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Di Q1hua huazaiki
A Lifelong Learner.

Hebei University of Engineering Hebei

siqi wei crowleyeusfordv
man on many missions~

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Fatea LN-Fatea
Science and engineering enthusiast
Ita_Hloks Ita-Hloks
Don't accept their speed limit. Run!
Tran Vo TranHap
I started learn to code in 28th Sep

School Viet Nam

bella isabellanazzari
at amazon, finding the best.

@Amazon new york


Tsinghua netbar whitehole

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Why are you so skilled!
Mai Elkheshen meiatef066
Computer Science Student @ Menoufia university

cairo Egypt

Jens Baker Jens-Yan
From Huazhong Agricultural University
Daniel Huang dh-46
Associate Android Developer

Environmental Management Consultants Technologies Inc. Taiwan

MinShiMia MinShiMia
I am a passionate Data Scientist and Data Engineer with a deep commitment to learning, sharing knowledge, and making meaningful contributions!

Sunwater Institute San Jose

倒悬 iridescent-ll
a postgraduate of Southwest University
Youness Bourgui BOURGUI07
Spring Boot Developer

Marrakech, Morocco

Ney Ney1486567118
Don't compare.

Beijing Institute of Technology BeiJing, China

Yiyun Lei yiyunlei
不积跬步,无以至千里。Without accumulating small steps, one cannot reach a thousand miles.
欧阳浏源 (Ouyang Liuyuan) oy60
Tsinghua University/major in Computer Science and Technology

Tsinghua University 清华大学紫荆公寓11号楼

MasterJ masterj122517
In Code We Trust

harbin university of science and technology China, Harbin

Cecilia Wang Sting6-6code
💡 Building the Web, One Bug at a Time | NEU Student | Future Full-Stack Wizard 🧙‍♂️

Northeastern University Boston

Omar Senpai Omar0xPy
Computer Science student + Competitive Programmer | Algorithms & ML enthusiastic

Al Behera, Egypt