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Precompiled binaries are available for the stable releases and the current development build. Stereo Pipeline can also be compiled from source, but this is not recommended (:numref:`building_asp`).

Precompiled binaries

Linux and macOS

ASP builds are produced for Linux and OSX (with the Intel processor). ASP was verified to work on the OSX M1 processor using Rosetta 2. For Windows, see below.

Choose either the latest build (recommended) or a stable release from:

No installation steps or administrative rights are necessary. Extract the archive, and run the executables in the bin subdirectory as:

tar xvf StereoPipeline-3.4.0-2024-06-19-x86_64-Linux.tar.bz2
./StereoPipeline-3.4.0-2024-06-19-x86_64-Linux/bin/stereo --help

The result of the last command should be a help message.

To permanently add the ASP executable subdirectory to your PATH, add the following line to your shell configuration (e.g., ~/.bashrc), replacing /path/to/StereoPipeline/bin with the location on your filesystem:

export PATH=${PATH}:/path/to/StereoPipeline/bin

The latest additions are documented in :numref:`news`.


ASP does not offer Windows binaries. However, the Linux build can be run on Windows using the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). Once a recent Linux distribution is installed and verified to work, the installation steps are the same as for Linux.

Conda and docker

The latest ASP release (3.4.0) is available only as binaries. The 3.3.0 release can be installed via conda (:numref:`conda_intro`).

ASP can be installed with Docker (instructions).


The next steps depend on whether it is desired to process planetary (non-Earth), Earth, or aerial images.

Planetary images

If you plan to process images from NASA's spacecraft that are exploring other planets, you will need to install ISIS and its data. Summary of the steps:

  1. Fetch ISIS binaries and install, following

  2. Fetch ISIS data, as detailed at

  3. Add the ISIS executables to your path:

    • bash: export PATH="/path/to/isis/bin:${PATH}"
    • csh: setenv PATH "/path/to/isis/bin:${PATH}"
  4. Set the ISISDATA environmental variable to point to where your ISIS data was downloaded, per the installation link above. For example, in the bash shell, this is done as follows:

    export ISISDATA="/path/to/isisdata"

    Check that you have the directory $ISISDATA/base.

  5. Extract Stereo Pipeline:

    tar xvf StereoPipeline-<VERSION>-<ARCH>-<OS>.tar.bz2
  6. Add Stereo Pipeline to your path:

    • bash: export PATH="/path/to/StereoPipeline/bin:${PATH}"
    • csh: setenv PATH "/path/to/StereoPipeline/bin:${PATH}"
  7. Try it out. See :numref:`lronac_csm` for a quick Lunar example which does not require installing ISIS or it supporting data as above, :numref:`moc_tutorial` for an example using Mars images and ISIS data, and many other examples in :numref:`examples`.

Earth images

Processing Earth images is described in the data processing tutorial in :numref:`dg_tutorial`. See also examples for ASTER (:numref:`aster`), Pleiades (:numref:`pleiades`), SkySat (:numref:`skysat`), and many more in :numref:`examples`.

Aerial and historical images

Fetch the software as above. Processing images without accurate camera pose information is described in :numref:`sfm`. See also examples for declassified satellite images in :numref:`kh4`.

Common errors

Here are some errors you might see, and what it could mean. Treat these as templates for problems. In practice, the error messages might be slightly different.

Error: **ERROR** Unable to initialize camera model in Camera Factory.

**PROGRAMMER ERROR** Unable to create a shape model from
  given target and pvl.

**I/O ERROR** Unable to open [$ISISDATA/<Some/Path/Here>].
Stereo step 0: Preprocessing failed

You need to set up your ISIS environment or manually set the correct location for ISISDATA (:numref:`planetary_images`).

bash: stereo: command not found

You need to add the bin directory of your deployed Stereo Pipeline installation to the environmental variable PATH (:numref:`planetary_images`).

/bin/sh: camrange: command not found

You need to to add the bin directory of your ISIS installation to your path (:numref:`planetary_images`).

