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369 lines (288 loc) · 19.7 KB

File metadata and controls

369 lines (288 loc) · 19.7 KB

0.17.7 (Jun 9, 2024)

  • New features
    • Added support for Scala 3 derivation of EnumConfigWriter and EnumConfigConvert using a derives clause.
    • Added a new pureconfig-generic-scala3 module, a drop-in replacement of Scala 2's pureconfig-generic for semiauto derivation in Scala 3. It supports most of the types supported in pureconfig-generic and accepts product and coproduct hints.

0.17.6 (Feb 22, 2024)

  • New features
    • Added new pureconfig-pekko and pureconfig-pekko-http modules with relevant ConfigReaders and ConfigWriters for Pekko and Pekko HTTP types.

0.17.5 (Jan 18, 2024)

Maintenance update to update dependency versions.

0.17.4 (May 11, 2023)

Maintenance update to update dependency versions and fix issues with previously published modules.

0.17.3 (Apr 15, 2023)

Maintenance update to update dependency versions.

0.17.2 (Nov 7, 2022)

  • New features
    • Added Scala 3 support for several modules.

0.17.1 (Nov 21, 2021)

  • New features
    • Added a new ensure combinator to ConfigReader;
    • Added a new pureconfig-spark module with relevant ConfigReaders and ConfigWriters for Spark types;
    • Added a new pureconfig-ip4s module with relevant ConfigReaders and ConfigWriters for ip4s types.

0.17.0 (Oct 2, 2021)

  • Breaking changes

    • Removed code deprecated on or before v0.11.x.
  • New features

    • Added support for ChronoUnit.

0.16.0 (Jun 9, 2021)

Support for Scala 3.0 was introduced.

  • New features
    • Added beta support for Scala 3 type class derivation. See documentation for details.

0.15.0 (Apr 18, 2021)

  • Breaking changes
    • The Derivation type class was removed. If you were relying on it, e.g. by using Derivation.Successful directly or using Derivation values in function signatures, you can simply use ConfigReader and ConfigWriter directly. The docs were updated to recommend splain as a tool to debug implicit not found errors.

0.14.1 (Feb 28, 2021)

Support for Scala 2.11 was dropped and support for Scala 3.0 (RC1) was introduced.

  • New features
    • Added support for screaming snake case on naming conventions.

0.14.0 (Sep 21, 2020)

  • Breaking changes
    • Cursors are now backed up by Option[ConfigValue] instead of ConfigValue. Code accessing the value of a cursor should use valueOpt instead (with None replacing null in undefined values).

0.13.0 (Jun 27, 2020)

  • Breaking changes

    • ConfigOrigin is now used in place of ConfigValueLocation to represent the origin of ConfigValues;
    • The ProductHint and CoproductHint API was changed to allow better customization of how generic derivations are performed.
  • New features

    • ConfigReader and ConfigWriter instances for Byte;
    • Errors are now accumulated in readers derived using the pureconfig-magnolia module;
    • The error message displayed when using FirstSuccessCoproductHint and no valid coproduct option is found now shows the errors raised when attempting to derive each option;
    • ConfigReader and ConfigWriter instances for ConfigMemorySize;
    • ConfigConvert now has a more natural constructor;
    • ConfigConvert now has the xemap combinator to transform values read and written, where the reader function may specify custom failure reasons (similar to the emap of ConfigReader).
  • Bug fixes

    • Key names are no longer built using Symbol#toString, making them compatible with Scala 2.13.3.

0.12.3 (Feb 29, 2020)

  • Bug fixes
    • pureconfig-magnolia now uses existing ConfigReader instances in auto-derivation mode.

0.12.2 (Dec 21, 2019)

  • New features
    • Created an alternative generic derivation module that uses Magnolia instead of Shapeless (pureconfig-magnolia);
    • ConfigSource.resources now allows users to specify the class loader to use;
    • Added a prettyPrint method to ConfigReaderFailures.

0.12.1 (Sep 28, 2019)

  • New features
    • Added support for Scala 2.13 in the pureconfig-cats, pureconfig-cats-effect and pureconfig-circe modules;
    • Added a ConfigSource that reads configs from YAML documents in the pureconfig-yaml module.

