This package provides a CLI and functions for testing Cumulus.
Cumulus is a cloud-based data ingest, archive, distribution and management prototype for NASA's future Earth science data streams.
$ npm install @cumulus/integration-tests
const Collections = require('@cumulus/integration-test/Collections');
- Collections
- createCollection(prefix, [overrides]) ⇒
⏏- ~addCustomUrlPathToCollectionFiles(collection, customFilePath) ⇒
- ~buildCollection(params) ⇒
- ~collectionExists(stackName, collection) ⇒
- ~addCollection(stackName, collection) ⇒
- ~addCollections(stackName, bucketName, dataDirectory, [postfix], [customFilePath], [duplicateHandling]) ⇒
- ~addCustomUrlPathToCollectionFiles(collection, customFilePath) ⇒
- createCollection(prefix, [overrides]) ⇒
Create a randomized collection using the Cumulus API.
The default collection is very simple. It expects that, for any discovered file, the granule ID
is everything in the filename before the extension. For example, a file named gran-1.txt
have a granuleId of gran-1
. Filenames can only contain a single .
Collection defaults:
- name: random string starting with
- version: random string starting with
- reportToEms:
- granuleId:
- granuleIdExtraction:
- sampleFileName:
- files:
[ { bucket: 'protected', regex: '^[^.]+\..+$', sampleFileName: 'asdf.jpg' } ]
Kind: Exported function
Returns: Promise.<Object>
- the generated collection
Param | Type | Description |
prefix | string |
the Cumulus stack name |
[overrides] | Object |
properties to set on the collection, overriding the defaults |
Given a Cumulus collection configuration, return a list of the filetype
configs with their url_path
s updated.
Kind: inner method of createCollection
Returns: Array.<Object>
- a list of collection filetype configs
Param | Type | Description |
collection | Object |
a Cumulus collection |
customFilePath | string |
path to be added to the end of the url_path |
Update a collection with a custom file path, duplicate handling, and name updated with the postfix.
Kind: inner method of createCollection
Returns: Object
- an updated collection
Param | Type | Description |
params | Object |
params.collection | Object |
a collection configuration |
params.customFilePath | string |
path to be added to the end of the url_path |
params.duplicateHandling | string |
duplicate handling setting |
params.postfix | string |
a string to be appended to the end of the name |
Returns true if collection exists. False otherwise.
Kind: inner method of createCollection
Param | Type | Description |
stackName | string |
the prefix of the Cumulus stack |
collection | Object |
a Cumulus collection |
Add a new collection to Cumulus
Kind: inner method of createCollection
Param | Type | Description |
stackName | string |
the prefix of the Cumulus stack |
collection | Object |
a Cumulus collection |
createCollection~addCollections(stackName, bucketName, dataDirectory, [postfix], [customFilePath], [duplicateHandling]) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<Object>>
Add collections to database
Kind: inner method of createCollection
Returns: Promise.<Array.<Object>>
- - collections that were added
Param | Type | Description |
stackName | string |
Cloud formation stack name |
bucketName | string |
S3 internal bucket name |
dataDirectory | string |
the directory of collection json files |
[postfix] | string |
string to append to collection name |
[customFilePath] | string |
[duplicateHandling] | string |
const Executions = require('@cumulus/integration-test/Executions');
- Executions
- findExecutionArn(prefix, matcher, [queryParameters], [options]) ⇒
⏏ - getExecutionWithStatus(params) ⇒
- findExecutionArn(prefix, matcher, [queryParameters], [options]) ⇒
Find the execution ARN matching the matcher
Kind: Exported function
Returns: Promise.<string>
- the ARN of the matching execution
Param | Type | Default | Description |
prefix | string |
the name of the Cumulus stack | |
matcher | function |
a predicate function that takes an execution and determines if this is the execution that is being searched for | |
[queryParameters] | Object |
Optional query parameters | |
[options] | Object |
[options.timeout] | integer |
0 |
the number of seconds to wait for a matching execution to be found |
Wait for an execution to have an expected status and return the execution
Kind: Exported function
Returns: Promise.<Object>
- the execution as returned by the GET /executions/<execution-arn>
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | Object |
params.prefix | string |
the name of the Cumulus stack | |
params.arn | string |
the execution ARN to fetch | |
params.status | string |
the status to wait for | |
[params.callback] | function |
cumulusApiClient.invokeApifunction |
an async function to invoke the API Lambda that takes a prefix / user payload |
[params.timeout] | integer |
30 |
the number of seconds to wait for the execution to reach a terminal state |
const Granules = require('@cumulus/integration-test/Granules');
- Granules
- getGranuleWithStatus(params) ⇒
⏏- ~waitForListGranulesResult(params) ⇒
- ~waitForListGranulesResult(params) ⇒
- getGranuleWithStatus(params) ⇒
Wait for a granule to have an expected status and return the granule
Kind: Exported function
Returns: Promise.<Object>
- the granule as returned by the GET /granules/<granule-id>
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | Object |
params.prefix | string |
the name of the Cumulus stack | |
params.granuleId | string |
the granuleId of the granule |
params.collectionId | string |
the collectionId of the granule |
params.status | string |
the status to wait for | |
params.updatedAt | string |
minimum updatedAt time the granule must have to return | |
[params.callback] | function |
cumulusApiClient.invokeApifunction |
an async function to invoke the API Lambda that takes a prefix / user payload |
[params.timeout] | integer |
30 |
the number of seconds to wait for the execution to reach a terminal state |
Wait for listGranules to return at least a single value before returning an empty result
Kind: inner method of getGranuleWithStatus
Returns: Promise.<Object>
- - results of a successful listGranules
Param | Type | Description |
params | Object |
parameters to listGranules function |
const Providers = require('@cumulus/integration-test/Providers');
Create a provider using the Cumulus API
Provider defaults:
- id: random string starting with
- protocol:
- globalConnectionLimit:
Kind: Exported function
Returns: Promise.<Object>
- the generated provider
Param | Type | Description |
prefix | string |
the Cumulus stack name |
[overrides] | Object |
properties to set on the provider, overriding the defaults |
const Rules = require('@cumulus/integration-test/Rules');
Create a onetime
rule using the Cumulus API
Rule defaults:
- name: random string starting with
- rule:
{ type: 'onetime' }
Kind: Exported function
Returns: Promise.<Object>
- the generated rule
Param | Type | Description |
prefix | string |
the name of the Cumulus stack |
[overrides] | Object |
properties to set on the rule, overriding the defaults |
Usage: cumulus-test TYPE COMMAND [options]
-V, --version output the version number
-s, --stack-name <stackName> AWS Cloud Formation stack name (default: null)
-b, --bucket-name <bucketName> AWS S3 internal bucket name (default: null)
-w, --workflow <workflow> Workflow name (default: null)
-i, --input-file <inputFile> Workflow input JSON file (default: null)
-h, --help output usage information
workflow Execute a workflow and determine if the workflow completes successfully
For example, to test the HelloWorld workflow:
cumulus-test workflow --stack-name helloworld-cumulus --bucket-name cumulus-bucket-internal --workflow HelloWorldWorkflow --input-file ./helloWorldInput.json
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