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Plugin Communication

Plugin Communication: Messages and Notifications

Plugins need to communicate with Notepad++ to get information from it or to instruct it to do some task. This is done by using messages and notifications.

Message and notifications share a similar interface. Where messages are sent by using Windows SendMessage api, notifications are sent by Notepad++ using WM_NOTIFY messages.

These same techniques can also be used for editing macros (some of which use messages to control Notepad++), or when using one of the scripting plugins (which effectively make your script a mini-plugin). External applications (such as AutoHotKey) can also make use of these messages to automate Notepad++.

Why both messages and notifications?

Basically, a message may have a return value, and is usually thought as a query, though it can also command actions inside Notepad++. A notification, on the other hand, simply informs of some event and is more usually thought as a command. The extra content of the messages and notifications are different from each other, and are described in their respective sections below.

Notepad++ messages

To send a message to Notepad++ you send its window handle together with the message ID, and two parameters, known as wParam and lParam. The values placed in those two parameters depend on the message, and are explained below. In cases when either wParam, lParam or both are not used, they must be set to 0.

The message IDs for each of these named messages, as well as the enums used with these messages, can be found in the source code in Notepad_plus_msgs.h.

{{< details "Aside: interpreting #defines" >}} If you are writing your plugin in C++ or similar languages, you should just include the Notepad_plus_msgs.h to get all the constants; but if you are using a different language for your plugin or other message-interface, you will need to translate those #define statements to constants or values appropriate to your language.

When reading the #define for the various NPPM_ constants, you need to notice that NPPMSG is defined as (WM_USER + 1000) near the top of the file, and you need to know that WM_USER is the Windows standard constant with a value of 0x0400 (1024). You may need to look up other #define values from elsewhere in the header file in order to fully resolve some of the values. For example, #define NPPM_SAVEALLFILES (NPPMSG + 39) is really the integer 1024 + 1000 + 39 = 2063, so that is the value you need to use when defining your version of the NPPM_SAVEALLFILES constant. {{< /details >}}

{{< details "Aside: Internal Messages" >}} Note: Notepad++ header files other than Notepad_plus_msgs.h may define constants for internal messages, indicated by NPPM_INTERNAL_xxx. If you are able to find such messages and understand how to use them, there is no way for Notepad++ to prevent you from doing so; however, using internal messages is done at your own risk. Such internal messages are not part of the official plugin interface, are not publically documented, and can change behavior or even be completely removed, without any documentation or announcement; this could cause your plugin to crash Notepad++, and the Notepad++ developer is likely to add your plugin to the "Disabled" list if he gets complaints of crashes that are caused by your plugin. If you find there's an NPPM_INTERNAL message that you would like to use in your plugin, it is highly recommended that you put in an issue to request that the message be added to the public interface, and wait until it is public before trying to use that message. {{< /details >}}

You can also communicate to the Scintilla editor instances inside Notepad++ by using the Scintilla messages, which are documented at the Scintilla website, and the values can be found in Scintilla.h. Note, you need to use one of the two Scintilla handles as the first parameter to SendMessage api function.

Message Key

The general layout of the following messages look like this




wParam [in/out]

lParam [in/out]

Return value:


  • [ID Number] is the integer value of the Notepad++ message
  • MESSAGE NAME is the name of the Notepad++ message constant (like NPPM_ACTIVATEDOC).
  • Description informs about the usage of the message and provides additional information if needed.
  • Parameters called wParam and lParam are to be provided as the arguments to the notification.
  • [in/out] indicates whether this is an input or output Parameter. In the case of an output Parameter, Notepad++ will copy some information into the buffer provided as that Parameter
  • Return value is the value returned by the SendMessage api call.


Switches to the document by the given viewIndex and docIndex.


wParam [in] : int viewIndex, which must be either 0 (main view) or 1 (secondary view).

lParam [in] : int docIndex, a 0-based index which indicates which document to activate from the selected view's list of documents.

Return value: : Returns True


Add needed SCN_MODIFIED flags so your plugin will recieve the notification SCN_MODIFIED of these events for your specific treatments. (New to v8.7.7.)

By default, Notepad++ only forwards SCN_MODIFIED with the following 5 flags/events SC_MOD_DELETETEXT | SC_MOD_INSERTTEXT | SC_PERFORMED_UNDO | SC_PERFORMED_REDO | SC_MOD_CHANGEINDICATOR to plugins. If your plugin need to process other events of SCN_MODIFIED, you should add the flags you need by sending this message to Notepad++, just after recieving NPPN_READY. Even if your plugin only uses flags/events that are in those 5, it is recommended to notify Notepad++ of that need.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : unsigned long scnMotifiedFlags2Add, a bitwise-OR of the SCN_MODIFIED constants indicating which flags/events your plugin needs Notepad++ to forward.

Return value: : Returns True

Example: The following tells Notepad++ that your plugin needs the SC_MOD_DELETETEXT and SC_MOD_INSERTTEXT flags/events:

	extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void beNotified(SCNotification* notifyCode)
		switch (notifyCode->nmhdr.code)
			case NPPN_READY:
				// Add SC_MOD_DELETETEXT and SC_MOD_INSERTTEXT notifications

Recommendation: It is best practice to include all flags/events that are needed by your plugin, even if they are in the list of default flags (like the SC_MOD_DELETETEXT and SC_MOD_INSERTTEXT are in the example), as this clearly communicates to Notepad++ the needs of your plugin. (It is possible, in the future, that the list of default flags/events will be changed, or that Notepad++ may be able to provide more performance optimizations if plugins indicate all the flags/events that they need.)


Deprecated in v8.0. Use NPPM_ADDTOOLBARICON_FORDARKMODE instead. Does not support the Darkmode icons.

NPPM_ADDTOOLBARICON_DEPRECATED: Adds an icon to the toolbar. This function only makes sense if called on response to NPPN_TBMODIFICATION notification. cmdID must be a command function id which the plugin registered via getFuncsArray previously. icon is a pointer to the toolbarIcons structure.


wParam [in] : INT cmdID

lParam [in] : toolbarIcons* icon

struct toolbarIconsWithDarkMode {
	HBITMAP	hToolbarBmp;
	HICON	hToolbarIcon;

Return value: : Returns True


Adds an icon to the toolbar. This function only makes sense if called on response to NPPN_TBMODIFICATION notification. cmdID must be a command function id which the plugin registered via getFuncsArray previously. icon is a pointer to the toolbarIconsWithDarkMode structure.

