< back to 04 Modeling and Development >
Kudos for your insist learning from this repository. It's time to deploy the applications to real AWS environment.
To deploy applications to AWS, you need to have the following essential tools installed:
This workshop will leverage Github webhook mechanism to automatically build / deploy application onto aws, so the first step is fork it.
Besides, please also update the repo owner information in theis source code:
Clone this repo under your account, and replace below owner name as your github account name.
const defaultSource = codebuild.Source.gitHub({
repo: 'designing-cloud-native-microservices-on-aws',
webhook: true, // optional, default: true if `webhookFilteres` were provided, false otherwise
webhookFilters: [
], // optional, by default all pushes and Pull Requests will trigger a build
Open the AWS Codebuild console, and click the Create build project, we will leverage this step to setup webhook, but we don't need to really save this build project, please follow the screenshots.
Create build project
Specify source, select github, and then Click Connect to Github
Authorize AWS CodeBuild, click Authorize aws-codesuite and confirm Password
Get connected with Github
Now, your github account is get connected with aws-codesuite, you don't need to save this code project, just cancel it. These steps just for webhook authorization.
By running this CDK application, You will get a standard VPC with 3 Availablity Zones environment, and one NATGateway serving private subnets.
Besides, in order to have an ease of use container orcheration service, an ECS Cluster with Fargate mode is also created.
cd deployment/coffeeshop-cdk
npm install
npm run build
cdk synth
cdk bootstrap aws://${your-aws-id}/${your-region-todeploy}
cdk deploy CoffeeShopCodePipeline
This workshop sample code is developed in Java8 with Quarkus Framework, Libs dependency managed by Maven. By running this CDK CoffeeShopCodePipeline stack, You will have:
- ECR - Will create a Docker Image repository to serve Orders-Web application.
- CodeCommit Repository - for auto deployment
- CodeBuild - Get Github WebHooked project, build source code, build docker image, Push image to ECR, deploy Orders-web Fargate Service, deploy coffee-sls Lambda Function, create Dynamodb Table -{ Order, Coffee}, create Event Rule in default Amazon EventBridge ..etc.
Deploy Result
CoffeeShopCodePipeline.CodeBuildProjectName = CodeBuildProject
CoffeeShopCodePipeline.AlbSvcServiceURL46A1D997 = http://Coffe-AlbSv-5MLHALGIGWUB-82783022.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com
CoffeeShopCodePipeline.AlbSvcLoadBalancerDNS20AA0F0B = Coffe-AlbSv-5MLHALGIGWUB-82783022.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com
CoffeeShopCodePipeline.Hint =
Create a "imagedefinitions.json" file and git add/push into CodeCommit repository "designing-cloud-native-microservices-on-aws
" with the following value:
"name": "defaultContainer",
"imageUri": "123456789012.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/coffeeshop/orders-web:latest"
CoffeeShopCodePipeline.Bucket = coffeeshop-nypea
CoffeeShopCodePipeline.CodeCommitRepoName = designing-cloud-native-microservices-on-aws
CoffeeShopCodePipeline.ServiceURL = http://Coffe-AlbSv-5MLHALGIGWUB-82783022.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com
CoffeeShopCodePipeline.StackName = CoffeeShopCodePipeline
CoffeeShopCodePipeline.StackId = arn:aws:cloudformation:us-west-2:584518143473:stack/CoffeeShopCodePipeline/f10c0520-0618-11ea-8122-023709c486f0
Stack ARN:
Do remember to create a "imagedefinitions.json" file and git add/push into CodeCommit repository "designing-cloud-native-microservices-on-aws " (that has been created as part of the deployment above) with the following value:
"name": "defaultContainer",
"imageUri": "your ecr repository arn for this coffeeshop/coffeeshop/orders-web:latest"
You could deploy these applications via two approach:
- At first time, self manually deploy application in CodeBuild service, just to select the CodeBuild project and click the start build button, then the deployment process will be started.
