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580 lines (523 loc) · 53.1 KB

File metadata and controls

580 lines (523 loc) · 53.1 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. [Unreleased] section at the top, will be used to track upcoming changes.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • Dictionary Attributes

    1. Added boot_uid as a string_t. #1335
    2. Added raw_data_size as a long_t. #1347
    3. Added assessments as an array of assessment objects. #1343
    4. Added meets_criteria as a boolean_t. #1343
    5. Added display_name attribute as a string_t. #1341
    6. Added is_directed as a boolean_t, relation as a string_t, query_language & query_language_id a sibling pair. #1343
    7. Added resource_relationship of type graph, nodes of type node, edges of type edge. #1343
    8. Added fix_coverage as string_t and fix_coverage_id as int_t. #1350
    9. Added eid, iccid, and meid as string_t. #1346
    10. Added is_backed_up, is_mobile_account_active, and is_shared as boolean_t. #1346
    11. Added isp_org as string_t. #1351
  • Objects

    1. Added assessment object to capture evaluations/assessments of configurations/signals. #1343
    2. Added node, edge, graph objects. #1343


  • Event Classes

    1. Added assessments to config_state. #1343
    2. Added raw_data_size to base_event object. #1347
  • Objects

    1. Added boot_uid to device object. #1335
    2. Relaxed constraint to provide email_addr, phone_number, or security_questions on auth_factor. #1339
    3. Added boot_uid to device object. #1335
    4. Added meets_criteria and policy to assessment object. #1343
    5. Added assessments to compliance object. #1343
    6. Added data to policy object. #1343
    7. Added display_name attribute to the user and ldap_person objects. #1341
    8. Added resource_relationship to resource_details object. #1343
    9. Added fix_coverage, fix_coverage_id to vulnerability object. #1350
    10. Added eid, iccid, is_backed_up, is_mobile_account_active, is_shared, and meid to device. #1346
    11. Added is_backed_up to resource_details. #1346
    12. Added isp, isp_org to network_endpoint & whois objects. #1351
    13. Reduced requirement of standards to recommended in the compliance object. #1352
    14. Updated MITRE attack, tactic, technique, subtechnique captions, descriptions, references to include MITRE ATLAS. Used standard requirements for _entity extended objects. #1355.


  1. Deprecated usage of isp attribute in the location object. #1351


  1. Updated description of config_state to reflect the addition of the assessments object. #1343
  2. Updated description of hw_info.uuid to clarify usage especially in presence of new device.udid field. #1354
  3. Updated dictionary descriptions and references of MITRE attacks, tactic, technique, subtechnique. #1355

[v1.4.0] - January 31st, 2025


  • Categories

    1. Added new Unmanned Systems Category. #1169
  • Event Classes

    1. Added OSINT Inventory Info event class to the Discovery category. #1154
    2. Added Script Activity event class to the System category. #1159
    3. Added Startup Item Query event class. #1119
    4. Added Drone Flights Activity event class to the Unmanned Systems category. #1169
    5. Added Cloud Resources Inventory Info event class to the Discovery category. #1250
    6. Added Airborne Broadcast Activity event class to the Unmanned Systems category. #1253
    7. Added Application Error event class to the Application Activity category. #1299
  • Profiles