(Added in v8.0, replacing old NPPM_ADDTOOLBARICON)


wParam [in] : INT cmdID

lParam [in] : toolbarIconsWithDarkMode* icon

struct toolbarIconsWithDarkMode {
	HBITMAP	hToolbarBmp;
	HICON	hToolbarIcon;
	HICON	hToolbarIconDarkMode;

Return value: : Returns True


Obtains a number of consecutive menu item IDs for creating menus dynamically, with the guarantee of these IDs not clashing with any other plugins.


wParam [in] : int, requested number of IDs.

lParam [out] : int, pointer to allocated range.

Return value: : Returns 0 on failure, nonzero on success

Examples: If a plugin needs 4 menu item ID, the following code can be used:

    int idBegin;
    BOOL isAllocatedSuccessful = ::SendMessage(nppData._nppHandle, NPPM_ALLOCATECMDID, 4, &idBegin);

if isAllocatedSuccessful is TRUE, and value of idBegin is 46581 then menu iten ID 46581, 46582, 46583 and 46584 are preserved by Notepad++, and they are safe to be used by the plugin.


Obtains a number of consecutive indicator IDs dynamically, with the guarantee of these IDs not clashing with Notepad++'s own internal indicator usage, nor usage by any other plugins that use this API to allocate their needed indicators. (new to v8.5.6)


wParam [in] : int, numberOfIndicators.

lParam [out] : int, pointer to firstIndicatorID.

Return value : Returns 0 on failure, nonzero on success

Other information : If successful, (*firstIndicatorID)+0 thru (*firstIndicatorID)+numberOfIndicators-1 are the indicator numbers that have been set as reserved for use by the caller.

Examples: If a plugin needs 1 indicator ID, the following code can be used:

    int idBegin;
    BOOL isAllocatedSuccessful = ::SendMessage(nppData._nppHandle, NPPM_ALLOCATEINDICATOR, 1, &idBegin);

if isAllocatedSuccessful is TRUE, and value of idBegin is 7 then indicator ID 7 is preserved by Notepad++, and it is safe to be used by the plugin.


Obtains a number of consecutive marker IDs dynamically, with the guarantee of these IDs not clashing with any other plugins.


wParam [in] : int numberOfMarkers

lParam [out] : int * firstMarkerID

Return value: : Returns 0 on failure, nonzero on success. firstMarkerID will also be set to 0 if unsuccessful

Examples: If a plugin needs 3 marker ID, the following code can be used:

    int idBegin;
    BOOL isAllocatedSuccessful = ::SendMessage(nppData._nppHandle, NPPM_ALLOCATEMARKER, 3, &idBegin);

if isAllocatedSuccessful is TRUE, and value of idBegin is 16 then marker ID 16, 17 and 18 are preserved by Notepad++, and they are safe to be used by the plugin.


Deprecated in v8.6.2: the message has been made (since 2010 AD) for checking if NPPM_ALLOCATECMDID is supported. This message is no more needed.



wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : int, must be zero.

Return value: : Returns True always


Returns the ILexer pointer created by Lexilla. Calls the lexilla CreateLexer() function; allows plugins to set the lexer for a Scintilla instance created by NPPM_CREATESCINTILLAHANDLE


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : const wchar_t * lexer_name, the name of the lexer

Return value: : Returns the ILexer pointer created by Lexilla.


A plugin can create a Scintilla for its usage by sending this message to Notepad++.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : HWND pluginWindowHandle, If set (non NULL), it will be the parent window of this created Scintilla handle, otherwise the parent window is Notepad++.

Return value: : Returns the created Scintilla handle.


Add support for generic dark mode. (New to v8.5.4)


wParam [in] : ULONG dmFlags : values in namespace NppDarkMode (below)

lParam [in] : HWND pluginWindowHandle,

Return value: : Returns succesful combinations of flags.

Other information:

  • Docking panels don't need to call NPPM_DARKMODESUBCLASSANDTHEME for main hwnd.

  • Subclassing is applied automatically unless DWS_USEOWNDARKMODE flag is used.

  • Might not work properly in C# plugins.

  • dmFlags values in NppDarkMode namespace:

	namespace NppDarkMode
		// Standard flags for main parent after its children are initialized.
		constexpr ULONG dmfInit =               0x0000000BUL;

		// Standard flags for main parent usually used in NPPN_DARKMODECHANGED.
		constexpr ULONG dmfHandleChange =       0x0000000CUL;


  • after controls initializations in WM_INITDIALOG, in WM_CREATE or after CreateWindow:
auto success = static_cast<ULONG>(::SendMessage(nppData._nppHandle, NPPM_DARKMODESUBCLASSANDTHEME, static_cast<WPARAM>(NppDarkMode::dmfInit), reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(mainHwnd)));
  • handling dark mode change:
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void beNotified(SCNotification * notifyCode)

	switch (notifyCode->nmhdr.code)
			::SendMessage(nppData._nppHandle, NPPM_DARKMODESUBCLASSANDTHEME, static_cast<WPARAM>(dmfHandleChange), reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(mainHwnd));
			::SetWindowPos(mainHwnd, nullptr, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_FRAMECHANGED); // to redraw titlebar and window


Changes current buffer view to ansi. view must be either 0 = main view or 1 = second view.


wParam [in] : INT view

lParam [in] : int, must be zero.

Return value: : Returns The new encoding mode.


Deprecated in v8.6.2: this message returns TRUE but does nothing. It is kept for the compatibility. Notepad++ will deallocate every createed Scintilla control on exit

NPPM_DESTROYSCINTILLAHANDLE_DEPRECATED is called to destroy a Scintilla handle.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : HWND scintillaHandle2Destroy

Return value: : Returns True


Disables the auto update functionality of Notepad++.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : int, must be zero.

Return value: : Returns True


Retrieves the dialog handle corresponds to the windowName and moduleName. You may need this message if you want to communicate with another plugin "dockable" dialog.


wParam [in] : const wchar_t * windowName

lParam [in] : const wchar_t * moduleName

Return value: : Returns NULL if moduleName is NULL. If windowName is NULL, then the first found window handle which matches with the moduleName will be returned


Hides the dialog which was previously regeistered by NPPM_DMMREGASDCKDLG.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : HWND hDlg, is the handle of your dialog which should be hidden.

