据请求获取不到数据问题 (ecfe5ec)
- 正确触发qui-page包含的qui-home的mounted事件 (25f0abd)
- 正确计算scroll-view高度,解决某些情况下不触发加载的问题。 (b2728d6)
- 消息中心红点更新逻辑 (95bdbdb)
- 点击发布按钮不显示相关的图片 (8b894d2)
- 点击授权弹窗后禁掉之后的事件 (9678f11)
- 点击热点区域 (59da2ea)
- 视频 (5f1042f)
- 视频缩略图等比缩放/视频竖屏不旋转 (694fe56)
- 站点信息页分享 (f9cdef8)
- 管理员直接进去付费站点 (b8b4941)
- 解决bug:11344、11309、11358 (b6d45c1)
- 解决props警告问题 (46398e1)
- 解决scroll-view在没有太多内容时,还可以向上滚动的问题。 (3b638d1)
- 钱包金额符号 (1394680)
- 页面优化,删console等调试代码和空行无用代码块 (39a15aa)
- 首页 (a97d0ae)
- 首页 (129ec6b)
- 首页 (81279af)
- 首页 (64ce6ac)
- 首页 (0b161f5)
- 首页 (aaecf42)
- 首页 (5c22b45)
- 首页navbar主题 (58bbe75)
- 首页tab的背景默认调整为透明 (dd5cab3)
- 首页上啦加载数据 (27de13a)
- 首页优化 (5426e93)
- 首页分享内容地址 (36dc163)
- 首页分享点击,置顶截取 (aa5147e)
- 首页分类 (57ed258)
- 首页分页及导航及主题数据 (cc708ce)
- 首页分页及导航及主题数据 (67cb3c9)
- 首页取消所有标签 (6c38ff3)
- 首页只在所有分类下显示分类 (b91f739)
- 首页图片显示以及图片预览 (26f5ca3)
- 首页图片显示及图片预览 (4cacce1)
- 首页在付费模式下的分享不显示微信分享 (8e21b76)
- 首页头部样式 (63f67b0)
- 首页导航 (1342957)
- 首页导航 (3640401)
- 首页导航切换选中效果 (f8d3285)
- 首页底部切换样式 (e810f03)
- 首页底部切换缓存首页 (0a9ee7c)
- 首页底部换成全局切换 (4fbf596)
- 首页底部样式 (4a637d4)
- 首页底部热点区域 (753bcc2)
- 首页授权 (dcb374e)
- 首页授权 (6ae8452)
- 首页数据 (69965f3)
- 首页数据初始化 (e6b98c1)
- 首页数据删除 (58a489f)
- 首页更改分享,视频,图片 (d5fdf1a)
- 首页更改分享,视频,图片 (9aaff82)
- 首页标签 (3a0570b)
- 首页标签 (4ab63e8)
- 首页标签跳转 (b45af38)
- 首页标签跳转 (fc3ea82)
- 首页样式 (dc591c0)
- 首页消息 (4c1a72b)
- 首页消息未读通知数 (47d9ac2)
- 首页滑动 (96e2049)
- 首页滚动 (aaddbdf)
- 首页点击内容部分的热点区域 (5febdfa)
- 首页点赞 (f5861e2)
- 首页点赞 (3a11659)
- 首页点赞 (6539431)
- 首页视频 (76c9658)
- 首页视频 (51e97f8)
- 首页视频 (36beb9a)
- 首页视频全屏及导航 (07b33d2)
- 首页视频禁止同时播放 (ccabc99)
- 首页视频禁止掉手势滑动 (b0b2334)
- 首页筛选框修改 (941a53b)
- 首页跳转到搜索页 (220dc06)
- 首页预览 (af89371)
- 首页默认头像 (d22276e)
- 首页默认头像 (1702788)