0.12.0 (Sep 12, 2019)

  • New features
    • Introduced the new ConfigSource API, a new way of specifying how and from where configs should be read and merged. All loadConfig* methods in pureconfig are now deprecated in favor of config sources.

0.11.1 (Jun 14, 2019)

Support for Scala 2.13 was introduced.

0.11.0 (May 9, 2019)

Support for Scala 2.13 (RC1) was introduced.

  • Breaking changes

    • The default transformation in FieldCoproductHint changed from converting class names to lower case to converting them to kebab case (e.g. ConfigOption is converted to config-option). The old behavior can be retained by putting in scope an implicit def coproductHint[T] = new FieldCoproductHint[T]("type") { override def fieldValue(name: String): String = name.toLowerCase }.
  • New features

    • Added deriveEnumerationReader, deriveEnumerationWriter and deriveEnumerationConvert to the pureconfig.generic.semiauto package, allowing the derivation of readers and writers for enumerations encoded as sealed traits of case objects. As a consequence, the EnumCoproductHint is now deprecated in favor of these new methods;
    • CoproductHint now exposes a noOptionFound method allowing implementations to configure the failure reasons given when no option for a sealed family was able to be read.

0.10.2 (Feb 5, 2019)

  • New features
    • Added ConfigReader.Result[A] as an alias for Either[ConfigReaderFailures, A];
    • Introduced FluentConfigCursor, an alternative API to ConfigCursor focused on config navigation over error handling.

0.10.1 (Nov 30, 2018)

  • New features

    • loadConfigFromFiles now accepts a namespace parameter like the other loadConfig* varieties. (#437)
  • Bug fixes

    • scala-compiler and scala-reflect dependencies are now provided, rather than regular, dependencies. (#434)

0.10.0 (Oct 30, 2018)

Support for Scala 2.10 was dropped.

  • Breaking changes

    • Auto derivation of readers and writers for case classes and sealed traits is now disabled by default. Now users need to import everywhere a config is loaded or written (e.g. in files with calls to loadConfig);
    • The AllowMissingKeys trait was renamed to ReadsMissingKeys.
  • New features

    • The auto-derivation features of PureConfig, powered by shapeless, were extracted to a separate pureconfig-generic module, while pureconfig-core was left with only the absolute minimum for PureConfig to be useful. pureconfig will continue to be published as a Maven artifact aggregating the two aforementioned artifacts;
    • Users have now more control over reader and writer derivation. See the docs for more information;
    • New factory methods forProduct1, forProduct2, ..., forProduct22 were added to the companion objects of ConfigReader and ConfigWriter;
    • A new WritesMissingKeys trait enables custom writers to handle missing keys, a feature previously restricted to the built-in Option writer;
    • Cursors now perform the automatic type conversions required by HOCON when as<type> methods are called. Cursors now provide asBoolean, asLong, asInt, asShort, asDouble and asFloat.

0.9.2 (Aug 23, 2018)

  • New features

    • Users can now configure whether loadConfigFromFiles ignores or fails on non-existing or unreadable files;
    • Custom ConfigRenderOptions can now be passed to all config writing API methods;
    • PureConfig can now read Period instances written in the human-readable format supported by HOCON;
    • New configurable instances allow reading and writing maps with any key type, provided the respective conversion to/from strings;
    • ConfigCursor has a new atPath method for deep navigation into the config;
    • New pureconfig-yaml module adding support to load configs from YAML files.
  • Bug fixes

    • Fixed a bug where PureConfig was not working when custom preludes were used.

0.9.1 (Mar 22, 2018)

  • New features
    • ConfigReader and ConfigWriter for Char;
    • Modules for fs2, hadoop and http4s.