    1. Added incident profile. #1293
  • Dictionary Attributes

    1. Added has_mfa as a boolean_t. #1155
    2. Added environment_variables as an array of environment_variable object. #1172
    3. Added forward_addr as an email_t. #1179
    4. Added related_cves, related_cwes as arrays of cve, cwe objects respectively. #1176
    5. Added exploit_last_seen_time as a timestamp_t. #1176
    6. Added is_alert as a boolean_t. #1179
    7. Added working_directory as a string_t. #1195
    8. Added is_deleted as a boolean_t. #1196
    9. Added body_length as an integer_t. #1200
    10. Added is_public as a boolean_t. #1208
    11. Added tags, control_parameters as an array of key_value_object object. #1219
    12. Added community_uid as a string_t. #1202
    13. Added location to the managed_entity object. #1169
    14. Added unmanned_system_operator to the dictionary, extends user. #1169
    15. Added locations to the dictionary, an array type of the location object, used within the new operating_area object. #1169
    16. Added altitude_ceiling, altitude_floor, geodetic_altitude, aerial_height, horizontal_accuracy, pressure_altitude, radius, speed, track_direction, and vertical_speed all to support operating_area and unmanned_aerial_system objects. #1169
    17. Added imei_list as an array string_t. #1225
    18. Added is_encrypted as boolean_t; column_name, cell_name, storage_class, key_uid, json_path as string_t & column_number, row_number, page_number, record_index_in_array as integer_t. #1245
    19. Added group_provisioning_enabled, scim_group_schema, user_provisioning_enabled, scim_user_schema, scopes, idle_timeout, login_endpoint, logout_endpoint, and metadata_url entries to the dictionary to support the new scim and sso objects. #1239
    20. Added new 11: Basic Authentication enum value to auth_protocol_id. #1239
    21. Added values as an array of string_t. #1251
    22. Added files urls and message_trace_uid. #1259
    23. Added kernel_release as a string_t. #1249
    24. Added os_machine_uuid as a uuid_t. #1268
    25. Added sbom, author, related_component, relationship, relationship_id and software_component to support SBOMs. #1262
    26. Added related_events_count as an int_t. #1271
    27. Added event_uid as a string_t. #1312
    28. Added debug attribute as a string_t array, used in the metadata object. #1308
    29. Added ancestry as a list of process_entity. #1317
    30. Added internal_name as a string_t. #1322
    31. Added cc_mailboxes, from_mailbox, to_mailboxes, delivered_to_list and reply_to_mailboxes. #1307
    32. Added flag_history and bytes_missed attributes. #1316
  • Objects

    1. Added environment_variable object. #1172, #1288
    2. Added advisory object. #1176
    3. Added a generic key_value_object object. #1219
    4. Added unmanned_aerial_system and unmanned_system_operating_area objects. #1169
    5. Added a long_string object. #1228
    6. Added discovery_details, encryption_details, occurrence_details objects. #1245
    7. Added scim object. #1239
    8. Added sso object. #1239
    9. Added vendor_attributes object. #1257
    10. Added aircraft object. #1253
    11. Added software_component and sbom objects. #1262
    12. Added drive_type and drive_type_id objects. #1287
    13. Added cpu_architecture and cpu_architecture_id objects. #1278
    14. Added process_entity object. #1317


  • Event Classes

    1. Added evidences to compliance_finding class. #1157
    2. Added is_alert to detection_finding and data_security_finding classes. #1178
    3. Added risk_details to data_security_finding class. #1178
    4. Removed constraint from group_management class. #1193
    5. Added Archived|5 as an enum item to status_id attribute in Findings classes. #1219
    6. Added a Trace activity_id to the Email Activity class. #1252
    7. Added a message_trace_uid to the Email Activity class. #1259
    8. Added vendor_attributes to all Findings Category classes. #1257
    9. Added sbom to Software Inventory Info class. #1262
    10. Relaxed requirements on the dst_endpoint attribute in the network_activity event class and added an at_least_one constraint with src_endpoint and dst_endpoint. #1274
    11. Relaxed requirements on the http_request and http_response attributes in the http_activity event class and added an at_least_one constraint with these attributes. #1274
    12. Added host profile to base_event and removed this profile elsewhere in the event hierarchy. #1280
    13. Added the actor attribute to the IAM base event. #1280
    14. Added security_control profile to base_event and removed this profile elsewhere in the event hierarchy. #1281
    15. Added policies to Account Change class. #1282
    16. Added Unlock activity to account_change class. #1285
    17. Added incident profile to finding to affect classes that extend it. #1293
    18. Added keyboard_info object to RDP event class. #1313
    19. Added attributes and a new Activity ID to the File Hosting Activity class for network file share services and authorization check result. Activity ID added: 17 - "Access Check". Optional context group attributes added: access_list, access_mask, access_result, share, share_type, and share_type_id. #1315
    20. Added command and protocol_name to Email Activity event class. #1307
  • Profiles

    1. Added is_alert, confidence_id, confidence, confidence_score attributes to the security_control profile. #1178
    2. Added risk_level_id, risk_level, risk_score, risk_details attributes to the security_control profile. #1178
    3. Added policy attribute to the security_control profile. #1178
    4. Added enum values to action_id of 'Observed', 'Modified', and 'Unknown'. #1265
    5. Updated action_id optionality to recommended in the security_control profile #1281
  • Objects

