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MasterWWW gerald525
Senior Full Stack Engineer - React | React Native | Node.js | TypeScript | JavaScript | HTML | CSS | Next.js | Nest.js | MySQL | MongoDB
Emil H. Södergren emilsoder
Been writing code since I was 7 years old.

Stockholm, Sweden

Niklas Kahn niklas-r
Freelancing web developer

Neat Minds Sweden, Stockholm

Marina Sundström marinasundstrom
👩‍💻✨ Software Developer

Malmö, Sweden

Linus Norén LinusNoren
Working as a .NET backend developer at @Norionbank.

@Norionbank Göteborg

Mattias Selldén mattsell82
Student in system development. Confident working in .NET with C# and EntityFramework. I enjoy working across the whole stack, with extra interest in back end.


Annasara Garlöv AnnasaraGarlov
Arbetar på Active Solution! Utöver att vara en riktigt schysst arbetsplats är vi riktigt kompetenta på det vi sysslar med.


Dhan Lomander Nahd92

Norion Bank Gothenburg

Peter Örneholm PeterOrneholm
Microsoft AI MVP with a passion for web and the cloud. CTO @BudiAB

@BudiAB Stockholm, Sweden