Return value: : Returns True


From v4.0, Notepad++ supports the dockable dialog feature for the plugins. Pass the necessary dockingData to Notepad++ in order to make your dialog dockable. Minimum informations which needs to be filled out are hClient, pszName, dlgID, uMask and pszModuleName. Notice that rcFloat and iPrevCont shouldn't be filled. They are used internally


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : tTbData * dockingData

typedef struct {
	HWND        hClient;   // client Window Handle
	const wchar_t *pszName;  // name of plugin (shown in window)
	int         dlgID;     // a funcItem provides the function pointer to start a dialog. Please parse here these ID

	// user modifications
	UINT        uMask;       // mask params: look to above defines
	HICON       hIconTab;    // icon for tabs
	const wchar_t *pszAddInfo; // for plugin to display additional informations

	// internal data, do not use !!!
	RECT          rcFloat;        // floating position
	int           iPrevCont;      // stores the privious container (toggling between float and dock)
	const wchar_t*  pszModuleName;  // it's the plugin file name. It's used to identify the plugin
} tTbData;

Return value: : Returns True


Shows the dialog which was previously regeistered by NPPM_DMMREGASDCKDLG.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : HWND hDlg, is the handle of your dialog which should be shown.

Return value: : Returns True


Updates (redraw) the dialog.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : HWND hDlg, is the handle of the dialog which should be updated.

Return value: : Returns True


Shows the plugin dialog with the given name. name should be the same value as previously used to register the dialog.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : wchar_t* name

Return value: : Returns True


Sets the extension column in Document List panel. If disableOrNot is True, extension column is hidden otherwise it is visible.

Known as NPPM_DOCSWITCHERDISABLECOLUMN in v8.1.2 and earlier. Known as NPPM_DOCLISTDISABLECOLUMN in v8.1.3 - v8.1.4.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : BOOL disableOrNot

Return value: : Returns True


Sets the path column in Document List panel. (New to v8.1.5) If disableOrNot is True, path column is hidden otherwise it is visible.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : BOOL disableOrNot

Return value: : Returns True


Switches or openes a file with given fullPathName2Open.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : wchar_t * fullPathName2Open

Return value: : Returns The return value is True (1) if the operation is successful, otherwise False (0).


Changes current buffer view to utf8. view must be either 0 = main view or 1 = second view.


wParam [in] : INT view

lParam [in] : int, must be zero.

Return value: : Returns The new encoding mode.


Retrieves the information whether plugins are loadable from %APPDATA%.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : int, must be zero.

Return value: : Returns True if loading plugins from %APPDATA% is allowed, False otherwise


Returns the bookmark marker ID. This allows plugins to choose an ID different from the bookmark marker ID, or to intentionally make use of the bookmark marker ID. The plugin authors are encouraged to use this API (instead of using the static number from Notepad++ source code) to get bookmark marker ID dynamically. It garantees plugins get always the right bookmark marker ID even it's been changed through the different Notepad++ versions. (New to v8.4.7)


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : int, must be zero.

Return value: : Returns the bookmark ID value as an integer


Retrieves the encoding from the document with the given bufferID.


wParam [in] : UINT_PTR bufferID

lParam [in] : int, must be zero.

Return value: : Returns -1 on error, otherwise the encoding number. Here are the possible values (enum UniMode):

1: UTF-8 with BOM
2: UTF-16 Big Ending with BOM
3: UTF-16 Little Ending with BOM
4: UTF-8 without BOM
5: uni7Bit
6: UTF-16 Big Ending without BOM
7: UTF-16 Little Ending without BOM


Gets the current EOL format of the document with given bufferID.


wParam [in] : UINT_PTR bufferID

lParam [in] : int, must be zero.

Return value: : Returns -1 on error, otherwise documents EOL format type. Here are the possible values (EOL formatType):

0: Windows (CRLF)
1: Macos (CR)
2: Unix (LF)
3. Unknown


Gets the document buffer ID from the given docIndex and viewIndex.


wParam [in] : int docIndex, a 0-based index which indicates which document to activate from the selected view's list of documents.

lParam [in] : int viewIndex, which must be either 0 (main view) or 1 (secondary view).

Return value: : Returns 0 if given docIndex and viewIndex are invalid, otherwise the document buffer ID.


Retrieves the language type of the document with the given bufferID.


wParam [in] : UINT_PTR bufferID

lParam [in] : int, must be zero.

Return value: : Returns -1 on error, otherwise a value from enum LangType. Please see the enum LangType for all possible values.


Returns the buffer ID of the active document.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : int, must be zero.

Return value: : Returns the buffer ID of the active document.


Get the Current Command Line string. (New to v8.4.2). Users should call it with commandLineStr as NULL to get the required number of wchar_t (not including the terminating nul character), allocate commandLineStr buffer with the return value + 1, then call it again to get the current command line string.


wParam [in] : size_t strLen

lParam [out] : wchar_t * commandLineStr

Return value: : Returns the number of wchar_t copied/to copy.


Retrieves the column of the caret.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : int, must be zero.

Return value: : Returns the current, 0-based, column position of the caret.


Retrieves the directory path of current document. User is responsible to allocate a buffer which is large enough. MAX_PATH is suggested to use.


wParam [in] : size_t directoryPathLen

lParam [out] : wchar_t * directoryPath

Return value: : Returns True on success and False if provided directoryPath buffer is not large enough


Retrieves the current document's index in the given view.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : int viewIndex, which must be either 0 (main view) or 1 (secondary view).

Return value: : Returns -1 if the view is invisible (hidden), otherwise returns the current document's index in the given view.


Retrieves the language type of the current document.


wParam [ in ] : int, must be zero.

lParam [ out ] : int * langType, pointer to the buffer receiving the language type of the current document Please see the enum LangType for all possible values.

Return value : Returns always True


Retrieves the line of the caret.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : int, must be zero.

Return value: : Returns the current, 0-based, line position of the caret.


Retrieves the text of the current line. User is responsible to allocate a buffer which is large enough.


wParam [in] : size_t strLen

lParam [out] : wchar_t * strLine

Return value: : Returns True on success and False if provided strLine buffer is not large enough


Gets the current macro status (idle, recording, stopped, and playing back) as an enumeration class object. (Added v8.3.3)


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : int, must be zero.

Return value: : An object of the enumeration class MacroStatus, with values:

  • MacroStatus::Idle - means macro is not in use and it's empty
  • MacroStatus::RecordInProgress - macro is currently being recorded
  • MacroStatus::RecordingStopped - macro recording has been stopped
  • MacroStatus::PlayingBack - macro is currently being played back


Retrieves the code page associated with the current localisation of Notepad++.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : int, must be zero.