    1. Added phone_number to user and ldap_person objects. #1155
    2. Added has_mfa to user object. #1155
    3. Added vendor_name to cvss object. #1165
    4. Added file, reputation, subnet, and script to osint object. #1168
    5. Added environment_variables attribute to the process object. #1172
    6. Added forward_addr to the user object. #1179
    7. Added src_url to the cvss object. #1176
    8. Added advisory, exploit_last_seen_time to the vulnerability object. #1176
    9. Added related_cwes to the cve object. #1176
    10. Added vendor_name and model to device object. #1188
    11. Added http_headers to email object. #1199
    12. Added working_directory to process object. #1195
    13. Added is_deleted to file object. #1196
    14. Added entry for VBA macros to type_id enum in script object. #1198
    15. Added body_length to the http_response and http_request objects. #1200
    16. Added is_public to the databucket object. #1208
    17. Added tags to the account, container, image, ldap_person, metadata, resource_details, service, web_resource objects. #1207
    18. Added domain as a constraint to network_endpoint object. #1224
    19. Added http_request and http_response to the evidences object. #1212
    20. Added control_parameters and status_details to the compliance object. #1219
    21. Added geodetic_altitude, height, horizontal_accuracy, and pressure_altitude to location. #1169
    22. Added location to managed_entity. #1169
    23. Added imei_list to the device object. #1225
    24. Added tls and ja4_fingerprint_list object to the evidences object. #1244
    25. Added storage_class & is_public as cloud profile attributes to file object. Also added is_encrypted, encryption_details, tags to the file object. #1245
    26. Added discovery_details, occurrence_details, status trio, total, uid, size, & src_url to the data_classification object. #1245
    27. data_bucket object now inherits resource_details instead of _entity. Also, added encryption_details object to the data_bucket object. #1245
    28. Added auth_factors, domain, fingerprint, has_mfa, issuer, protocol_name, scim, sso, state, state_id, tenant_uid, and uid to idp. #1239
    29. Added hostname, ip, and name to resource_details for purposes of assigning an Observable number. #1250
    30. Added values to key_value_object. #1251
    31. Added files, urls, to the email object. Relaxed requirements on the from and to attributes of the object and added the at_least_one constraint. #1259
    32. Added kernel_release to os object. #1249
    33. Added related_analytics to osint object. #1264
    34. Added os_machine_uuid to the device object. #1268
    35. Added uuid to the device_hw_info object. #1268
    36. unmanned_aerial_system now extends from aircraft. #1253
    37. Added references metadata for win/reg_key, win/reg_value, account, container, database, fingerprint, group, http_cookie, job, script objects. #1266
    38. Added cloud_partition to the cloud object. #1271
    39. Added product, related_events_count, uid_alt, tags to finding_info object. #1271
    40. Added count, created_time, desc, first_seen_time, last_seen_time, modified_time, product, severity, severity_id, tags & title to related_event object. #1271
    41. Added drive_type and drive_type_id to the file object. #1287
    42. Added cpu_architecture and cpu_architecture_id to device_hw_info object. #1278
    43. Added name to script object. #1284
    44. Relax requirement of fingerprints in certificate object. #1302
    45. Added event_uid to the logger object. #1312
    46. Added debug attribute to metadata object. #1308
    47. Added optional url attribute to the file object. This allows capturing a file's URL in the File Hosting Activity (6006) event class. #1289
    48. Changed the process object to extend the process_entity object. #1317
    49. Added ancestry to the process object. #1317
    50. Added internal_name to the file object. #1322
    51. Added cc_mailboxes, from_mailbox, to_mailboxes, delivered_to_list and reply_to_mailboxes to email object. #1307
    52. Added sans array to certificate object. #1325
    53. Added flag_history attribute to the network_connection_info object. #1316
    54. Added bytes_missed attribute to the network_traffic object. #1316


  1. Added sibling definition to confidence_id in dictionary, accurately associating confidence as its sibling. #1180
  2. Added a fix (profile: null) to OSINT Inventory Info so that the osint attribute is present w/o the OSINT profile, per the class definition.
  3. Added http_response to all classes that have http_request, but no http_response object. #1200
  4. Removed redundant name attribute from Windows extension to the startup_item object for consistency with other extensions. #1203
  5. Changed activity_id requirement from optional to required in email_activity, email_file_activity and email_url_activity classes. #1307