0.9.0 (Jan 8, 2018)

  • New features

    • A new ConfigCursor now provides idiomatic, safe methods to navigate through a config. It also holds context for building failures with a more accurate location and path in the config;
    • ConfigReaderFailure was revamped to facilitate the propagation of context on failures. There is now a separation between higher-level ConfigReaderFailures and concrete, location-agnostic FailureReasons.
  • Breaking changes

    • ConfigReader, as well as many related methods and classes, now reads configs from ConfigCursor instances instead of from direct ConfigValues. Code can be migrated simply by accessing the value field of ConfigCursor whenever a ConfigValue is needed. However, rewriting the code to use the new ConfigCursor methods is heavily recommended as it provides safer config handling and much better error handling;
    • Code for handling and raising failures may not work due to the revamp of the failure model. Inside ConfigReader instances users should now use the failed method of the new ConfigCursor instead of manually creating instances of ConfigReaderFailures;
    • The CannotConvertNull failure was removed, being superseeded by KeyNotFound;
    • Methods deprecated in previous versions were removed.
  • Bug fixes

    • Fixed a bug where some or all Derivation cases outside the pureconfig package were not showing the full error description.

0.8.0 (Aug 27, 2017)

  • New features

    • loadConfig methods now allow loading any type from a config when using a namespace, and not only types represented by config objects;
    • ConfigFieldMapping now has a withOverrides method that allows users to easily define exceptional cases to an existing mapping;
    • ConfigReader and ConfigWriter for java.math.BigDecimal and java.math.BigInteger;
    • ConfigReader for Booleans allows reading them from "yes", "no", "on" and "off" strings;
    • ConfigReader and ConfigWriter for shapeless.HList;
    • ConfigReader for Scala tuples can now read from ConfigListss;
    • Added an experimental way to debug when a converter fails to be derived because an implicit is not found. See the documentation for more information on how to enable it.
  • Breaking changes

    • ConfigWriter for tuples now writes them as ConfigLists, instead of a ConfigObject with keys _1, _2, and so on.
  • Bug fixes

    • A breaking change introduced in v0.7.1 where loadConfigFromFiles stopped allowing missing files was reverted;
    • loadConfig methods no longer throw an exception when passed a namespace where one of the keys is not a config object;
    • The xmap of ConfigConvert and the map method of ConfigReader now wrap exceptions that the functions used to map might throw in a ConfigReaderFailure;
    • FieldCoproductHint now removes the disambiguating key from the config object before passing it to the reader of a coproduct option.

0.7.2 (May 29, 2017)

  • Bug fixes
    • Fix value class ConfigReader and ConfigWriter derivation [#253].

0.7.1 (May 28, 2017)

  • New features
    • ConfigReader, ConfigWriter and ConfigConvert now have combinators such as map, flatMap and contramap, making them easier to compose;
    • New mechanism to read and write value classes. The readers and writers of the inner type are used instead of the ones for products;
    • New EnumCoproductHint for sealed families of case objects where objects are written and read as strings with their type names;
    • ConfigReader and ConfigWriter instances for Pattern and Regex;
    • ConfigReader and ConfigWriter instances for java.time.Duration;
    • ConfigReader and ConfigWriter for;
    • ConfigReader and ConfigWriter for arbitrary Java enums;
    • Improved error messages when a failure occurs reading a config;
  • Bug fixes
    • Duration.Undefined is correctly handled when reading and writing configurations [#184];
    • loadConfig method now handles properly cases where a requested config file cannot be read and when a provided namespace doesn't exist.

0.7.0 (Apr 2, 2017)

  • New features

    • ConfigConvert is now a union of two new traits - ConfigReader for reading configs and ConfigWriter for writing them:
      • Having an implicit ConfigReader in scope is enough to read a config to a instance of a given type;
      • Having a ConfigWriter is enough for writing instances to configs;
      • ConfigConvert can still be used everywhere it was before and is advisable when both operations are needed.
    • Many constructors for ConfigConvert instances were deprecated, while new ones were added in the companion objects of ConfigReader, ConfigWriter and ConfigConvert. The deprecation message of each one indicates the new method to use;
    • Add ConfigFactoryWrapper to control exceptions from typesafe ConfigFactory;
    • Modify the message of ConfigReaderException to group errors by keys in the configuration, instead of by type of error;
    • Add a path (Option[String]) to ConfigReaderFailure, in order to expose more information (if available) about the key in the configuration whose value raised the failure.
  • Breaking changes

    • loadConfigFromFiles works on Path instead of File for consistency;
    • ConfigValueLocation now uses URL instead of Path to encode locations of ConfigValues.
  • Bug fixes

    • pureconfig.load* methods don't throw exceptions on malformed configuration anymore and wrap errors in ConfigReaderFailures [#148].