Return value: : Returns As of v6.6.6, returned values are 1252 (ISO 8859-1), 437 (OEM US) or 950 (Big5).


Retrieves the current Scintilla view


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [out] : int * currentEdit, pointer to the buffer receiving the current view. The returned value can be one of the following:

	Value        Meaning
	  0          The main view
	  1          The second view
	 -1          In case of an error

Return value: : Returns always True


*Retrieves the current used view. *


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : int, must be zero.

Return value: : Returns Either 0 when main view is active or 1 if secondary view is active.


Retrieves the word containing the caret. User is responsible to allocate a buffer which is large enough.


wParam [in] : size_t currentWordLen

lParam [out] : wchar_t * currentWord

Return value: : Returns True on success and False if provided currentWord buffer is not large enough


Retrieves the colors used in Dark Mode. User is responsible to allocate a buffer which is large enough. (Added v8.4.1)


wParam [in] : size_t cbSize - must be filled with sizeof(NppDarkMode::Colors)

lParam [out] : NppDarkMode::Colors* returnColors - must be a pre-allocated NppDarkMode::Colors struct

Return value: : Returns True on success and False if provided currentWord buffer is not large enough

Data Structure :

namespace NppDarkMode
    struct Colors
        COLORREF background = 0;
        COLORREF softerBackground = 0;
        COLORREF hotBackground = 0;
        COLORREF pureBackground = 0;
        COLORREF errorBackground = 0;
        COLORREF text = 0;
        COLORREF darkerText = 0;
        COLORREF disabledText = 0;
        COLORREF linkText = 0;
        COLORREF edge = 0;


Retrieves the current editor default background color.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : int, must be zero.

Return value: : Returns The color as integer with hex format being 0x00bbggrr


Retrieves the current editor default foreground.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : int, must be zero.

Return value: : Returns The color as integer with hex format being 0x00bbggrr


Deprecated v8.4.9: Use EnableThemeTexture from uxtheme.h instead.

NPPM_GETENABLETHEMETEXTUREFUNC_DEPRECATED: Returns if visual style of the background of a dialog window is enabled or not.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : int, must be zero.

Return value: : Returns A proc address or NULL


Get ExternalLexerAutoIndentMode for an installed external programming language. Puts that mode in the output object. (Added v8.3.3)


wParam [in] : const wchar_t* languageName, the name of the language to get

lParam [out] : ExternalLexerAutoIndentMode &autoIndentMode, an object of the enumeration class ExternalLexerAutoIndentMode, with values:

  • ExternalLexerAutoIndentMode::Standard => 0
  • ExternalLexerAutoIndentMode::C_Like => 1
  • ExternalLexerAutoIndentMode::Custom => 2

Return value: : TRUE for successful searches, otherwise FALSE.


Retrieves the extension of the filename of the current document. User is responsible to allocate a buffer which is large enough. MAX_PATH is suggested to use.


wParam [in] : size_t extensionLen

lParam [out] : wchar_t * extension

Return value: : Returns True on success and False if provided extension buffer is not large enough


Retrieves the file name of current document. User is responsible to allocate a buffer which is large enough. MAX_PATH is suggested to use.


wParam [in] : size_t fileNameLen

lParam [out] : wchar_t * fileName

Return value: : Returns True on success and False if provided fileName buffer is not large enough


Retrieves the filename at the current caret position. Note, while this message has been created, and is used internally, to retrieve a filename at the current caret position, it does return anything which fulfills the requirements, even single words.


wParam [in] : INT length

lParam [out] : wchar_t* buffer

Return value: : Returns True if the size of the provided buffer is large enough, False otherwise.


Retrieves the full path of the current document. User is responsible to allocate a buffer which is large enough. MAX_PATH is suggested to use.


wParam [in] : size_t fullPathLen

lParam [out] : wchar_t * fullPath

Return value: : Returns True on success and False if provided fullPath buffer is not large enough


Gets the full path file name from the given bufferID. First call should be made with buffer set to NULL to retrieve the actual size needed. Second call is sent with correctly allocated buffer, +1 for trailing null, to retrieve the full path file name.


wParam [in] : UINT_PTR bufferID

lParam [out] : wchar_t * buffer

Return value: : Returns -1 if bufferID does not exist, otherwise the number of chars copied/to copy.


Retrieves the description of the current language used. First call should be made with buffer set to NULL to retrieve the actual size needed. Second call is sent with correctly allocated buffer to retrieve the description.


wParam [in] : int langTypeID

lParam [out] : wchar_t* buffer

Return value: : Returns The number of characters needed or copied


Retrieves the name of the current language used. First call should be made with buffer set to NULL to retrieve the actual size needed. Second call is sent with correctly allocated buffer to retrieve the language name.


wParam [in] : int langTypeID

lParam [out] : wchar_t* buffer

Return value: : Returns The number of characters needed or copied


Get line number margin width in dynamic width mode (LINENUMWIDTH_DYNAMIC) or constant width mode (LINENUMWIDTH_CONSTANT)


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : int, must be zero.

Return value: : Returns the line number margin width mode, either the LINENUMWIDTH_DYNAMIC or LINENUMWIDTH_CONSTANT value.


Retrieves either the plugin or the main menu handle of Notepad++.


wParam [in] : int whichMenu, which can be 0 (plugin menu) or 1 (main menu)

lParam [in] : int, must be zero.

Return value: : Returns the requested menu handle.


Retrieves the part of filename, without extension, of the current document. User is responsible to allocate a buffer which is large enough. MAX_PATH is suggested to use.


wParam [in] : size_t namePartLen

lParam [out] : wchar_t * namePart

Return value: : Returns True on success and False if provided namePart buffer is not large enough


Get the Current native language file name string. Use it after getting NPPN_READY notification to find out which native language is used.

Users should call it with nativeLangFileName as NULL to get the required number of char (not including the terminating nul character), allocate language file name string buffer with the return value + 1, then call it again to get the current native language file name string.


wParam [in] : size_t strLen, which is "language file name string" buffer length

lParam [out] : CHAR * nativeLangFileName, language file name string receives all copied native language file name string

Return value: : Returns the number of char copied/to copy


Retrieves the number of files currently open


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : Integer of one of the following values:

	Value        Meaning
	  0          the total number of files opened in Notepad++
	  1          number of files opened in the main view
	  2          number of files opened in the second view

Return value: : Returns number of open files


Retrieves the number of files to load in the session sessionFileName. sessionFileName should be a full path name of an xml file.


wParam [out] : BOOL* isValidXML, if the lParam pointer is null, then this parameter will be ignored. TRUE if XML is valid, otherwise FALSE. (added in v8.6)

lParam [in] : const wchar_t * sessionFileName

Return value: : Returns 0 if sessionFileName is an empty string/NULL, or XML session file is corrupted/invalid, else the number of files.