  1. Deprecated project_uid in favor of account.uid. #1166
  2. Deprecated kb_article_list in favor of advisory in the vulnerability object. #1176
  3. Deprecated cwe in favor of related_cwes in the cve object. #1176
  4. Deprecated tag in favor of labels or tags in image & container object. #1207
  5. Deprecated status_detail in favor of status_details in compliance object. #1219
  6. Deprecated imei in favor of imei_list in device object. #1225
  7. Deprecated data_classification in favor of data_classifications in the data_classification profile. #1245
  8. Deprecated activity_id 4|Suppressed in the Data Security Finding event class. This shouldn't have been added when we first created it, as the right place for this info is status_id. #1245
  9. Deprecated email_file_activity and email_url_activity in favor of updated email_activity. #1259
  10. Deprecated package in Software Inventory Info in favour of sbom. #1262
  11. Deprecated product_uid in favor of the product object. #1271
  12. Deprecated policy in favor of policies in Account Change class. #1282
  13. Deprecated lineage in the process object. #1317
  14. Deprecated smtp_hello, smtp_from, smtp_to, delivered_to and reply_to in favor of command, from, to, delivered_to_list and reply_to_mailboxes respectively. #1307
  15. Deprecated tls.sans array in favor of added tls.certificate.sans array. #1325


  1. Added user.uid as an Observable type - type_id: 31. #1155
  2. Added and group.uid as Observable types - type_id: 32 and type_id: 33, respectively. #1155
  3. Added and account.uid as Observable types - type_id: 34 and type_id: 35, respectively. #1155
  4. Added new enumeration items to account.type_id. #1166
  5. Cleaned up event class definition files, removed /includes dir, simplified definition of base_event. #1167, #1171
  6. Added new file enum to osint.type_id. #1168
  7. Relaxed data-type constraints for file_hash_t, resource_uid_t & string_t. Fixed regex for datetime_t. #1174
  8. Added new Email Account enum to account.type_id. #1179
  9. Removing regex for hostname_t, considering the vast variance in its values. #1182
  10. In the metaschema, added support for additional metadata fields: source and references. #1189 #1237
    • The source attribute is a string for describing the location where an attribute's value comes from.
    • The references attribute is a list objects with url and description fields. These are intended to for reference to external resources. The url and description attributes are used to construct anchor (a) tags with the url used in the anchor's href attribute, and description used in the entity portion of the tag.
    • The source field can be used in attributes defined anywhere in the schema, specifically:
      • Dictionary attributes
      • Event class attributes
      • Object attributes
      • Profile attributes
      • Enum values in all places where attributes occur (the 4 cases above)
    • The references field can also be used in attributes anywhere in the schema, as well as for event classes, objects, and enum values; specifically:
      • Dictionary attributes
      • Event class attributes
      • Object attributes
      • Profile attributes
      • Enum values in all places where attributes occur
      • Event classes; top level attribute allowing link(s) about an event class
      • Objects; top level attribute allowing link(s) about an object
    • The source and references attributes are also supported in when extending or patching event classes and objects.
  11. Fixed minor spelling mistakes in attribute descriptions in dictionary.json. #1213
  12. In the metaschema, added support for @deprecated in enum values. #1237
  13. Fixed some more formatting of attribute descriptions in dictionary.json and idp.json. #1239
  14. Added as an Observable type type_id: 38. #1250
  15. Added 3 new enums (Registry Value, Registry Key, Command Line) to osint.type_id and added TLP:WHITE to osint.tlp enums. #1264
  16. Relaxed attribute requirement for name in observables object; title in finding_info object. #1271
  17. Relaxed attribute requirement for vendor_name in the product object. #1300

[v1.3.0] - August 1st, 2024


  • Categories

    1. Added Remediation category. #1066
  • Event Classes

    1. Added Event Log Activity event class to the System Activity category. #1014
    2. Added Remediation Activity, File Remediation Activity, Process Remediation Activity, Network Remediation Activity event classes to the Remediation category. #1066
    3. Added Windows Service Activity event class to the System Activity category via Windows extension. #1103
    4. Added Software Inventory Info event class to the Discovery category. #1134
  • Profiles

