Make necessary changes to the code.
Update version number in jpylyzer.py, and sonar-project.properties (do we really need last file?)
In case of changes to command-line interface, update jpylyzer.pod file in the Debian folder.
Create new entry in changelog using:
dch -i
then manually update the version number, and create list of changes. Also make sure the e-mail address is a valid e-mail address.
Update User Manual if necessary and export the Markdow file to HTML. See instructions here.
Commit all changes and push to the master branch.
Add tag:
git tag -a 1.x.x -m "release that fixes everything"
Push tags:
git push --tags
Create and upload PyPi packages by running:
Build Windows binaries by running:
(This requires Wine and a recent version of the winbind package; see also the more detailed instructions here.)
Build Debian packages for Linux using the instructions here.
Go to Latest Release and click on the Edit button.
Upload Linux/Windows packages to the release by dragging them to the Attach Binaries field at the bottom.
Website: update binVersion in _config.yml (this updates the links to all packages to the correct version).
Website: write a short release note in the _posts directory.
Test website by running:
jekyll serve
Check website in browser at the following address:
Commit changes to website and push to branch gh-pages.
Spread the word!