- Anytime, if you make any chang on the designing-cloud-native-microservices-on-aws repository on github, while you commit and push to master branch, then the CodeBuild service will automatically build it and trigger the codepipeline to deploy all these applications.
targetArn=$(aws lambda get-function --function-name coffee-sls-OrderCreatedHandler | jq '.Configuration.FunctionArn')
aws events put-targets --rule OrderCreatedRule --targets "Id"="OrderCreated","Arn"=$targetArn
ruleArn=$(aws events list-rules --name-prefix OrderCreatedRule | jq -r '.Rules[0].Arn')
aws lambda add-permission \
--function-name coffee-sls-OrderCreatedHandler \
--action lambda:InvokeFunction \
--statement-id stat-coffee-sls \
--principal events.amazonaws.com \
--source-arn $ruleArn
As all of the setting done, now you could hit the url which you created to make an coffee order:
The Orders-web service endpoint is the Stack output - CoffeeShopCodePipeline.AlbSvcServiceURLxxxx
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data '{"items":[{"productId":"5678","qty":2,"price":200}]}' \
Result :
Check the order table in DynamoDB
Check the lambda function(Order created event Handler) logs
Visit Cloudwatch Service web page, search log groups : /aws/lambda/coffee-sls-OrderCreatedHandler
START RequestId: acfc1cf1-ba73-402e-921d-2fa2d95af5dc Version: $LATEST
2019-11-27 05:58:23 [main] INFO solid.humank.coffeeshop.cofee.sls.orders.OrderCreatedHandler:39 - 0
2019-11-27 05:58:23 [main] INFO solid.humank.coffeeshop.cofee.sls.orders.OrderCreatedHandler:40 - 7ebdf9f0-888d-540e-038d-bd6e25bea29f
2019-11-27 05:58:23 [main] INFO solid.humank.coffeeshop.cofee.sls.orders.OrderCreatedHandler:41 - null
2019-11-27 05:58:23 [main] INFO solid.humank.coffeeshop.cofee.sls.orders.OrderCreatedHandler:42 - solid.humank.coffeeshop.order
2019-11-27 05:58:23 [main] INFO solid.humank.coffeeshop.cofee.sls.orders.OrderCreatedHandler:43 - 584518143473
2019-11-27 05:58:23 [main] INFO solid.humank.coffeeshop.cofee.sls.orders.OrderCreatedHandler:44 - 2019-11-27T05:58:18Z
2019-11-27 05:58:23 [main] INFO solid.humank.coffeeshop.cofee.sls.orders.OrderCreatedHandler:45 - us-west-2
2019-11-27 05:58:23 [main] INFO solid.humank.coffeeshop.cofee.sls.orders.OrderCreatedHandler:46 - [Ljava.lang.String;@7ca48474
2019-11-27 05:58:23 [main] INFO solid.humank.coffeeshop.cofee.sls.orders.OrderCreatedHandler:47 - 0
2019-11-27 05:58:23 [main] INFO solid.humank.coffeeshop.cofee.sls.orders.OrderCreatedHandler:48 - bd56e57b-1575-49b0-b002-a8ef33c926a2
2019-11-27 05:58:23 [main] INFO solid.humank.coffeeshop.cofee.sls.orders.OrderCreatedHandler:49 - 1
2019-11-27 05:58:23 [main] INFO solid.humank.coffeeshop.cofee.sls.orders.OrderCreatedHandler:50 - EntityId(abbr=ord, seqNo=5907, occurredDate=2019-11-27T05:58:14.881Z)
2019-11-27 05:58:24 [main] DEBUG software.amazon.awssdk.request:84 - Sending Request: DefaultSdkHttpFullRequest(httpMethod=POST, protocol=https, host=dynamodb.us-west-2.amazonaws.com, encodedPath=/, headers=[amz-sdk-invocation-id, Content-Length, Content-Type, User-Agent, X-Amz-Target], queryParameters=[])
2019-11-27 05:58:27 [main] DEBUG software.amazon.awssdk.request:84 - Received successful response: 200
2019-11-27 05:58:27 [main] DEBUG software.amazon.awssdk.request:84 - Sending Request: DefaultSdkHttpFullRequest(httpMethod=POST, protocol=https, host=dynamodb.us-west-2.amazonaws.com, encodedPath=/, headers=[amz-sdk-invocation-id, Content-Length, Content-Type, User-Agent, X-Amz-Target], queryParameters=[])
2019-11-27 05:58:27 [main] DEBUG software.amazon.awssdk.request:84 - Received successful response: 200
Coffee made...
END RequestId: acfc1cf1-ba73-402e-921d-2fa2d95af5dc
REPORT RequestId: acfc1cf1-ba73-402e-921d-2fa2d95af5dc Duration: 8150.39 ms Billed Duration: 8200 ms Memory Size: 512 MB Max Memory Used: 156 MB Init Duration: 887.71 ms
Check the coffee table in DynamoDB
Now, you have gone through all of the whole coffee ordering process journey, in case you would like to hands-on more, just implement more business scenario as you can, and taste all these Cloud coffeeshop on AWS.