- Tweak - Remove automatic last-child bottom
- Tweak - Remove SelectWoo from enqueued scripts
- Tweak - WooCommerce 3.3.0 templates compatibility
- Tweak Webfontloader: disable completely FOUT effect
- Fix - Webfontloader: force loading after 5 seconds
- Tweak - Webfontloader: prevent FOUT
- Tweak - Body class template independant of post type
- Tweak - Jetpack: Infinite Scroll compatibility in product archive
- Tweak - Navbarscrolltotop: compatibility with WooCommerce checkout page
- Fix - Nav Stuck To Top: adjust to #navigation height, not #header height
- Fix - WooCommerce: products per page on product_tag
- Tweak - Woocommerce Grid/List Toggle: change position of html description (after title, instead of after price)
- Fix - WooCommerce: number of products in admin
- Tweak - WooCommerce: replace deprecated add_to_cart_fragments with woocommerce_add_to_cart_fragments
- Tweak - WooCommerce: columns for product_tag in body class
- Tweak - Assets: remove version number
- Tweak - WooCommerce: nowrap download expires cell
- New - Empty WP Rocket cache on save product
- New - WooCommerce: cart items refreshed by ajax (compatible with cache plugins like WP Rocket)
- Tweak - WooCommerce: Style woocommerce-notice
- Tweak - WooCommerce: update templates for 3.2.0
- Tweak - WooCommerce: product inner also on subcategories
- Tweak - WooCommerce: widget price, hide input
- Tweak - WooCommerce: replace deprecated WC_Cart::get_cart_url by wc_get_cart_url()
- Tweak - WooCommerce: focus search input in handheld bar
- Fix - Grunt assets filename fix with minutes and seconds
- New - Lazy Load: disable on carousels
- New - Lazy Load: effect when showing
- New - Hooks before content and after content
- Tweak - Menu .active class for current item
- Tweak - Well last paragraph margin
- Tweak - WooCommerce: align coupon code input
- Tweak - WooCommerce: tabs panel styling
- Tweak - WooCommerce: adjust padding on widget cart
- Tweak - Hide empty sidebar message (sidebars: blog main shop)
- Fix - Gravity Forms: Hide hidden sublabels
- Fix - Gravity Forms: Remove submission to Analytics event
- Fix - Bug showing adminbar
- Up version fix
- New - Full screen form feature
- New - i18n: RU, DE, ZH
- Tweak - i18n: FR
- Fix - Hide navigation when Elementor editor is active
- Fix - Hustle popups visibility
- Tweak - Version the main CSS and JS file
- New - Datepicker update version to 1.6.4 and fix lang "zh"
- Tweak - Frontpage body class
- New - Gravity Forms width
- New - WooCommerce: class for cart widgets empty/notempty
- New - WooCommerce: account page title in shortcode
- Fix - Hustle popup classes
- Fix - Login/rememberme order
- Fix - Remove PHP Notices
- Fix - Remove console.log
- Fix - Elementor buttons color
- Fix - Undefined variable: class in footer.php
- WooCommerce: Shortcode for displaying a link to account
- WooCommerce: Checkout, fix coupon_code
- WooCommerce: Product Single: product variations as list-item
- WooCommerce: Adjust handheld bar
- Hustle: Flash Of Unstyled Text fix
- Fix conflict between Toggle Grid and Hustle (with dashicons enqueue)
- Gravity Forms: fix submit button
- Template: allow fullwidth for post
- WooCommerce: Sticky payment
- WooCommerce: Add to cart spinner
- WooCommerce CSS compatibility
- New shortcode [woocommerce_cart_link] to display a link to Woocommerce cart
- New shortcode [woocommerce_account_link] to display a link to Woocommerce account
- Fix styling of elementor buttons
- Gravity forms compatibility with address and name fields
- Fix password protected form action
- WooCommerce 3.0.x compatibility
- Elementor compatibilty: buttons
- Theme check
- WooCommerce compatibility (new attempt)
- Separate stormbringer and godspeed optimizations
- Owlcarousel shortcode
- Owlcarousel library
- Nav toggle collapse
- Animate library
- Waypoints library
- Customizer: enable/disabled libraries
- Lazyload library
- Lazyload library
- Datepicker library
- Refactorization, for child theme compatibility
- Removed Fancybox
- Upgrade Boostrap to v3.3.6
- Grunt generated files versioning: css and js files now contain datetime in the filename
- Upgrade Boostrap to v3.3.5
- Fix gallery shortcode compatibility with jetpack tiled gallery
- Gravity Forms: remove obsolete scss
- Gravity Forms: ajax forms javascript non-render blocking
- Use new WordPress functions: the_archive_title, the_archive_description, the_posts_pagination
- Fix in ISO 8601 format
- Remove custom breadcrumb function in favor of Yoast SEO breadcrumb function
- Upgrade Boostrap to v3.3.4
- Fix images align and max-width
- Update JS libraries
- New Typekit setting
- New setting for livereload for servers with custom livereload url
- Update Grunt dependencies
- Upgrade Boostrap to v3.3.1
- Upgrade Boostrap to v3.3.0
- Refactoring of localization
- Added french (fr_FR) localization
- Fix "Theme My Login" plugin Compatibility
- Upgrade Boostrap to v3.2.0
- Adding Boostrap Sass and Grunt support (see readme for installation)
- Upgrade Boostrap to v3.1.0
- Upgrade Less to v1.6.2
- Included Respond.js for IE6-IE8 compatibility with Media Queries
- Removed javascript from carousel
- Upgrade Boostrap to v3.0.2
- Login/Register plugin compatible with TB (Theme My Login)
- Carousel shortcode
- Created variable for modal : bootstrap, fancybox 1 or none
- Modal compatible with Gravity Forms
- Fix gallery page
- New template for attachements
- New template page for TB styles
- Moved sidebar containers to sidebar templates
- Comments: now use .media-list
- Removed JS files replaced by calls to CDNJS (http://cdnjs.com/)
- Started the theme with Twitter Bootstrap