Cache size (500 MB) is larger than the requested maximum cache size

Consider increasing --cache-size-mb for your program. This also may be a sign of large input TIF images being stored in blocks as tall or as wide as the image. The storage scheme of an image can be examined with the gdalinfo -stats command, and an image can be rewritten with square blocks using the command:

gdal_translate -co compress=lzw -co TILED=yes -co INTERLEAVE=BAND \
  -co BLOCKXSIZE=256 -co BLOCKYSIZE=256 input.tif output.tif

If the new images are used instead, that warning should go away and the processing time should go down. Both gdalinfo and gdal_translate are included with ASP.

Fetching pre-compiled ASP with conda

The latest ASP release (3.4.0, June 19, 2024) is available only as binaries. See :numref:`precompiled_binaries` for how to fetch them.

The reason is that the latest ISIS conda release (8.0.3) has dependencies that are incompatible with what ASP expects. This will be rectified in the next ASP and ISIS releases.

See :numref:`news` for what changed between releases.

The latest ISIS can be installed via conda in a separate location (:numref:`planetary_images`). ASP's internal libraries are based on the ISIS source code (circa June 15, 2024), after the ISIS 8.0.3 release.

The ASP 3.3.0 release (August 16, 2023) can be installed via conda, together with ISIS 8.0.0.

ASP conda packages do not exist for ARM64 Mac (M1/M2). See :numref:`precompiled_binaries` for how this and platforms may be handled.

To install conda, see:

Make the fetched installation file executable and run it, such as:

chmod u+x ./

on Linux, and analogously on OSX. Use the suggested:


directory for installation.

Create an environment for ASP as:

conda create -n asp
conda activate asp

Add relevant channels:

conda config --env --add channels conda-forge
conda config --env --add channels usgs-astrogeology
conda config --env --add channels nasa-ames-stereo-pipeline

Do not skip doing each of these three, even if you think you already have some of these channels.


conda config --show channels

to ensure that the order of channels is:

- nasa-ames-stereo-pipeline
- usgs-astrogeology
- conda-forge
- defaults

Not having the channels in this order is likely to result in failure to install ASP.

Install ASP with the command:

conda install                 \
 -c nasa-ames-stereo-pipeline \
 -c usgs-astrogeology         \
 -c conda-forge               \

This will install ASP 3.3.0 together with ISIS 8.0.0. Note that the latest build (:numref:`precompiled_binaries`) may have more features and fixes than this official release.

Alternatively, consider using mamba instead of conda. It is must faster though it is not always guaranteed to work.


conda activate asp

to activate the environment in any new shell. This should put the ASP binaries in the path, and will also initialize the PROJ_DATA environment variable that is needed for the PROJ library. Or, set the PATH variable as in :numref:`precompiled_binaries`.


Check that the stereo command can be found as:

which stereo

If using ISIS, the environmental variable ISISROOT should be set to point to this distribution, such as:

export ISISROOT=$HOME/miniconda3/envs/asp

If you are working with planetary data, you need to complete the ISIS installation steps from this new asp conda environment. Your new asp environment already has the base ISIS software installed, but you must run the script which sets the ISIS environment variables, and also install the appropriate ISIS data files (if you also have a separate ISIS conda environment, you can use the set-up script to point the asp conda environment's ISISDATA environment variable to your existing data area).

For more information see the ISIS installation instructions and :numref:`planetary_images`.

Using a precise list of packages

This section applies to the prior ASP 3.3.0 release (:numref:`conda_intro`).

Some variability may exist in the precise dependencies fetched by conda. For the record, the full environment for this release can be found as a set of .yaml files in the conda subdirectory of the Stereo Pipeline GitHub repository. So, alternatively, the installation can happen as:

conda env create -n asp -f asp_3.3.0_linux_env.yaml


conda env create -n asp -f asp_3.3.0_osx_env.yaml

depending on your platform. Then invoke, as earlier:

conda activate asp

For how to build ASP, without and with conda, see :numref:`build_from_source` and :numref:`conda_build`.