Retrieves the number of user defined languages and, optionally, the starting menu id. Note, udlID is optional, if not used set it to 0, otherwise an integer pointer is needed to retrieve the menu identifier.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [out] : INT* udlID

Return value: : Returns The number of user defined languages identified


Retrieves the full path of the directory where the Notepad++ binary is located. User is responsible to allocate a buffer which is large enough. MAX_PATH is suggested to use.


wParam [in] : size_t nppDirLen

lParam [out] : wchar_t * nppDir

Return value: : Returns True on success and False if provided nppDir buffer is not large enough


Retrieves the full path of the Notepad++ executable.


wParam [in] : INT length

lParam [out] : wchar_t* buffer

Return value: : Returns True if the provided buffer size was big enough to write the full path to it, False otherwise.


Retrieves the current Notepad++ version. The value is made up of 2 parts: the major version (the high word) and minor version (the low word). Note that this message is supported by the v4.7 or higher version; earlier versions return 0. v8.4.1 adds the ability to pad the result to make comparisons between versions like 8.4.1 and 8.5 easier (without the padding, they would have been 8|41 and 8|5, and since 5 is less than 41, it would have incorrectly shown up as 8.5 coming before 8.41; with the padding flag on, they will be 8|410 and 8|500, so 8.5 will properly come after 8.4.1).


wParam [in] : Boolean ADD_ZERO_PADDING, will add zero padding, as per the tables below:


    version  | HIWORD | LOWORD
    -----------------------------  | 8      | 964
    9        | 9      | 0
    6.9      | 6      | 900
    6.6.6    | 6      | 660 | 13     | 666


    version  | HIWORD | LOWORD
    -----------------------------  | 8      | 964
    9        | 9      | 0
    6.9      | 6      | 9
    6.6.6    | 6      | 66 | 13     | 666

lParam [in] : int, must be zero.

Return value: : Returns a LONG value containing the current version.


Retrieves the open files of both views. User is responsible to allocate an big enough fileNames array.


wParam [out] : wchar_t ** fileNames, receives the full path names of all the opened files in Notepad++

lParam [in] : int nbFile, is the size of the fileNames array. Get this value by using NPPM_GETNBOPENFILES message with constant ALL_OPEN_FILES, then allocate fileNames array with this value (noting the size requirements for an Array of Path Strings).

Return value: : Returns The number of files copied into fileNames array.


Retrieves the open files of the main view. User is responsible to allocate an big enough fileNames array.


wParam [out] : wchar_t ** fileNames, receives the full path names of the opened files in the primary view

lParam [in] : int nbFile, is the size of the fileNames array. Get this value by using NPPM_GETNBOPENFILES message with constant PRIMARY_VIEW, then allocate fileNames array with this value (noting the size requirements for an Array of Path Strings).

Return value: : Returns The number of files copied into fileNames array.


Retrieves the open files of the secondary view. User is responsible to allocate an big enough fileNames array.


wParam [out] : wchar_t ** fileNames, receives the full path names of the opened files in the second view

lParam [in] : int nbFile, is the size of your fileNames array. You should get this value by using NPPM_GETNBOPENFILES message with constant SECOND_VIEW, then allocate fileNames array with this value (noting the size requirements for an Array of Path Strings).

Return value: : Returns The number of files copied into fileNames array.


Retrieves the plugin home root path. First call should be made with length set to 0 and buffer set to NULL to retrieve the actual size of the path. Second call sends the correct length and allocated buffer, both +1 for trailing NULL, to get the path name.


wParam [in] : SIZE_T length

lParam [out] : wchar_t* buffer

Return value: : Returns the number of wchar_t copied to buffer without trailing NULL.


Retrieves the path of the plugin config directory. User should call this message twice: The 1st call with "pluginsConfDir" be NULL to get the required number of wchar_t (not including the terminating nul character) The 2nd call to allocate "pluginsConfDir" buffer with the 1st call's return value + 1, then call it again to get the path


wParam [in] : int strLen

lParam [out] : wchar_t *pluginsConfDir

Return value: : Return: The 1st call - the number of wchar_t to copy; The 2nd call - False on failure, True on success


Gets 0-based document viewIndex and docIndex from given buffer ID, encoded as a single 32-bit integer: The 30 lowest bits of the return value are the docIndex. Bit 30 indicates which viewIndex has the buffer (0 for main view, 1 for secondary view).


wParam [in] : UINT_PTR bufferID

lParam [in] : int priorityView, which must be either 0 (main view) or 1 (secondary view). It will search the chosen view first, but if the given bufferID cannot be found in the chosen view, the other view will also be searched.

Return value: : Returns -1 if bufferID doesn't exist, else returns the encoded viewIndex and docIndex.


Get settings on cloud path. It's useful if plugins want to store its settings on Cloud, if this path is set.

First call should be made with buffer set to NULL to retrieve the actual size needed. Second call is sent with correctly allocated buffer, +1 for trailing null, to retrieve the full path file name.


wParam [in] : size_t strLen, maximum bytes to read for the path string, including the final NULL byte

lParam [out] : wchar_t *settingsOnCloudPath, the path for cloud settings obtained by this message

Return value: : Returns the length of the path string


Retrieves the files' full path name from a session file.


wParam [out] : wchar_t ** sessionFileArray, the array in which the files' full path of the same group are written. To allocate the array with the proper size, use the message NPPM_GETNBSESSIONFILES to get the number of strings needed, then allocate each path entry string (noting the size requirements for an Array of Path Strings).

lParam [in] : const wchar_t * sessionFileName, the path to the session file from which you retrieve the files

Return value: : Returns True


Gets the mapped plugin command shortcut. May be called after getting NPPN_READY notification.


wParam [in] : int cmdID

lParam [out] : ShortcutKey * sk, which is defined as

struct ShortcutKey {
	bool _isCtrl;
	bool _isAlt;
	bool _isShift;
	UCHAR _key;

Return value: : Returns True if this function call is successful and shortcut is enable, otherwise False


Gets the tab color id for the given view and tab index. (New to v8.6.8)


wParam [in] : int, 0 for primary view, 1 for secondary view, -1 for currently-active view

lParam [in] : int, zero-based tab index, i.e., use 0 for first tab, 1 for second tab, etc.; use -1 for active tab

Return value: : int, the tab color id value:

  • -1 (no color)
  • 0 (yellow)
  • 1 (green)
  • 2 (blue)
  • 3 (orange)
  • 4 (pink)

Note: There is no symmetric plugin command for setting the tab color. Plugins can use NPPM_MENUCOMMAND to set active tab's color with the desired tab color using these menu-command ids:

  • 44110 (no color)
  • 44111 (yellow)
  • 44112 (green)
  • 44113 (blue)
  • 44114 (orange)
  • 44115 (pink)


Retrieves the windows operating system version.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : int, must be zero.

