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File metadata and controls

186 lines (169 loc) · 6.29 KB


This is just a bunch of ideas at this moment. We recognise this is too big to our sub-group to handle. Once we finish with this list, we shall de-prioritize and/or drop some of those.


  • Both in lifecycle, discovery and installations/provisioning
  • Consider roll into one of the below


  • Discovery of the DPU and optionally BMC
  • DNS / LLDP / SSDP ?
  • SDN controller ?
  • Discover could be part of the Provisioning bullet
  • Discover from
    • Network
    • Host
    • BMC
    • Other…


  • Identity - Vendor, SN, P/N, SW/FW versions, …
  • Capabilities of the DPU
    • System resources: Core, Memory, storage, …
    • Offload / Accelerations: hw vs sw capabilities
      • Compression, Encryption,FPGA, GPU,Raid, …
      • Algorithms, Features, protocols, …
      • Performance capabilities BW, IOPs, Latency…
    • Capabilities are dynamic and can be added/removed (i.e., via FPGA)
    • Consumed capacity/resources vs remaining capacity / resources
  • Advertising to ? i.e. SDN controller
  • Advertise management end point) for example port) that API will consume
  • Persistent High-Available Storage AND State – is it something we need? Or part of the sub-group ?

Initial provisioning / Initial boot image…

  • PXE, local DPU storage boot, boot from the host, boot from BMC
  • Zero-trust
  • Secure boot and image signing
  • Consider making this a priority item of the focus
  • UEFI boot, selecting the OS and RootFS is one option

Boot sequencing & crash recovery

  • IS IT PART OF THE SCOPE? Or just lower priority ?
  • Who boots first : dpu / dpu bmc / host / host bmc ?
  • Wait for boot ? control boot order…
  • Controlled reset – what is the sequence?
    • Only DPU v only Host vs Both vs all DPUs (multiple DPU in the host)
    • DPU power cycle
  • Uncontrolled reset
    • When DPU SW/Kernel crashes
    • When DPU FW/NIC/powerloss crashes or reboots
    • When Host crashes soft reset
    • When Host crashes – power cycle / reset
    • When BMC crashes?
    • PCIe uncorrectable errors
    • Maybe Uncontrolled reset is lower priority
  • DPU is not booting at all
    • Corrupted flash / corrupted/missing DIMMs
    • Understand reason for not booting – APIs…
    • Ability to debug this state

Lifecycle & Updates

  • DPU fw images
  • DPU sw images
  • BMC fw
  • Host ? – agent/driver on the host talking to DPU
  • Non-disruptive upgrades
    • host application is not affected if DPU is updated
    • DPU is not affected if HOST is updated
  • Version dependencies
  • Return versions as part of inventory/discovery
  • New: who initializes the update ?
    • Host / bmc /dpu ?
    • Focus on DPU interface that is exposed/provided for the update
  • New: where the update images live?
    • TBD
  • Access/user/authentication rights – who is allowed to do what and through which interface

Deploy/Scheduling services on DPU (as oppose of OS deploy)

  • Where services are deployed from? Host & Network
    • According to Security / Access rights
  • Ability to Deploy at large scale
  • Stacking / Chaining of services
    • More API question and not deploy question?
  • Running environment / context
    • Kernel modules
    • Containers
      • Do we care docker or rocket or pods whatever?
      • Though operator vs k8s-like pods / services
    • Apps not in container
    • VMs – out of question
  • Lifecycle of services (+upgradability)
    • Containers vs kernel – different lifecycle methods
    • Some services have to be non-disruptive (no down time)
    • Resources, Compatibility, Security
    • BMC involvement in the services lifecycle – yes/no?
    • Ripple / Cascade upgrades with dependencies
  • Security & Permissions
    • Signed services (like signed images)
    • Trusted services (covered by signed services) signed authority?
    • Third party vs Official/Published vs Vendor vs Private services
    • Access/Permissions rights to deploy container vs kernel module
    • Selinux / Sandbox / c-groups / network namespace…
  • Scheduling
    • Services in random nodes (according to resources and constrains)
    • Services on specific nodes (for example to accommodate specific app on the host)
    • Ripple / Cascade scheduling with dependencies
    • Resources available vs taken of the DPU
      • CPU, memory, network, accelerators, local storage,…
    • Compatibility
      • From DPU Vendor and P/N
      • With other services running already
      • Underlying base distro/linux
  • State of the services
    • High availability of the state?
    • State across several DPUs
  • Migration
    • From Host to DPU and back
    • From DPU to another DPU
    • ...
  • Open questions
    • Do we have any services/apps that will require DPU reboot ?
    • ...

Monitoring & Telemetry

  • Centralized and aggregated separated service
    • First inside the DPU locally
    • Across fleet of DPUs (optionally)
  • Propagation & subscription model
    • PUB/SUB
    • Pulling
    • Streaming
  • Storage to hold all this data
    • Streaming platforms…
    • Permanent storage…
    • External to DPU
    • Internal to DPU
    • If Host server is available host storage option
    • How much data we save back…
  • Plugins
    • System syslog plugin (mostly kernel and system)
    • BMC plugin
    • Most of the services are user space and containers
    • Native to other custom services
    • What protocols do we use? gRPC? maybe out of scope ?
  • Verbosity
    • Filtering on sender (service) side
    • Filtering on aggregator side
  • Classes
    • Logging
      • Is this just type of telemetry or event below ?
      • Telemetry
      • Environmental (temp)
      • State of resources / load (cpu, mem,..)
      • Error counts from offload/fw/hw/…
      • Usage statistics (bw, iops, packets … for billing)
    • Events / Alerts
      • State change
      • Service up/down/new
    • Capabilities
      • See the capabilities bullet…
      • Does this change much ?
  • Performance
    • Possible out of scope …
    • Due to limited resources of the DPU
  • Telemetry loss
    • Possible out of scope …
    • What happens when DPU loses communication?
    • How to offload / trim / discard the aggregated?
  • Implementation questions
    • Can we utilize IPDK framework and start implementing all the things we discuss above?
    • This could be a good vehicle to try those ideas in the real-life application
    • The APIs today in SPDK/IPDK/DPDK are too low level
    • We can start with those frameworks…
    • Action item: bring somebody from IPDK (Dan.D) ?
    • Think about Telegraf , Fluentd and InfluxDB...