    1. Added osint Profile based on the osint object. #992
  • Objects

    1. Added d3fend, d3f_tactic, d3f_technique MITRE objects. #1066
    2. Added ja4_fingerprint object. #834
    3. Added ja4_fingerprint_list as a list of ja4_fingerprint objects. #834
    4. Added ticket object. #1068
    5. Added osint object. #992
    6. Added signatures object, an array of signature objects. #992
    7. Added whois object. #992
    8. Added domain_contact and array-typed domain_contacts object for use with whois object. #992
    9. Added Windows Service object to the Windows extension. #1103
    10. Added timespan object. #1125


  • Categories

  • Event Classes

    1. Added file_result to File Hosting Activity. #1045
    2. Added entries to injection_type_id enum (Process Activity) and activity_id enum (Memory Activity). #1060
    3. Added a Restart, Enable, Disable, and Update activity_id to the Application Lifecycle class. #1064
    4. Added ja4_fingerprint_list to base network event class. #834
    5. Added ticket to Incident Finding event class. #1068
    6. Added new activities Enroll, Activate, Deactivate, Suspend, and Resume to the Entity Management class. #1095
    7. Added new activity Listen to Network Activity and relax requirement of src_endpoint. #1147
    8. Added state, state_id to Device Config State Change. #1143
    9. Added resources attribute to Vulnerability Finding and Compliance Finding. #1150
  • Profiles

  • Objects

    1. Added ext to File object. #1046
    2. Added account, device, email, url, user to evidences in detection finding. #1000
    3. Added state_id, state to Digital Signature object. #1069
    4. Added domain to Uniform Resource Locator object. #1096
    5. Added reg_key and reg_value to Evidence Artifacts object. #1078
    6. Added type_id and associated entity objects to Managed Entity. #1094
    7. Added vendor_name, type, type_id to object package. #1093
    8. Added router, ids, and ips entries to type_id enum in the Endpoint object. #1121
    9. Added job to Evidence Artifacts object. #1130
    10. Added ip to object load_balancer. #1138
    11. Added cpe_name and hash to Software Package object. #1142
    12. Added avg_timespan to the kb_article object. #1125
    13. Added created_time,desc, short_desc, reputation, src_url to enrichment object. #1149
    14. Added compliance_references, compliance_standards to the compliance object. #1110


  1. Fixed the host profile construction in patch_state event class. #1087
  2. Removed the optional requirement overrides for name and uid in _resource as they are part of a constraint. #1087
  3. Fixed declarations of data_lifecycle_state_id, integrity, opcode_id, risk_level, and analytic.type_id. #1111


  1. Deprecated resource in Vulnerability Finding and Compliance Finding event classes in favor of resources. #1150

Breaking changes



  1. Colorized validator output #1048
    • Updated the GitHub workflow for the ocsf-validator to print colorized output.
  2. Clarify how to reference profiles in metadata #1056
    • Updated the description of metadata.profiles to clarify the correct way to reference a profile in that list.
  3. Added a gitignore file. #1071
  4. New Extension registration for Cisco #1074
  5. Cleaned up MITRE trademarks and registrations for captions and descriptions.
  6. Declared enums in dictionary.json have sane "0" (Unknown) and "99" (Other) declarations and descriptions where appropriate #1111
  7. Adds support for suppress_checks controls in attributes to allow tools to automatically validate conventions #1063
    • Updated several attributes that do not follow conventions to disable linting for them
  8. Added credential_uid as an Observable type - type_id: 19. #1137
  9. New Extension registration for US Gov #1140
  10. Enum definitions are now refactored such that generic enum descriptions have "See specific usage" in the description #1146

[v1.2.0] - April 23rd, 2024


  • Categories


  • Event Classes

    1. Added Data Security Finding event class. #953
    2. Added File Query event class. #967
    3. Added Folder Query event class. #967
    4. Added Group Query event class. #967
    5. Added Job Query event class. #967
    6. Added Kernel Object Query event class. #967
    7. Added Module Query event class. #967
    8. Added Network Connection Query event class. #967
    9. Added Networks Query event class. #967
    10. Added Peripheral Device Query event class. #967
    11. Added Prefetch Query event class. #967
    12. Added Process Query event class. #967
    13. Added Registry Key Query event class. #967
    14. Added Registry Value Query event class. #967
    15. Added Service Query event class. #967
    16. Added Session Query event class. #967
    17. Added User Query event class. #967
    18. Added Tunnel Activity event class. #1012
  • Profiles