Return value: : Returns a value of enum winVer. Possible values are

  • WV_WIN32S
  • WV_95
  • WV_98
  • WV_ME
  • WV_NT
  • WV_W2K
  • WV_XP
  • WV_S2003
  • WV_XPX64


Either hides or shows the menubar.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : BOOL hideOrNot

Return value: : Returns the previous status before this operation.


Either hides or shows the statusbar.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : BOOL hideOrNot

Return value: : Returns the previous status before this operation.


Either hides or shows the tabbar.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : BOOL hideOrNot

Return value: : Returns the previous status before this operation.


Either hides or shows the toolbar.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : BOOL hideOrNot

Return value: : Returns the previous status before this operation.


Checks the current Use Auto-Indentation setting in Notepad++ Preferences. (Added v8.3.3)


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : int, must be zero.

Return value: : TRUE if Auto-Indentation is on, FALSE otherwise.


Checks the visibility of the Document List panel.

Known as NPPM_ISDOCSWITCHERSHOWN in v8.1.2 and earlier.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : int, must be zero.

Return value: : Returns True if the Document List panel is currently shown, False otherwise


Notepad++ Dark Mode is enable. (Added v8.4.1)


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : int, must be zero.

Return value: : TRUE when Notepad++ Dark Mode is enable, FALSE when it is not.


Retrieves the current status of menubar.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : int, must be zero.

Return value: : Returns True if the menubar is hidden, False otherwise.


Retrieves the current status of the statusbar.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : int, must be zero.

Return value: : Returns True if the status bar is hidden, False otherwise.


Retrieves the current status of tabbar.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : int, must be zero.

Return value: : Returns True if the tabbar is hidden, False otherwise.


Retrieves the current status of toolbar.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : int, must be zero.

Return value: : Returns True if the toolbar is hidden, False otherwise.


Triggers the Find in files dialog.


wParam [in] : wchar_t * dir2Search or NULL

lParam [in] : wchar_t * filter or NULL

Return value: : Returns True


Opens all files of same session in Notepad++ via a xml format session file sessionFileName.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : const wchar_t * sessionFileName

Return value: : Returns True


Makes the current document dirty, aka sets the save state to unsaved.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : int, must be zero.

Return value: : Returns True


Calls all possible Notepad++ menu commands.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : int commandID, see menuCmdID.h for all possible values.

Return value: : Returns True


For each modeless dialog created in your plugin, you should register it (and unregister it when you destroy it) by using this message. If this message is not used, then your dialog won't react with the key stroke messages such as Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V or TAB key, so it is highly recommended that you use this for all modeless dialogs in your plugin.


wParam [in] : int op, the operation mode. Use the value MODELESSDIALOGADD to register and MODELESSDIALOGREMOVE to unregister (both are defined in Notepad_plus_msgs.h).

lParam [in] : HWND hDlg, is the handle of the dialog to be registered

Return value: : Returns the hadle of the dialog (hDlg) to be registered/unregistered on success, NULL on failure


Allows the communication between 2 plugins. For example, plugin X can execute a command of plugin Y if plugin X knows the command ID and the file name of plugin Y.


wParam [in] : wchar_t * destModuleName, is the complete module name (with the extesion .dll) of plugin with which you want to communicate (plugin Y).

lParam [out] : CommunicationInfo * info

struct CommunicationInfo {
	long internalMsg;
	const wchar_t * srcModuleName;
	void * info; // defined by plugin

: internalMsg is an integer defined by plugin Y, known by plugin X, identifying the message being sent. : srcModuleName is the complete module name (with the extesion .dll) of caller(plugin X). : info is defined by plugin, the informations to be exchanged between X and Y. It's a void pointer so it should be defined by plugin Y and known by plugin X. The returned value is TRUE if Notepad++ found the plugin by its module name (destModuleName), and pass the info (communicationInfo) to the module. The returned value is FALSE if no plugin with such name is found.

Return value: : Returns True if Notepad++ found the plugin by its module name (destModuleName), and pass the info (communicationInfo) to the module, False otherwise.


Reloads the document with the given bufferID. If doAlertOrNot is True, then a message box will display to ask user to reload the document, otherwise document will be loaded without asking user.


wParam [in] : UINT_PTR bufferID

lParam [in] : BOOL doAlertOrNot

Return value: : Returns True on success, False otherwise


Reloads the file indicated by filePathName2Reload.


wParam [in] : BOOL withAlert, if True then an alert message box will be launched.

lParam [in] : wchar_t *filePathName2Reload

Return value: : Returns True if reloading file succeeds, False otherwise


Removes the assigned shortcut mapped to cmdID.


wParam [in] : int32 cmdID

lParam [in] : int, must be zero.

Return value: : Returns True if function call is successful, False otherwise.


Saves all opened documents.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : int, must be zero.

Return value: : Returns FALSE when no file needs to be saved, else TRUE if there is at least one file saved.


Saves the current document.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : int, must be zero.

Return value: : Returns True


Saves the current file. saveAsCopy must be either 0 to save, or 1 to save a copy of the current filename.


wParam [in] : int saveAsCopy

lParam [in] : wchar_t* filename

Return value: : Returns True on success, False otherwise


Saves the current opened files in Notepad++ as a group of files (session) as an xml file. The xml full path name has to be provided by sessionFileName.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : const wchar_t *sessionFileName

Return value: : Returns sessionFileName on success, NULL otherwise


Save the file (opened in Notepad++) with the given filename. filename must be the full file path for the file to be saved.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : const wchar_t* filename

Return value: : Returns True on success False on filename not found


Creates an session file for a defined set of files. sessionInfo is a pointer to sessionInfo structure. Note, contrary to NPPM_SAVECURRENTSESSION, which saves the current opened files, this call can be used to freely define any file which should be part of a session.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : sessionInfo*

Return value: : Returns On success a wchar_t* to full path of the session filename to be saved or NULL otherwise


Sets the document encoding for the given bufferID. Can only be done on new, unedited files.


wParam [in] : UINT_PTR bufferID

lParam [in] : UniMode encoding - see NPPM_GETBUFFERENCODING enum UniMode valid values

Return value: : Returns True on success, False otherwise.


