Releases: nasa-gibs/onearth
Releases · nasa-gibs/onearth
OnEarth v2.5.0
- Support for WMS vector source data from S3
- Time snapping with WMS vector sources
- Validation of WMS time format
- GetLegendGraphic support with WMS
- Improved WMS container performance
- Parallelized container startups
- Updated OnEarth AWS sync and time scraping tools to be threaded
- Updated Capabilities document to include style information in layer element
- Use default empty tile if specified one does not exist
- Update oe_sync_s3_idx to sync if checksum parameter is provided
- Allow browser caching for reproject tile requests for specific layers
- Applied proxypass_nomain_flag patch
- Unit tests for OnEarth AWS config tools
- Improved mrfgen and vectorgen error handling
- Fixed oe_validate_palette failing due to Python3 error
- Cleanup old Redis keys
- Added NRT layers in sample configs
OnEarth v1.4.1
- oe_configure_layer fixes for CentOS 8
- Updated vector/WMS yyyy symlinking
- oe_validate_palette fix for CentOS 8
- Updated CI tests to work with CentOS 8
- Fixed gdal_merge not working due to _gdal_array/numpy
- Updates to httpd install to make mod_proxy work correctly in CentOS 8
- Allocated more memory to rgb_string in RGBApng2Palpng
- Dependency updates
OnEarth v2.4.3
- Updates to mod_reproject for better memory management
- Updated httpd worker configurations for better performance
- Enable cache-control of ancillary data (colormap, layer-metadata, legends, vector-metadata, vector-styles)
- Enable cache-control of GetCapabilities requests
- Support replace_with_local when checking palette for PNG layer
- Use replace_with_local when grabbing GetCapabilities source for WMS configs
- Disable httpd directory indexes
- Dependency updates
OnEarth v2.4.2
- Added "best available" time logic to default time
- gc_service.lua now handles bytes-formatted strings in YAML
- Updated httpd to latest patch
- Always Use YAML safe load
- Skip layers with invalid YAML layer configurations and log error
- Updated container dependencies
- Return status image for wmts/ endpoint
OnEarth v2.4.1
- Added OnEarth container health checks
OnEarth v2.4.0
- Remove the use of endpoint "type" (e.g., best, nrt) for time service (may require regenerating Redis keys)
- Support for serving layer metadata, vector metadata, styles, and legends
- Updated unit tests and dependencies
OnEarth v1.3.9
- oe_configure_layer updates
- Removing unused "current_conf" variable
- Updating -c/--conf_file CLI option to be repeated so that multiple files can be processed at once
- Slight update to generate_links method because it was always looking for .idx files
- Updated Python dependencies
OnEarth v2.3.3
- TileMatrixSetLimits support for WMTS
- Fixed issue with deleting too many files when prefix is provided
- Tested WMTS vector support
- Updated vectorgen CI tests
OnEarth v2.3.2
- Support for virtual "best available" layers that point to the best version of a layer
- Simplified and cleaned up OnEarth container startup scripts
- Enabled configuration of cache control browser headers for tile layers
- Added OnEarth version setter
- Fixed bug with 15m tilematrixset
OnEarth v1.4.0
- Support for parallelization with MRF generation
- mrf_clean for reducing the file size of generated MRFs
- Support for internal NNb and Avg resampling methods
- Fixed mrfgen issue with inserting granules that cross antimeridian
- Updates for a performance issue with creating an empty MRF
- Removed mrfgen references to mrf_nocopy
- Other minor fixes to mrfgen
- Updated mrfgen CI tests
- Fixed GetTileService not working with GDAL mini driver
- Update exit codes for oe_validate_palette
- Support for "overview-based" filtering in oe_vectorgen
- Minor fixes to oe_vectorgen
- Improvements to legend generation
- Default to GDAL v2.4.4
- Updated Docker builds
- Updated Python code to use Python v3
- Support for CentOS 8