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+[![hacs][hacs-validate]][hacs-validate-link] ![total-downloads] ![latest-downloads]
# 🌘 Lunar Phase Card
@@ -37,6 +38,7 @@
### Supported Localization
@@ -58,18 +60,23 @@
| `ru` | Русский | Русский |
| `sk` | Slovak | Slovenčina |
### View options
* Default view
+![Default card][header-default-card]
+![Default no header][no-header-default-card]
* Calendar card
+![Calendar card][header-calendar-card]
+![Calendar no header][no-header-calendar]
* Horizon graph
+![Dynamic card no header][no-header-dynamic-graph]
+![Horizon card][header-horizon-graph]
+![Horizon card no header][no-header-horizon-graph]
* Compact view
+![Compact card][header-compact-card]
+![Compact card no header][no-header-compact-card]
@@ -113,11 +120,7 @@ https://github.com/ngocjohn/lunar-phase-card
All options can be configured in the GUI editor. To configure the Lunar Phase Card, you can use the following parameters in your Lovelace configuration:
+![Card config editor][card-config-editor]
| Name | Type | Requirement | Description |
| ------------------- | ------- | ----------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- |
@@ -130,13 +133,45 @@ https://github.com/ngocjohn/lunar-phase-card
| `compact_view` | boolean | Optional | Whether to display the card in a compact view. Defaults to `false`. |
| `12hr_format` | boolean | Optional | Whether to display time in 12-hour format. Defaults to `false`. |
| `mile_unit` | boolean | Optional | Whether to display distance in miles. Defaults to `false`. |
-| `custom_background` | string | Optional | URL of a custom background image for the card. |
+| `hide_header` | boolean | Optional | Whether to hide the header of the card. Defaults to `false`. |
+| `default_card` | string | Optional | Default view of the card. Options: `base`, `calendar`, `horizon`. Defaults to `base`. |
+| `moon_position` | string | Optional | Position of the moon image. Options: `left`, `right`. Defaults to `left`. |
+| `southern_hemisphere` | boolean | Optional | Adjusts the moon orientation for southern hemisphere users. Defaults to `false`. |
+| `number_decimals` | number | Optional | Number of decimals for numerical values. Defaults to `2`. |
| `selected_language` | string | Optional | ISO code of the language to be used. Defaults to system or `en`. |
| `latitude` | number | Optional | The latitude for which to calculate the lunar phase. |
| `longitude` | number | Optional | The longitude for which to calculate the lunar phase. |
+| `font_customize` | object | Optional | Customize fonts for the card. See below for details. |
+| `graph_config` | object | Optional | Configuration for the chart. See below for details. |
> [!NOTE]
> The `entity` parameter is not required. It refers to the entity ID from the Lunar Card Custom component, which can be installed [here](https://github.com/ngocjohn/lunar-phase). If the `entity` is not defined, the card will use the default latitude and longitude from the system configuration.
