Releases: openfaas/faasd
Fix issue with annotations and labels on multiple functions
Changelog for 0.9.9:
- PR #129 Fix annotation/label loading in #128 by @alexellis
- PR #123 Add arm64 support for cni plugins by @jsiebens
baa9a18 Update Go mod by @alexellis
1a8e879 Fix annotation/label loading in #128 by @alexellis
0d9c846 Minor fixes for installation by @alexellis
8db2e2a Add arm64 support for cni plugins by @jsiebens
0c790bb Update by @alexellis
797ff08 Update roadmap by @alexellis
Generated by Derek
GH Actions test build
GitHub Actions test build
Changelog for 0.9.7:
- PR #125 Move form Travis CI to Github Actions by @akosveres
- PR #120 add bash script to reduce duplication of installation steps by @jsiebens
4e9b607 Remove travis.yaml and update build status badge by @akosveres
1862c0e Various fixes to make the github actions workflow pass by @akosveres
ae909c8 Add publish github actions workflow by @akosveres
6f76a05 Add build github actions workflow by @akosveres
8f022cf Update by @alexellis
ff9225d Update roadmap by @alexellis
1da2763 Add arm64 support by @alexellis
666d6c4 Add note for GitHub users by @alexellis
2248a8a Move hashgen into Makefile by @alexellis
908bbfd Remove Gopkg files by @alexellis
b40a7cb add bash script to reduce duplication of installation steps by @jsiebens
Generated by Derek
Add annotation support and hard memory limits for functions
- Annotation support enables the connector-sdk and range of event-connectors/triggers such as cron.
- Hard memory limits for functions mean that a function will be killed and restarted when it OOMs
- Annotation support for functions
- Add a hard memory limit support for functions
- Optimize cloud-init scripts to do a shallow-clone
- Publish SHA sums for each binary
Changelog for 0.9.6:
- PR #86 Annotation support by @atomic77
- PR #118 Bump the openfaas/gateway to 0.19.1 & fix cloud-config by @utsavanand2
- PR #115 Do a shallow checkout of version 0.9.5 of faasd in cloud-init. by @devries
- PR #112 Update faasd version in cloud-config to 0.9.5 by @utsavanand2
- PR #108 Add memory limit support by @alexellis
a66f65c Improve clarity of testcase table by @atomic77
ac1cc16 Annotation support by @atomic77
716ef6f Bump gateway version to 0.19.1 & do a shallow checkout of faasd repo by @utsavanand2
92523c4 Update docs for multipass by @alexellis
5561c5c Do a shallow checkout of version 0.9.5 of faasd in cloud-init. by @devries
6c48911 Create SHASUMS by @alexellis
3ce7245 Update faasd version in cloud-config to 0.9.5 by @utsavanand2
8d91895 Merge README by @alexellis
7ca531a Update to use Go modules by @alexellis
94210cc Update vendor for apimachinery by @alexellis
9e5eb84 Add memory limit support by @alexellis
Generated by Derek
Expose ports from compose, log to core services to journal and restart stopped tasks
In this release:
Expose ports from docker-compose.yaml - a big one!
You can now access the built-in Prometheus and NATS instances via their APIs and add in additional services like Caddy to the docker-compose.yaml file. Expose to localhost or the whole network. Use
to expose on all interfaces or127.0.0.1:9090:9090
to expose to only the local adapter for use with inlets, an SSH tunnel or a reverse proxy. -
Move core services logs to the journal for clarity - a small fix, but a big win.
The logs of the gateway and all core services are now moved into journalctl, so that faasd just does its thing and shows you what you need to look at in one place.
Restart tasks that excited or were in a stopped state
Ideal when your function crashes or hits a memory limit
Changelog for 0.9.5:
- PR #110 Restart stopped tasks by @alexellis
- PR #107 Move core services logs to the journal for clarity by @alexellis
- PR #105 Expose ports from docker-compose.yaml by @alexellis
b20e561 Return out of scale handler when hitting an error by @alexellis
40829bb Restart stopped tasks by @alexellis
87f49b0 Add upgrade instructions by @alexellis
b817479 Document logs redirection by @alexellis
faae82a Move core services logs to the journal by @alexellis
cddc10a Document APIs by @alexellis
1c8e8bb Fix proxy test by @alexellis
6e537d1 Add docs for compose file by @alexellis
c314af4 Add local resolver for system containers by @alexellis
4189cfe Expose ports for core services by @alexellis
9e2f571 Update by @alexellis
Generated by Derek
Fix an issue with null checking of labels
Changelog for 0.9.4:
- PR #102 Add null-checking for labels by @alexellis
93825e8 Add null-checking for labels by @alexellis
Generated by Derek
Fix an issue with logs and proxying of the gateway
Changelog for 0.9.3:
- PR #100 Proxy the gateway using TCP to fix an issue with buffered logs by @alexellis
- PR #96 Add subdomain variable to terraform by @mrsimonemms
- PR #92 Upgrade versions for terraform scripts by @alexellis
6752a61 Proxy the gateway using TCP by @alexellis
16a8d2a Add subdomain variable to terraform by @mrsimonemms
68ac4df Add ignore files by @alexellis
c2480ab Upgrade versions for terraform scripts by @alexellis
d978c19 Upgrade containerd version and add note to cloud-config by @alexellis
038b92c Add faas-cli step by @alexellis
f1a1f37 Pin containerd service version for dev instructions by @alexellis
2469246 Update start-order for dev instructions by @alexellis
bdfff4e Update roadmap and known-issues by @alexellis
e3589a4 Correct spelling of Canonical in tutorial by @alexellis
b865e55 Update intro to faasd by @alexellis
89a728d Add links for containerd by @alexellis
2237dfd Update verbiage and intro to project by @alexellis
4423a53 Move multipass tutorial into the repo by @alexellis
a6a4502 Update roadmap and backlog by @alexellis
8b86e00 Add additional authors by @alexellis
3039773 Rename mac file to darwin suffix by @alexellis
Generated by Derek
Publish depgraph package for determining dependencies
Add depends_on fields to OpenFaaS services
Changelog for 0.9.1:
- PR #85 Add depends_on fields by @alexellis
This is a required for users of 0.9.0 and ensures correct start-up order of the core services. Prior to 0.9.0, these were hard-coded and then the project moved to a YAML file which affected startup success.
88f1aa0 Update docs for Graph and Node by @alexellis
2b9efd2 Add depends_on field for core service ordering by @alexellis
db53121 Update cloud-config example to 0.9.0 by @alexellis
Generated by Derek
Configure core services with a compose file
Changelog for 0.9.0:
- PR #80 Print version and reduce verbosity by @alexellis
- PR #76 Load core faasd service definitions from compose by @LucasRoesler
This release introduces breaking changes, whereby the core OpenFaaS services are now
defined and loaded from a docker-compose.yaml file instead of being hard-coded within
the up.go
file. You will have to fetch the docker-compose.yaml file from the root of this repository
before upgrading to the 0.9.0 binary.
The benefit is that you can tweak versions and timeouts without rebuilding faasd.
26debca Print version and reduce verbosity by @alexellis
50de0f3 Load core faasd service definitions from compose by @LucasRoesler
Generated by Derek