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Sahil Snail2037
Sophomore CS Major at the University of Maryland, College Park


Andrew Jones aljones15
Full Stack Web Developer with a love of test driven development, statistics & functional programming.

Arlington, VA


fannie Mae


Fannie Mae

karthik v karthikvx

Fanniemae reston, va

Mark Farnsworth farnsies
A little bit of this, a little bit of that.

Bike Ashburn

Adan Martinez adanvmartinez
Passionate Full-Stack developer, currently working on a Golang and React based application and deployment on cloud based infrastructure.

Fannie Mae AR, US

Prasad vpc199
Software developer focused on DevSecOps, Security& Compliance.. Cloud platforms, IoT, Image processing(Open CV, YOLO...), Embedded Systems.


Henry Graves Henry-Graves
Full-Stack Software Engineer - always learning something new

Fannie Mae Arlington, VA

Ravishankar Sivasubramaniam ravishan16
I am a software engineer, architect, and father currently living in Chicago, Illinois. My interests range from technology, cycling, programming, and reading.

Chicago, IL

Sai Kiran Naik sai-banoth

Fannie Mae Charlotte

Bala Gorre balagorre
# Hi there! ๐Ÿ‘‹ I'm Bala Gorre

Fannie Mae Aldie VA

Thomas Cooper coopernetes
Former packet jockey, aggressively moving up the stack. Cloud, DevOps and open source things.

@RBC Toronto, Canada

Huitzilihuitl andreology
I never let my schooling get in the way of my education ~M. Twain

California State University, Long Beach North Long Beach, CA

Rian Rizvi rianrizvi
Working on releases to the website. Message me on LinkedIn, and share what you are working on.

San Francisco, CA

Tyler Cole tylercolesgithub
Novel Economist Novel Data Scientist

Gettysburg, PA

Joshua Tuberville jtuberville

Fannie Mae Los Angeles, CA

Griffin Cosgrove griffincosgrove
Software Engineer | Current Interest: Cloud Computing

@FannieMaeOpenSource Reston, Virginia

Joseph Castle opensource-joe
Focused on public sector technology.

@sassoftware Washington, DC

Ragha Vema rvema
Developer, Tech Enthusiast, Globe Trotter and Food aficionado!

@Hygieia @FannieMae United States

Brenton Stevens GibsonTone
OSS Compliance & Community

Fannie Mae