Sets EOL format to the document with the given bufferID.


wParam [in] : UINT_PTR bufferID

lParam [in] : formatType format - see NPPM_GETBUFFERFORMAT for valid values of EOL formatType

Return value: : Returns True on success, False otherwise.


Sets the language type of the document based on the given bufferID. See enum LangType for valid values, L_USER and L_EXTERNAL are not supported.


wParam [in] : UINT_PTR bufferID

lParam [in] : LangType type2Set

Return value: : Returns True on success, False otherwise.


Sets a new language type to the current used document.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : int langType, please see the enum LangType for all possible values.

Return value: : Returns True


Extends the Scintilla window with an extra style. If value is True adds an additional sunken edge style to the Scintilla window else it removes the extended style from the window. See MSDN Extended Window Styles for more information.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : BOOL value

Return value: : Returns True


Set ExternalLexerAutoIndentMode for an installed external programming language. (Added v8.3.3)


wParam [in] : const wchar_t* languageName, the name of the language to set

lParam [in] : ExternalLexerAutoIndentMode autoIndentMode, an object of the enumeration class ExternalLexerAutoIndentMode, where you supply one of the following values:

  • ExternalLexerAutoIndentMode::Standard => 0
  • ExternalLexerAutoIndentMode::C_Like => 1
  • ExternalLexerAutoIndentMode::Custom => 2

Return value: : TRUE for successful searches, otherwise FALSE.


Set line number margin width in dynamic width mode (LINENUMWIDTH_DYNAMIC) or constant width mode (LINENUMWIDTH_CONSTANT). It may help some plugins to disable non-dynamic line number margins width to have a smooth visual effect while vertical scrolling the content in Notepad++


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : int widthMode, must be one of the values LINENUMWIDTH_DYNAMIC or LINENUMWIDTH_CONSTANT.

Return value: : Returns True on success, False on failure


Sets or removes the check on a item of plugin menu and of tab bar (if any).


wParam [in] : int pluginCmdID, is the plugin command ID which corresponds to the plugin menu item

lParam [in] : BOOL doCheck

Return value: : Returns True


Uses underlying Scintilla command SCI_SETFONTQUALITY to manage the font quality. If value is True, this message sets SC_EFF_QUALITY_LCD_OPTIMIZED else SC_EFF_QUALITY_DEFAULT


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : BOOL value

Return value: : Returns True


Sets a string in the specified field of a statusbar.


wParam [in] : int field, possible values are


lParam [in] : wchar_t* value, the string to set.

Return value: : Returns False on failure, True on success


Rename the tab name for an untitled tab. (New in v8.6.9.)


wParam [in] : UINT_PTR id - BufferID of the tab.

lParam [in] : wchar_t* newName - the desired new name of the tab

Return value: : Return TRUE upon success; FALSE upon failure


Show or hide the Document List panel. If toShowOrNot is True, the Document List panel is shown otherwise it is hidden.

Known as NPPM_SHOWDOCSWITCHER in v8.1.2 and earlier.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : BOOL toShowOrNot

Return value: : Returns True


Switches to the document which matches with the given filePathName2switch.


wParam [in] : int, must be zero.

lParam [in] : wchar_t *filePathName2switch

Return value: : Returns True


Triggers the tabbar context menu for the given view and index. (Activates that tab and view if it's not already active.)


wParam [in] : int viewIndex, which must be either 0 (main view) or 1 (secondary view).

lParam [in] : int docIndex, a 0-based index which indicates which document to activate from the selected view's list of documents.

Return value: : Returns True

Notepad++ notifications

A notification is sent using a WM_NOTIFY message and therefore uses the NMHDR structure.

The notification carries three Fields in the notification structure, each of which holds an integer value. The code Field integer is always the notification number. The hwndFrom and idFrom Field integers normally refer to the Notepad++ window handle hwndNpp and the Notepad++ buffer identifier BufferID; however, they can also be pointers to data structures, in which case, the description of that particular Notification will describe the structure, or call out a common c/c++ data type, or otherwise describe the usage of that Field for that Notification.

The notification IDs for each of these named notifications can be found in the source code in Notepad_plus_msgs.h.

Notification Key

The general layout of the following notifications look like this



Fields : code: : hwndFrom: : idFrom:

  • [ID Number] is the integer value for that notification
  • NOTIFICATION NAME is the Notepad++ notification constant name (like NPPN_READY)
  • Description informs about the usage of the notification and provides additional information if needed.
  • Fields are the parameters to be provided by the notification.
    • hwndFrom normally holds the hwndNpp, which means that the window handle for the current Notepad++ window is passed as that argument. If it is shown as a 0 or NULL, then that notification does not use this Field. If it is something else, a full description will be provided.
    • idFrom normally holds the BufferID, which means that the buffer identification integer for the editor buffer of the relevant file is passed as that argument. (Warning: this BufferID is often not the active buffer, and if you want to perform an action on it that requires that it be active, you will have to activate that file first; a reasonable sequence for handling this is described in Notification BufferID.) If idFrom is shown as 0 or NULL, then that notification does not use this Field. If idFrom needs a different value for a notification, a full description will be provided.


To notify plugins that Notepad++ shutdown has been triggered, files have not been closed yet


hwndFrom:	hwndNpp
idFrom:		0


To notify plugins that a buffer was activated (put to foreground).


hwndFrom:	hwndNpp
idFrom:		BufferID


To notify plugins that Notepad++ shutdown has been canceled


hwndFrom:	hwndNpp
idFrom:		0


To notify plugins that the new argument for plugins (via -pluginMessage="YOUR_PLUGIN_ARGUMENT" in command line) is available. (New to v8.4.2).


hwndFrom:	hwndNpp
idFrom:		pluginMessage, where pluginMessage is pointer of type wchar_t


To notify plugins that Dark Mode was changed (either enabled or disabled). (Added v8.4.1)


hwndFrom:	hwndNpp
idFrom:		0


To notify plugins that document order is changed


hwndFrom:	newIndex
idFrom:		BufferID


To notify lexer plugins that the buffer (in idFrom) is just applied to a external lexer. (New to v8.5).


hwndFrom:	hwndNpp
idFrom:		BufferID


To notify plugins that the file referenced by the BufferID is about to be closed.


hwndFrom:	hwndNpp
idFrom:		BufferID

Usage Note: It is useful to store the name of the file that's about to be closed, which can be obtained using NPPM_GETFULLPATHFROMBUFFERID; plugins need to access this information now, rather than while handling NPPN_FILECLOSED, because the BufferID-to-FullPathName mapping will no longer be valid by the time NPPN_FILECLOSED is processed.