    1. Added data_classification profile. #998
  • Objects

    1. Added auth_factor object. #949
    2. Added data_security object. #953
    3. Added autonomous_system object. #978
    4. Added agent object. #987
    5. Added data_classification object. #998
  • Observables

    1. Added port_t subnet_t cmd_line country pid cwe.uid cve.uid user_agent enum items. #1035
  • Platform Extensions



  • Categories

  • Event Classes

    1. Added auth_factors array to Authentication event class. #949
    2. Modified all classes such that primary attributes are at least recommended. #974
    3. Added src_endpoint, http_request attributes to all IAM category classes. #976
    4. Added autonomous_system to network_endpoint objects. #978
    5. Added List, Encrypt and Decrypt activities to datastore event class. #989
    6. Added file attribute to http, rdp, ssh, and ftp event classes. #985
    7. Added a Preauth activity_id to the Authentication class. #1018
    8. Added the Security Control profile to the Datastore Activity class. #1030
    9. Added risk_details to Detection Finding. #1032
    10. Added access_mask to Entity Management class. #1090
    11. Added access_list to Entity Management class. #1090
  • Profiles


  • Objects

    1. Expanded type_id enum in analytic object to account for more use-cases: #953
      • 5 - Fingerprinting
      • 6 - Tagging
      • 7 - Keyword Match
      • 8 - Regular Expressions
      • 9 - Exact Data Match
      • 10 - Partial Data Match
      • 11 - Indexed Data Match
    2. Added lat, long, geohash attributes to location object. #971.
    3. Added risk_score, risk_level_id, risk_level to user object. Issue #972.
    4. Added app_name, app_uid to actor object. Issue #966, PR #979.
    5. Added container, database, databucket to the evidences object. #984
    6. Added owner to endpoint object. #987
    7. Added is_applied Boolean attribute to policy object. #987
    8. Added agent_list as an array of agent objects. #987
    9. Added policies object as an array of policy objects. #987
    10. Added agent_list to endpoint object. #987
    11. Added labels to the Account object. #1028
    12. Added data_classification profile to database, databucket, email, file, metadata, product, resource_details and web_resource objects. #998
  • Platform Extensions



  1. Changed datatype of priority attribute, from integer_t to string_t #959
  2. Extended email_t regexp to allow characters from RFC5322 before @.
  3. Updated logon_type_id enum to include 0 as Unknown. Added enum item 1 as System. #1055


  1. Deprecated coordinates attribute in favor of specific lat, long attributes. #971
  2. Deprecated invoked_by attribute in the Actor object in favor of app_name. #979.

Breaking changes



  1. New Extension registration for Sedara. #951
  2. Corrected punctuation for the transmit_time attribute. #1001
  3. New ways to define observables in the metaschema. #982 and #993
    • (Current) Dictionary types using observable property in dictionary types. This allows defining all occurrences of attributes of this type as an observable.
    • (Current) Objects using top-level observable property. This allows defining all occurrences attributes whose type is this object as an observable.
    • (New) Dictionary attributes using observable property in attribute. This allows defining all occurrences of this attribute as an observable.
    • (New) Object-specific attributes using observable property class's attributes. This allows defining object attributes as observables only within instances of this specific object.
    • (New) Event class-specific attributes using observable property class's attributes. This allows defining class attributes as observables only within instances of this specific class.
    • (New) Event class-specific attribute paths using top-level observables property. The observables property holds an object mapping from an dotted attribute path to an observable type_id. This allows defining an observables only within instances of this specific class, and only for the attributes at these paths, even for attributes that are within nested objects and arrays. This can also be used for top-level class attributes, which can be more convenient that defining a class attribute observable for classes that extend another, but don't otherwise change a attribute definition.
  4. Metaschema improvements. #993
    • Detect unexpected top-level properties in object and event class definitions. This was added at this point to detect invalid observable definitions: invalid observable property in event classes, and invalid observables property in objects.
    • Remove hard-coded list of categories from metaschema/categories.schema.json, leaving this to the ocsf-validator. This change makes testing with alternate schemas that may add extra categories easier, as well as making it possible to validate private extensions that contain new categories.
  5. Metaschema error reporting #1027
    • Updated the definition of object and event so that metaschema errors reported by the validator with nested properties correctly attribute the error to the property with the error, rather than the top-level class.

