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Integral Business Intelligence Los Angeles, CA

Jonas Silva jonassilva90

Klug Sistemas Brazil

杜玛 duma520

杜玛府 中国

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


littlerobinson littlerobinson
Developer in transition in data sciences and data engineering.
Lyfeloop Inc lyfeloopinc

@lyfeloop United States

John FunctionalTheory
I studied philosophy at U of T. ( is my old account which I no longer have access to


Zezhao Guo ZacharyG666
Think proactively using first principles.
Ju-young Shin DENGARDEN

Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) Genome Editing Laboratory Seoul, South Korea

Oscar_VegAI oscarvegaIA
Bots con IA Automatización de Procesos Construcción de Asistentes

Tecno Venta Digital Paraguay

geeth IroshaGeethanjalie
I'm Irosha Geethanjalie , an undergraduate at university of Ruhuna Sri Lanka. Currently I'm reading a computer Science degree program at the university of Ruhun

Kalutara, Sri Lanka

Jahirul Islam jahirulislm
A curious technology learner, curiosity helps me to code in different languages.