0.6.0 (Feb 14, 2017)

  • New features

    • New ProductHint trait allowing customization of the derived ConfigConvert for case classes, superseeding ConfigFieldMapping (docs). In addition to defining field name mappings, ProductHint instances control:
      • Whether default field values should be used when fields are missing in the config (docs);
      • Whether unknown keys are ignored or cause pureconfig to return a Failure (docs).
    • Support for reading and writing java.util.UUIDs;
    • Support for reading and writing java.nio.file.Paths;
    • Support for reading and writing;
    • Support multiple failures, e.g. when multiple fields of a class fail to convert;
    • Add ConfigReaderFailure ADT to model failures and ConfigReaderFailures to represent a non empty list of errors;
    • Add ConfigValueLocation, which is the physical location of a ConfigValue represented by a file name and a line number;
    • Add loadConfigOrThrow methods to the API;
    • Add helpers to create ConfigConvert:
      • ConfigConvert.fromStringConvert that requires a function String => Either[ConfigReaderFailure, T]
      • ConfigConvert.fromStringConvertTry that requires a function String => Try[T]
      • ConfigConvert.fromStringConvertOpt that requires a function String => Option[T]
    • Add ConfigConvert.catchReadError to convert a function that can throw exception into a safe function that returns a Either[CannotConvert, T];
  • Breaking changes

    • ConfigConvert.from now returns a value of type Either[ConfigReaderFailures, T] instead of Try[T];
    • CoproductHint has been changed to adapt to the new ConfigConvert:
      • CoproductHint.from now returns a value of type Either[ConfigReaderFailures, Option[ConfigValue]]
      • now returns a value of type Either[ConfigReaderFailures, Option[ConfigValue]]
    • The default field mapping changed from camel case config keys (e.g. exampleKey) to kebab case keys (e.g. example-key). Case class fields are still expected to be camel case. The old behavior can be retained by putting in scope an implicit def productHint[T] = ProductHint[T](ConfigFieldMapping(CamelCase, CamelCase));
    • ConfigFieldMapping has no type parameters now;
    • ConfigFieldMapping was replaced by ProductHint as the type of object to put in scope in order to customize the derivation of ConfigConvert for case class. Old ConfigFieldMapping implicit instances in scope have no effect now. The migration can be done by replacing code like implicit def mapping: ConfigFieldMapping[T] = <mapping> with implicit def productHint: ProductHint[T] = ProductHint(<mapping>);
    • ConfigConvert.fromString, ConfigConvert.fromNonEmptyString, ConfigConvert.vstringConvert, ConfigConvert.nonEmptyStringConvert are now deprecated and the new helpers should be used instead.

0.5.1 (Jan 20, 2017)

  • New features
    • More consistent handling of missing keys: if a config key is missing pureconfig always throws a KeyNotFoundException now, unless the ConfigConvert extends the new AllowMissingKey trait.
    • Add support for the java.time package. Converters types which support different string formats, such as LocalDate, must be configured before they can be used. See the documentation for more details.
    • Add support for converting objects with numeric keys into lists. This is a functionallity also supported by typesafe config since version 1.0.1 and discussed in the following issue.

0.5.0 (Jan 3, 2017)

  • New features
    • Sealed families are now converted to and from configs unambiguously by using an extra type field (customizable) in their config representation;
    • New CoproductHint trait which allows customization of the derived ConfigConvert for sealed families;
  • Breaking changes
    • The default config representation for sealed families has changed:
      • By default pureconfig now expects to find a type field containing the lowercase simple class name of the type to be read. For example, for a family including DogConf and CatConf, pureconfig expects to find a type: "dogconf" field in the config file;
      • The old behavior can be restored by putting an implicit instance of FirstSuccessCoproductHint in scope (the migration to the new format is strongly recommended though, as the previous one may lead to ambiguous behavior);
      • More information about the default representation and on how to customize it can be seen in the documentation.
  • Bug fixes
    • 0 is accepted again as a valid Duration in configs.