[v1.1.0] - January 25th, 2024


  • Categories


  • Event Classes

    1. Added User Inventory Info event class. #667
    2. Added Vulnerability Finding event class. #698
    3. Added NTP Activity event class #705
    4. Added OS Patch State event class. #746
    5. Added Datastore Activity event class 6005. #874
    6. Added Detection Finding event class. #877
    7. Added Incident Finding event class. #903
    8. Added Device Config Sate Change event class. #914
    9. Added Scan Activity event class. #915
    10. Added File Hosting Activity event class. #917
  • Profiles

    1. Added Network Proxy Profile for the Network Activity and Application Activity classes. #705
    2. Added Load Balancer Profile for the Network Activity classes. #897
  • Objects

    1. Added new cwe object to cve and vulnerability objects. #678
    2. Added Firewall Rule object. #685
    3. Added new kb_article object to house Knowledgebase Article info. #709 #862 #924
    4. Added new epss object to the cve object. #741


  • Categories

    1. Improved Findings Category, with new and domain specific event classes (Vulnerability Finding, Compliance Finding, Detection Finding, Incident Finding), description updates across the board. #895 #907 #903 #698 #718
  • Event Classes

    1. Added MFA Enable and Disable to activity_id to the Account Change event class. #724
    2. Added Service Ticket Renew to activity_id of the Authentication event class. #765
    3. Added url attribute to Network Activity event class. #857
    4. Added http_request, http_response, tls attributes, network_proxy profile to Web Resources Activity event class. #895
    5. Adjusted requirement of dst_endpoint from required to recommended in the DNS Activity event class. #901
    6. Added Create and Delete to activity_id of the Group Management event class. #929
  • Profiles

    1. Improved security_control profile to include access control semantics, firewall properties. #851 #888 #889 #906
  • Objects

    1. Added url_string attribute to the product and the web_resource objects. #675
    2. Added type and type_id attributes to the endpoint object. #690
    3. Added cwe, desc, references and title to cve object. #698
    4. Added affected_package object andaffected_packages attribute to vulnerability object. #698
    5. Added purl to package object. #698
    6. Added cpe_name attribute to the product and os objects. #713 #731
    7. Added container and data to response and request objects. #738
    8. Added group to the api object. #738
    9. Added namespace to the resource_details object. #738
    10. Added log_level to the metadata object. #738
    11. Added length to the http_request object. #768
    12. Added is_exploit_available to the vulnerability object. #777
    13. Added domain attribute to the group object. #871
    14. Adjusted attribute requirements in dns_query, dns_answer objects. #879
    15. Added firewall, router, switch, hub to endpoint type_id enum. #921
    16. Added is_vpn to the session object. #922
    17. Added state to network_connection_info object. #932
    18. Added community_uid to network_connection_info object. #1202




  1. Deprecated cwe_uid and cwe_url attributes and removed from cve object. #678
  2. Deprecated http_status attribute from HTTP Activity event to be replaced by http_response.code. #767
  3. Deprecated finding object in favor of finding_info object. #769
  4. Deprecated proxy attribute from the dictionary, in favor of Network Proxy profile. #856
  5. Deprecated group_name attribute. #873
  6. Deprecated Security Finding class to be replaced by the new specific classes according to the use-case: Vulnerability Finding, Compliance Finding, Detection Finding, Incident Finding. #877
  7. Deprecated Web Resources Access Activity event class. #890
  8. Deprecated Network File Activity event class in favor of File Hosting Activity #917
  9. Deprecated extension_list in TLS object in favor of tls_extension_list. #936

Breaking changes



  1. New Extension registration for SentinelOne. #706
  2. Added json-schema based metaschema validation to ensure correctness, consistency of the JSON definitions. #736 #830 #867 #892
  3. Increased max_len for subnet_t type from 40 to 42. #745
  4. Improved the regex for ip_t type. #745
  5. Updated the datetime_t validation regex to enable validation of timestamps, and to ensure that timestamps not matching RFC-3339 are not considered valid. #753
  6. Added version information to the native extensions. #881
  7. Updated caption and description of Observable type - File Hash to read Hash. #900
  8. New Extension registration for DataBee. #912
  9. Changed data-type of type_uid to long_t from int_t. #928


Initial release of OCSF.