pnpx prisma db push
while created a new Models on Prisma
this keeps the db in sync with the data
pnpx prisma studio
locally opens a modal to check everything in the modals stuff
writeen a new src/playground.ts writing the postgres querioes to add a dummy user in the database
to implement is use command -->
pnpx tsx src/playground.ts
before that --> pnpm add -D tsx
creating a webhook for to give to clerk
to send the user to our database once created
creating a proxy tunnel to expose the web hook for now
pnpx untun@latest tunnel http://localhost:300
after creating a new account you get redirected to the mail box , while getting redirected we want to run the email sync , how do you do this ??
using a new package for this @vercel/functons
there is a function called 'waitUntil'
in this package with this we extend the life time of that
particuklar asynchronus code
Reacts useState is temporary gets removed when you reload the page ,
so instead of this use package usehooks-ts
this stores the data in the local storage and very handy to get the data
from here use get a replace ment of use State with -> useLocalStorage
ex: const [accoutnID , setAccountId] = useLocalStorage('accountId', '')
this stays persistent in the database
using a new library --- >
pnpm install react-letter
one more crazy library ''k-bar''
pnpm install kbar
using another crazy library for the reply box
known as tiptap
very easy to use and thsi is crazy
pnpm install @tiptap/react @tiptap/starter-kit @tiptap/extenstion-text
read the docs this is a crazy library
new library for the AI composer
pnpm install @ai-sdk/openai
pnpm install ai
new library for converting the body html of email to text
pnpm install turndown @types/turndown
we send the email in html format so we need to convert it to text like it will convert to the markdown format