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Iraitz IraitzM
Data whisperer and qubit rotator 👍

Falcondale LLC Santander

Cristian B. taabrcr
🥷 Tech Lead with Passion to Innovate ! 💻 Implementing Ideas in the Cloud ☁️☁️ 🕵️‍♀️ Web App | Data Science | AI and ML ✍ Always Learning and Practicing

@NinjaArch World

Rudolf J rudolfjs
🥼Data Laboratory Lead 🔬Research Fellow 📚 HDR @ The University of Queensland
Elliot Partridge followingell
Senior Data Engineer interested in what happens at the intersection of technology, culture & design.

@zapier Valencia, Spain

Jeremy hantmac
To be a coder

@datafuselabs Shanghai

Bart Lammers bflammers
Building Eyk - tracking & analytics for modern e-commerce brands 🔥

Eyk Data Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Hernán Vignolo hvignolo87
Data & Analytics Engineer

@emilabs Buenos Aires, Argentina

Alex Higgs DVAlexHiggs
I'm the Product Manager/Owner at Datavault. I specialise in data pipelines and testing in Python, and building frameworks around the Data Vault 2.0 architecture

@Datavault-UK Portsmouth, UK

Joe Barter DVJoeBarter
Data Engineer @ Datavault. I specialise in BA, Data and Concept Modelling as part of Data Vault 2.0 solutions. A.K.A. Graphics Guy, also love Wensleydale.


Doug Eisenstein daefresh
I build disruptive tech products and lead elite engineering teams 🔥.


Daniel Sef danielsef
Data Engineer / Software Engineer interested in data architectures, streaming systems, machine learning, deep learning and Digital Products.


Sam samvardhan777
Inspiring data engineer with a passion for AI.
Avinash Kumar avinashhsinghh
Machine Learning Experts

Remote india

Georvic Tur J0hnG4lt
A computer scientist who is interested in data science, big data, distributed systems, and scalability.
