The pictures in theme are png format and the sizes of pitures are in 156x156, 316x156, 156x316, 316x316, 156x476.
156 means 2x, 316 means 4x and 476 means 4x.
With, you can easily convert all pictures in the folder to the format you need.
usage: [-h] [-d DIRECTORY] [-b] [-w WIDTH] [-e HEIGHT]
Batch Pictures Editor 0.0.1
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
The images directory
-b, --background The images for background
-w WIDTH, --width WIDTH
The width of images, x2, x4 or x6
-e HEIGHT, --height HEIGHT
The height of images, x2, x4 or x6
After resized and converted, you will get two formats of png pictures in the s1e subdirectory. For example.
The tile_X_abnor.png means disabled button.
The tile_X_nor.png means enabled button