+### Font Customization Options
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| --------------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `header_font_size` | string | Font size for the header. Options: `auto`, `small`, `medium`, `large`, `x-large`, `xx-large`. Defaults to `x-large`. |
+| `header_font_style` | string | Text style for the header. Options: `none`, `capitalize`, `uppercase`, `lowercase`. Defaults to `capitalize`. |
+| `header_font_color` | string | Color for the header text. |
+| `label_font_size` | string | Font size for labels. Options: `auto`, `small`, `medium`, `large`, `x-large`, `xx-large`. Defaults to `auto`. |
+| `label_font_style` | string | Text style for labels. Options: `none`, `capitalize`, `uppercase`, `lowercase`. Defaults to `none`. |
+| `label_font_color` | string | Color for label text. |
+| `hide_label` | boolean | Whether to hide labels on the card. Defaults to `false`. |
+### Chart Configuration Options
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| --------------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `graph_type` | string | Type of the graph. Options: `default`, `dynamic`. Defaults to `default`. |
+| `y_ticks` | boolean | Whether to show y-axis ticks. Defaults to `false`. |
+| `x_ticks` | boolean | Whether to show x-axis ticks. Defaults to `false`. |
+| `show_time` | boolean | Whether to show time labels on the chart. Defaults to `true`. |
+| `show_current` | boolean | Whether to show the current moon position. Defaults to `true`. |
+| `show_legend` | boolean | Whether to show the chart legend. Defaults to `true`. |
+| `show_highest` | boolean | Whether to show the highest moon point. Defaults to `true`. |
+| `y_ticks_position` | string | Position of the y-axis ticks. Options: `left`, `right`. Defaults to `left`.|
+| `y_ticks_step_size` | number | Step size for y-axis ticks. Defaults to `30`. |
+| `legend_position` | string | Position of the legend. Options: `top`, `bottom`. Defaults to `top`. |
+| `legend_align` | string | Alignment of the legend. Options: `start`, `center`, `end`. Defaults to `center`. |
+| `time_step_size` | number | Step size for time labels. Defaults to `30`. |
### Example Configuration
@@ -144,18 +179,43 @@ Here's an example configuration for the Lunar Phase Card:
type: custom:lunar-phase-card
-entity: sensor.your_moon_phase_sensor
-use_system: true
-use_entity: false
+entity: ""
+use_default: true
use_custom: false
+use_entity: false
show_background: true
-compact_view: true
+selected_language: en
+compact_view: false
12hr_format: false
mile_unit: false
-custom_background: '/local/images/moon_background.jpg'
-selected_language: 'en'
-latitude: 48.8566
-longitude: 2.3522
+hide_header: false
+default_card: base
+moon_position: left
+southern_hemisphere: false
+number_decimals: 2
+ y_ticks: false
+ x_ticks: false
+ show_time: true
+ show_current: true
+ show_legend: true
+ show_highest: true
+ y_ticks_position: left
+ y_ticks_step_size: 30
+ legend_position: top
+ legend_align: center
+ time_step_size: 30
+ graph_type: default
+ header_font_size: x-large
+ header_font_style: capitalize
+ header_font_color: ""
+ label_font_size: auto
+ label_font_style: none
+ label_font_color: ""
+ hide_label: false
+latitude: 50.0874654
+longitude: 14.4212535
## Contribution Guidelines
@@ -169,3 +229,21 @@ We welcome contributions and are grateful for your support in improving this pro
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+[header-default-card]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ngocjohn/lunar-phase-card/main/assets/lunar-default-view.gif
+[no-header-default-card]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ngocjohn/lunar-phase-card/main/assets/no_header_default.gif
+[header-calendar-card]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ngocjohn/lunar-phase-card/main/assets/lunar-header-calendar.gif
+[no-header-calendar]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ngocjohn/lunar-phase-card/main/assets/no_header_calendar.gif
+[header-horizon-graph]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ngocjohn/lunar-phase-card/main/assets/lunar-header-horizon-graph.gif
+[no-header-horizon-graph]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ngocjohn/lunar-phase-card/main/assets/no_header_horizon_graph.gif
+[no-header-dynamic-graph]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ngocjohn/lunar-phase-card/main/assets/no_header_dynamic_graph.gif
+[header-compact-card]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ngocjohn/lunar-phase-card/main/assets/lunar-compact-view.png
+[no-header-compact-card]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ngocjohn/lunar-phase-card/main/assets/no_header_compact.png
+[hacs-validate]: https://github.com/ngocjohn/lunar-phase-card/actions/workflows/validate.yaml/badge.svg
+[hacs-validate-link]: https://github.com/ngocjohn/lunar-phase-card/actions/workflows/validate.yaml
+[total-downloads]: https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/ngocjohn/lunar-phase-card/total?style=flat&logo=homeassistantcommunitystore&logoSize=auto&label=Downloads&color=%2318BCF2
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