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keithwoodlock edited this page Nov 13, 2012 · 9 revisions

see for "Github & Git" (getting and using Git) related information so that you get this project on your machine

Running the Individual Lending Javascript App

Running the remote Demo App

You can view the app on the demo server by going to:

Running the App On Your Machine

Go to directory IndividualLendingGeneralJavaScript.
Open IndivLendHome.html in your browser.

Put in Username: mifos Password: password This logs you on to the default tenant on the demo server.

If you are running mifosx locally add "?baseApiUrl=https://localhost:8443/mifosng-provider/api/v1/" to point to your local application running through "gradle clean tomcatRunwar"

Running locally against on the demo Mifos X server and even more so when you run on your local Mifos X server... you have to 'ping' the server before using the javascript app because the Mifos X server uses a self-signed certificate (Mifos X is configured to use SSL) The ping will get your browser to complain...... follow its instructions to proceed (adding username/password where requested) and then you can use the app.

To ping the demo server use:

To ping the local server use: https://localhost:8443/mifosng-provider/api/v1/clients/1?tenantIdentifier=default&pretty=true

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