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Fakepoint - Fake Endpoint

Create Fake endpoints for HTTP testing. Specify the response data sent back.



go get


go test


  • 324780a16382aa8f390ed549e81c79a3a7048af9 (3/1/15)

Breaking change to previous DSL. The maker now uses NewGet instead of PlanGet. Fakepoints can now be given files or strings for response data - SetResponse or SetResponseDocument.


Use it to simulate a third party API in your tests.

maker := NewFakepointMaker()
maker.NewGet("", 200).SetResponse(`{ "code": 200 }`).SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
resp, _ := maker.Client().Get("")


After looking at httptest.ResponseRecorder I decided it was a bit verbose. I wanted a tidier DSL similar to Fakeweb and nock.

I based my approach about the http.Client. The Fakepoint maker lets you stub URLs then calling maker.Client() returns a standard client to use.

From here you can execute a request by running a HTTP verb function call on the client:

maker.NewGet("", 200).SetResponse("")
resp, err := maker.Client().Get("")

Or passing in a request to client.Do(req):

maker.NewGet("", 200).SetResponse("")
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)
resp, err := maker.Client().Do(req)

How to use

First, set up the FakepointMaker.

maker := NewFakepointMaker()

From here, set up an endpoint with maker.NewGet, maker.NewPost, maker.NewPut, or maker.NewDelete. Also specify the http status code you expect.

fakepoint := maker.NewGet("", 200)

Response data to be returned may be set with one of two methods on the fakepoint; SetResponse(..) or SetResponseDocument(..):

	fakepoint.SetResponse(`{ "code": 200 }`) //response uses the a string
	fakepoint.SetResponseDocument("./response.json") //response loads the file using ioutil.ReadFile

Note, that Fakepoints uses chaining. So you could've just written maker.NewGet("", 200).SetResponse(`{ "code": 200 }`)

This is, perhaps, unidiomatic Golang; in hindsight the Must pattern would have been more appropriate. C'est la vie.

You can chain further calls to set headers and increase the frequency of the endpoint:

trip := maker.NewGet("", 200)
trip.SetResponse(`{ "code": 200 }`).SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/json").Duplicate(1)

Fakepoints only have a lifetime of one request unless Duplicate is used to specify additional call lifetimes.

This call sets the Content-Type in the response header, and increases the amount of times the client will field this request by 1.

Finally, get the http.Client from the FakepointMaker:

client := maker.Client()

This is the regular golang http.Client, with the Roundtripper Transport swapped out to something that can facilitate the test.

Fakepoint will cleanly handle 302s by following redirects, and supplying a 'new-location' resource to automate the follows.

Mostly written in Santa Monica, L.A., 2014, while working for Rockpool Labs.


"What's the benefit of fakepoint over"

The httptest package provides an easy to set up HTTP server for testing and a ResponseRecorder.

I wanted something different: to specify particular URLs, and to write tests to assert that they were called. With the HTTP Server I couldn't specify the URL and with the ResponseRecorder I had to implement a HTTP handler, etc..

I've used tools like nock, fakeweb, etc. in other languages and I wanted something similar.

In particular, I see myself writing a lot of integration code against 3rd party HTTP services, and I want a nice DSL in my tests to prove my code works. All I have to do is expose the call to the client and it's suddenly very testable:

package notifications_test

import (
	. ""

func TestOpsgenie(t *testing.T) {
	Convey("An Error log is sent to the notifier", t, func() {
		maker := fakepoint.NewFakepointMaker()
		maker.NewPost("", 200).SetResponse(`{ "code": 200 }`)
		resp, err := notifications.Requester(*maker.Client(), (""), []byte(``))
		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
		So(resp.StatusCode, ShouldEqual, 200)

"Can I do transfer-coding = "chunked" and get nice responses?"

Not yet, but that'd be grand. I might get around to it if I ever need it.
