- #146 update "Tips" section of README.md
- #158 fix scraping, adapting to changes made by various sites
- #159 fix typos
- #155 adapt to new multi-case tests on Codeforces
- #161 migrate from imp to importlib
- #162 fix JSON schema for results with --compatibility option
- #144 add CodeChef support again
- #133 allow old.yosupo.jp as URLs for Library-Checker problems
- #134 support virtual contests of AtCoder Problems
- #135 update about
subcommand; support yukicoder contests
- #128 [breaking changes] remove the feature to submit code to Codeforces
- The reason is described at #127
- #125 fix an issue about submissions to Codeforces again
- #116 [breaking changes] finished Python 3.5 support
- This breaks some environments, but such environments already reached EOL. The major version is not incremented.
- #120 fix an issue about submissions to Codeforces
- #112 deprecate the feature to get detailed info from submissions on AtCoder. The code is broken by update of AtCoder and replaced with placeholders.
- #111 fix some features about yukicoder
- #106 add support for Kagamiz Contest System
- #103 fix an issue about submitting code to Codeforces
- #98 tweak the testcases downloader for HackerRank
- #97 remove deprecated methods for yukicoder which are newly broken
- #95 support Codeforces EDU problems (@aberent)
- #93 fix the sample downloader for Facebook Hacker Cup
- #91 add the contest parser for yukicoder
- #82 fix the bug that happens when GCJ has multiple samples (@queragion2726)
- #80 revert the patch for RCPC tokens of Codeforces
- #74 disable the login feature for Codeforces
- #58 [breaking changes] remove deprecated APIs for yukicoder
- #71 fix the login feature for yukicoder (@beet-aizu)
- #56 remove trailing spaces from sample cases of Codeforces
- #57 fix a problem of
oj-api login-service
on Zsh
- #30 add another workaround for the same problem to 10.0.3
- #28 fix the workaround added at 10.0.3
- #26 add a workaround for a problem about installation
- online-judge-tools/oj#738 fix the lack of the support for a URL format of AOJ (@knshnb)
- forked from online-judge-tools
- add