Also remember, the BufferID is not necessarily for the active file; Close All, or clicking the close button on an inactive tab, or other such file-closing actions, can easily trigger the non-active file to be closed; if you need to issue one or more messages that work on the active file, you will need to follow the directions in the Notification BufferID section (below) while doing the processing on the file that's about to be closed.


To notify plugins that file is to be deleted


hwndFrom:	hwndNpp
idFrom:		BufferID


To notify plugins that the current file is about to be loaded


hwndFrom:	hwndNpp
idFrom:		NULL


To notify plugins that the current file is about to be opened


hwndFrom:	hwndNpp
idFrom:		BufferID


To notify plugins that file is to be renamed


hwndFrom:	hwndNpp
idFrom:		BufferID


To notify plugins that the current file is about to be saved


hwndFrom:	hwndNpp
idFrom:		BufferID

NOTE: Many plugins or scripts which use this notification have wrongly assumed that the file being saved is always the active file, and try to perform actions on the active file, when they really needed to activate the file referenced by BufferID before performing actions. (When a user invokes a normal Save action, this isn't normally a problem; however, Save All will save any changed files, even when they aren't the active buffer.) A reasonable sequence for handling this (or any BufferID notification) is given in Notification BufferID (below).


To notify plugins that the file that used to be referenced by BufferID has been closed


hwndFrom:	hwndNpp
idFrom:		BufferID

Usage Note: By the time this notification is handled, the file that used to be referenced by BufferID is no longer available (unless the same file was open in both Views, for example by having been cloned to the other View). If the plugin needs to do any processing regarding the actual file that was closed (including getting its path or other meta-information), the plugin will need to respond to NPPN_FILEBEFORECLOSE and store the information; it can then use that stored information while handling this notification.


To notify plugins that file has been deleted


hwndFrom:	hwndNpp
idFrom:		BufferID


To notify plugins that file deletion has failed


hwndFrom:	hwndNpp
idFrom:		BufferID


To notify plugins that file open operation failed


hwndFrom:	hwndNpp
idFrom:		BufferID


To notify plugins that the current file is just opened


hwndFrom:	hwndNpp
idFrom:		BufferID


To notify plugins that file rename has been canceled


hwndFrom:	hwndNpp
idFrom:		BufferID


To notify plugins that file has been renamed


hwndFrom:	hwndNpp
idFrom:		BufferID


To notify plugins that the current file is just saved


hwndFrom:	hwndNpp
idFrom:		BufferID


To notify plugins that the current document is just modified by Replace All action. (New in v8.6.5.)

// For solving the performance issue (from v8.6.4), Notepad++ doesn't trigger SCN_MODIFIED during Replace All action anymore.
// As a result, the plugins which monitor SCN_MODIFIED should also monitor NPPN_GLOBALMODIFIED.
// This notification is implemented in Notepad++ v8.6.5.


hwndFrom:	BufferID         // ID, not hwnd
idFrom:		0                // reserved for the future use; must be zero from v8.6.5


To notify plugins that the language in the current doc is just changed.


hwndFrom:	hwndNpp
idFrom:		BufferID


To notify plugins that the current native language is just changed to another one.

// Use NPPM_GETNATIVELANGFILENAME to get current native language file name.
// Use NPPM_GETMENUHANDLE(NPPPLUGINMENU, 0) to get submenu "Plugins" handle (HMENU)


hwndFrom:	hwndNpp
idFrom:		0                    // reserved for the future use; must be zero from v8.6.5


To notify plugins that current document changed the read-only status


hwndFrom:	BufferID
idFrom:		docStatus, either one or the combination of the following values


To notify plugins that all the initialization for launching Notepad++ is complete.


hwndFrom:	hwndNpp
idFrom:		0


To notify plugins that plugin command shortcut is remapped.


hwndFrom:	ShortcutKeyStructurePointer, which is defined as
			struct ShortcutKey {
				bool _isCtrl
				bool _isAlt
				bool _isShift
				UCHAR _key

idFrom:		cmdID, the ID of the command shortcut


To notify plugins that Notepad++ is about to be shut down.


hwndFrom:	hwndNpp
idFrom:		0


To notify plugins that a snapshot dirty file is loaded on startup


hwndFrom:	NULL
idFrom:		BufferID


To notify plugins that toolbar icons can be registered


hwndFrom:	hwndNpp
idFrom:		0


To notify plugins that user initiated a WordStyleDlg change.


hwndFrom:	hwndNpp
idFrom:		BufferID

Notification BufferID

The BufferID received by a notification is not necessarily the active buffer. If you want to perform an action on the buffer that requires that it be active, you will have to activate that file first. One reasonable sequence of events for doing some action on a specific BufferID in a callback is as follows:

  1. Store the BufferID of the active file (keepBufferID).
  2. If the notification BufferID is not the keepBufferID, then activate the BufferID.
    • NPPM_GETPOSFROMBUFFERID extracts a value that's an encoded version of the view and document index for the buffer:
      view = value >> 30
      docIndex = value & 0x3FFFFFFF
    • NPPM_ACTIVATEDOC will activate the notification BufferID:
      NPPM_ACTIVATEDOC(view, docIndex)
  3. Perform your actions on the notification BufferID, which is now active.
  4. Set the keepBufferID as the active file.
    • Use the same messages as in step 2, but starting with keepBufferID:
      value = NPPM_GETCURRENTBUFFERID(keepBufferID)
      view = value >> 30
      docIndex = value & 0x3FFFFFFF
      NPPM_ACTIVATEDOC(view, docIndex)

Array of Path Strings

Some of the messages have a wchar_t ** type, which is an array of wide-character strings.
All such messages require you to pre-allocate the array, with enough strings, and enough wide characters (2 bytes each) for each string. Since these messages are dealing with paths, you should allocate enough per string for MAX_PATH wide characters: if your programming interface allocates strings based on number of bytes, then you will need to allocate 2*MAX_PATH for the number of bytes, to be able to hold MAX_PATH wide characters.